Rappz's country News on the Free For All Server

Fifteenth round: Jun 02, 2012 - Aug 02, 2012

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Jul 27, 4:21
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives killed 874 of your spies!

Jul 27, 4:20
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

Jul 27, 4:19
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives attempted to sabotage missiles, but none were found!

Jul 27, 4:19
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives destroyed 1 of our missiles!

Jul 27, 4:19
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness!

Jul 27, 4:19
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness!

Jul 27, 4:18
Henderson24 (#3018): You lost 15,616 jets when a local airbase blew up!

Jul 27, 4:18
Henderson24 (#3018): You lost 16,266 jets when a local airbase blew up!

Jul 27, 4:18
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives destroyed 134 buildings!

Jul 27, 4:18
Henderson24 (#3018): Enemy operatives destroyed 135 buildings!

Jul 10, 12:08
jo ccx (#2066) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 7683 enemy spies.

Jul 03, 19:16
Darlington (#607): Enemy operatives destroyed 2 of our missiles!

Jul 03, 19:16
Darlington (#607): Enemy operatives destroyed 3 of our missiles!