
locket Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 2:24:56

Originally posted by breeze:
To be honest I could really care less of what some think. We play how we want. Its a game of war, and that's how we look at it. No its not a moral victory. Did we know Rival was netting NO. Do we care if they were netting NO. Some can say what they want and quite frankly we don't care. Most of the people here now are the cause of the down fall of this game. We at Imag want the game to continue. Tell me what is wrong with mixing it up and going back to the game as it once was with more than 400 players playing. I know some will have a childish answer here. How has netting made this game grow. It hasn't, it has been downsized, by the netting community. Now we have the all mighty powers to be dictating when you can war. I say BS. How about we work for more wars and gaining new people. Instead of the same BS every set. I do know some don't like the way things are here. As for me the President of Imagnum, I take responsibility for the Rival war. We were not set to FS Rival. They were not our first target. Our first target was not available at the time. Rival was a last minute target. But that is not an excuse. That mistake I will grow from. As for Rival, all I can say is a job well done.

Funny because more players quit due to wars than to any netting issues. The war clans were the biggest during the Laf/Sof/MD/Sol/Evo grudge wars and plenty of people quit because of it. They didnt quit because Monsters was netting. People also quit because Imag attacked repeatedly for no reason. People also quit because of suiciders. I wonder what all that has in common...

You should take responsibility for the fact that you built bad countries and then had a bad war plan to go with it.

locket Game profile


Jan 17th 2015, 2:20:52

A warring clan would win a war. Not get smashed by a netting clan with 0 saved turns. Maybe you should learn to build a country past 1mill nw.

locket Game profile


Jan 14th 2015, 1:18:11

LOL JAYr and furious etc in one fluffty clan? Hilarious.

And yah... Laf will be taking their land back and more I'd bet.

locket Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 6:54:03

You dont really specify what that different direction is Breeze. It also involves people wanting to do the work themselves because the admins have limited time and desire to put that time here.

locket Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 7:12:33

Meh im always up for what's best for the game if i think it is in fact best. What was your idea? . Not everything should be that way but if you can get the same resultsyou want and not fluff people over i think that's a better solution

locket Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 7:09:49

Rlenga is that last comment not typically done in private or do you always do at fa

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:15:51

Almost triple now... when our top 4 equals all of imag...

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:13:24

Originally posted by Hawkster:
Originally posted by Duna:
Hawkster, noone blame imag for attacking netting alliance. We blame imag for doing it every reset, even if they have other good options.

Well I can understand that too a point. I definitely agreed with locket when they stated it seemed cowardly. But who is to say, maybe they just find netting completely repulsive and this is why they always attack clans that are netting. I kinda doubt this is the case, but it is a valid argument and they should have right to decide to war what ever clan they want ....... So long as it is NOT one that they have signed pact with.

Is it annoying if they do indeed do this time after time? I would say yes, but I still think everyone seems to be whinging instead of accepting its just part of the game.

Everyone would whine if Sol killed a 5 member clan too. Is that fine and part of the game? Was it fine when Laf and Sof bullied the server? Part of the game? Some things cause players to quit when you do things for no reason. At least contrive an argument before doing something. Hitting a netting alliance when there were options to join other wars is just pathetic and could cause people to quit when they do it repeatedly. When a game is this low on population you need to think of others too. Imag is not doing that in the slightest.

Oh and if you are going to hate netters then you should at least be able to war as good as them. They got stomped in this fight and it isnt even close. It is kind of sad. They just enjoy being farm land for others? Also I have seen individual suiciders do as much damage as Imag has total here.

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:45:44

That NW graph for Imag is kinda laughable

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:43:12

Oh and you lost another. Warclans are better at not having that happen ;)

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:36:59

Children are unable to see it from someone else's point of view.

locket Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 2:44:11

Originally posted by breeze:
Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

I suppose being considerate of others and at least trying to find a war with a willing opponent has nothing to do with acting like children

locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 2:27:15

Originally posted by iTarl:
we have never disappeared. I believe the clan we are at war joined in killing us last set. theres your reason

Jesus you guys are stupid. Rival netted last set and got 2nd in ANW. We were netting again this set. I'd be surprised if we had even done a landgrab against you in either set. Grow up and act like an adult.

You guys could have joined the Sol war and evened things out. Scared of an actual fight probably. Sad.

@Timmie with EVERY clan but Imag if you dont want to be a target you dont landgrab them and play nice poltically. If you have no history then they don't hit you. Only one "clan" does this crap.

Oh and Timmie.. the last time Imag had to quit the game is because they did this. They sunk so low that even blindsiding couldnt get them a win and they were perpetual farmland.

locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 2:21:59

Originally posted by Heston:
Muslims are such wonderful people. Kill infidels and fluff children. Beat and enslave women. Class acts they are.
Alan snackbar!

Dont generalize Muslims. There are many great Muslim people out there. There are also some really fluffty ones.

Same goes for Christians, Atheists, and everything else.

locket Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 18:23:53

Lol you guys are both jokes. War is fine but you need a reason. Hitting people netting for no reason is just a cowards way of war and shows your lack of care for the game as a whole also. Your counties still suck though i see.

locket Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 5:30:44

So... you guys never changed? You left the game when it was frowned upon to FS for no reason and now you are back when it is even worse and do the same? Jesus. Do you kids ever grow up?

locket Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 4:13:35

Originally posted by Pang:
I'd listen to aponic on the subject

sof are experts at running players out of the game

Funny coming from someone with your alliance history

locket Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 1:59:59

I'm a Packers fan so I already know how next week will end ;)

locket Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 0:53:03

Hahaha suck it KoHearts. No post yet?

locket Game profile


Jan 3rd 2015, 9:20:19

KC couldnt beat me in a war with 15 countries!

locket Game profile


Dec 21st 2014, 4:27:41


locket Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 21:24:13

How many bushels do you have to FA to join up?

locket Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 18:28:58

I should have ended around 120-125mill but forgot to spend the last of my money..also got suicided twice.. and wasnt a farmer :P

locket Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 1:26:32

They are clearly falling apart unless some vet steps up. Need a few of those though.

locket Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 0:49:38

Ahh yes... reselling..

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 20:51:35

I guarantee you it isnt because the alliance wants their max anw. It is because players are fluffing selfish or some clans actually value a top player instead of some lame FA to the top strategy.

Either way every country this set was run pretty pathetically so that isnt really a surprise that this kinda fluff pops up. When you are left with nothing but fluffty netters they do fluffty things.

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 20:32:30

Yes I would. Why would I let them take top spots they have no right to? Their players can either earn it or not.

Oh and there is nothing impractical or pointless about killing them. If some bigger clan smashed them next set I bet they wouldnt do it the one after.

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 19:47:33

I didnt call it cheating if you are referring to me. It is pathetic though and I'd be down with someone killing that country a few weeks back when it was still possible ;)

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 19:38:04

Ok so the defense is that there is more than one piece of fluff? :P

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 19:27:13

PDM is fluffing pathetic and if any of you want that fluff stopped you should have killed the country awhile ago. That or kill PDM next set.

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 6:33:46

I have a feeling it would go poorly for the incumbent.

locket Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 1:19:18

Just Rival and Evo I suspect

locket Game profile


Dec 4th 2014, 1:26:23

Tan told you to suicide his country? :S

Crippler suicided mine. So nice of players to stick around in the game for no good reason..

locket Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 4:17:58

Maybe you need to understand what many children understand. Different people have different fluffing opinions and tastes. Jesus.

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 20:51:37

Demo who plays it right doesnt have a devalued stock.

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 4:25:03

Not a clue. Figured Laf had someone at least semi competent. I dont pay attention anymore. I did see some fast grabbers at the start I assumed were tech?

locket Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 1:03:48

Originally posted by iccyh:
If it is higher, I'm pretty sure the top 10 is all land traders. I'm pretty sure the top non-traders aren't going to get past $190m this 'set.

This set was a techer dream...

locket Game profile


Nov 26th 2014, 16:59:12

Someone should kill it

locket Game profile


Nov 25th 2014, 7:26:03

I feel like Rockman beat 150mill like twice in his career :P Always playing the oil market quitting or picking weird strats...

locket Game profile


Nov 25th 2014, 3:22:19

Req what' your stock at! Suicided casher wondering where Ill finish against you ;)

locket Game profile


Nov 24th 2014, 0:47:53

How much do silencers help boar hunting? To someone who doesnt know much it seems unsporting and overkill

locket Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 7:05:20

Why take away a way to net gain? Variety is far better.

locket Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 5:44:38

What is the danger of bots in the game? Give it a try next set. Even if they arent finished to your standards. See how it goes.

locket Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 3:11:57

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
TBH I would take a contradictory view to most of you. The reason the game is dying is because people dont care about their alliances as much as they used to. New members haven't been what was keeping playing numbers up for about a decade. A lack of caring for someone's alliances, also increases suiciders because you get these tards playing untagged just to ruin other peoples resets.

The whole EWPP thing was just another way for leaders to put even less time into their alliances over anything else. The only thing that would appear like a challenge at the moment would be to attain rank 1 untagged, and in all honesty that looks entirely possible, which is incredibly sad. Probably wouldn't be possible for me since the admins would leek my country # faster than you could say boo, but that's another story.

Cry me a fluffing river. Please please PLEASE bring it up again how people are leaking numbers. I'm sure martian would LOVE to waste his time investigating this bullfluff again.

To my knowledge martain never did investigate it? If he did, he did it on his own since I didn't bring it to him, I brought it to pang years ago. Pang admitted it happened already though, at least in relation to me, so maybe talk to him before you call bullfluff?

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
... Probably wouldn't be possible for me since the admins would leek my country # faster than you could say boo, but that's another story.

translation: "I don't have the skill to do it, so I'll blame the admins being corrupt so I don't have to fail!"

Yes Pang, like how I didn't landtrade because I was only good at old strategies and couldn't adapt. Except I won doing that too having never done it before. So I'm going to guess that's just an attempt to troll me into playing again? and you complain about the server being toxic for the game... how about the admins?

The truth is winning untagged would be hard but still possible, but not because of the nw required, but because of getting suicided by someone (probably both tagged and untagged suiciders in this instance) knowing there would be no ramifications for the suicide.

I'd love to see it. I assume you would try a techer? Would be very tough to stock as much considering the military you would require in comparison to the competition.

locket Game profile


Nov 13th 2014, 8:37:11

Originally posted by Hawkster:
Getting suicided on sucks big time. However it is usually cause and affect. Very rarely have I seen no causes or reasons why it is done. Even than I would bet most of those times there was a reason from the prior set. So while it sucks big time to have this done, I do not see any reason to roll back countries for the majority of these incidences. It is just part of the game. (Something I have to tell myself when it happens to me).

IF and a big IF, there was no reason that can be seen. I would not object to having a gam mod look into it lil further. See if that country maybe had a reason in the prior set, see if their country was attacked the prior reset. If there still is no reason that can be seen, than and only than might I see potentially rolling back.

The arguement about no land to grab is also a bunch of bull. I can look and see 300+ viable targets to hit all the time. The issue is not about no targets but not being to hit due to clan politics. This is due to two main reasons.
1) Most all the major clans pact out. Pacting out with everyone is one thing, so long as some of those pacts actually allow LG's with specified escalating retals.
2) The % L:L retals makes it foolish for anyone to hit. So even if you have no pact, most policies have such retals and/or most pacts seem to have these policies as part of the pact.

Do away with those two main reasons above and than you would have plenty of targets PLUS plenty that you could actually hit. Which brings me to last thing mentioned about untags. If there are no longer major issues about having targets that one can hit, there would be absolutely NO reason at all to farm untags. (IMHO there shouldnt ever be a reason and/or need to farm untags and I find any clan that does so pathetic and not very good players). But aside from my opinion, once one could find plenty targets that one can hit the amount of farming of untags/small clans should really drop, as well as the amount of suiciders. Oh sure there will always be some, but there should be significant drop.

So I do not see any reason for any changes to game mechanics at all, the clans needs to change as they have brought most of these so called issues upon themselves.

Should I show you my news where I was suicided as an all explore casher? By a country that was never hit by ANY tag, let alone my tag? While I play in Rival who netted peacefully last set and have never been the biggest farmers of untagged countries in the world at the worst of times?

locket Game profile


Nov 12th 2014, 5:36:35

Not reading this but the guy who hit me had never even been touched by Rival and I was all explore so some of us get it for more odd reasons. That would qualify for Pang's roll back type stuff Id assume

locket Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 5:45:02

Oh I'll believe what you say here as easily as there

locket Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 3:45:23

Ahh but you clearly know who it was. Perhaps this person is also normally in a clan with you.. hmm....

And I didnt have much of my bushels in. I barely lost anything that way. I can handle 50k a hit just fine thanks.

locket Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 0:16:34

Nice try Req!

locket Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 0:00:35

As a casher it still hurts enough but meh.