
TheStupid Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 20:53:11

Requiem: There are not many ways to take it when the guy calls you an idiot, which is totally allowed here. I don't even know the guy and he does not know me. You must think you are greater than greatness when you call other idiots in a public forum.

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 18:55:05

He clearly does not understand... When you think you are superior to others like this KoH guy, then you think you understand better than all and you are not listening or reading... You then tend to explain those idiots what you as a superior human being had so clearly understood a long time ago in your passing to being a God!

With that said. The idea here is not to drop the rule. The rule is ok, except for the fact that in a certain delay after attacking more than once and then jumping, the smaller country should be allowed to retaliate. If you attack me, even if you're big, I should be able to retaliate. Let's not try to extend the comment to more than it is.


TheStupid Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 13:34:13

KoHeartsGPA: Get a life. Spending your days here and writing this number of messages is definitely not a sign of good mental health... It may explain a few things. Can't wait to see your response to show that you have the last word :-) I will anyway ignore your response.

Edited By: TheStupid on Oct 20th 2022, 13:58:20
See Original Post

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 2:33:19

Tmac, my comment does not have anything to do with what was told on this thread of posts. I thank you for your advice. I still believe the game protects too much the large players.

My comment about arrogance is related to past messages from a single individual who uses this forum to bully others freely and always find a good excuse for his comments. Don't worry, nothing to do with you.

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 19th 2022, 22:40:53

Tmac. Don’t feel pointed at. I have come here a few times and the only thing that happens is that people are bully and I was told it was ok to be bully. There is absolutely no desire to change anything. Just justification that all is good. I am just saying here that the protection should be disabled when a big country attacks a small one to allow retaliation. A large country should not be able to hide itself with a high NW after an attack. I think it makes a lot of sense to protect small countries that get attacked anyways many times…

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 19th 2022, 21:51:54

I agree with Requiem. The rules are ok to avoid suiciders, but should at least allow to retaliate even if a country is 4 times bigger…. But I am probably chatting with many who are biased here.

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 19th 2022, 20:37:27

Well, if a big country decides to attack, there should be a period during which it could be reattacked. It's way too easy to attack and then escape by growing your NW. But, I have already seen that here not much improvement is possible.

BTW, KoHeartsGPA, I don't think any question was asked you. It was asked to me, so let's come to a mind your own business approach... Maybe you should find something else to do then writing your 27112th message by responding an arrogant message back, as I am used to see from you.

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 19th 2022, 20:05:06

The fact that I SS or get back a SP has nothing to do with this comment. You did exactly what I expected. Just justify that all is good and fair, while it's not. Anyways, keep the rules to protect the large players. No wonder this game does not have that many players even around the world. Very disappointed with the so many rules that are made to protect the large countries. Much easier to drop NW then to gain NW when you have been attacked 6 times.

TheStupid Game profile


Oct 19th 2022, 14:01:25

I was attacked by a country 6 times by a PS. Did not break GDI rule on him. Now want to attack back, just a few hours after and it tells me that I can't. There are so many rules in this game to block attacks, it is becoming ridiculous. The Primary server is the worst of all. Let's come back to some free way of playing like it used to be under Earth 2025. I suspect strong players to be behind the rules to protect themselves.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 19th 2022, 19:49:58

Hey man, it's allow here apparently...

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 19th 2022, 0:18:44

When you are writing your 27598th message, you must be a really balanced person in life... Maybe you need to get one. Cheers poorly educated buddy.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 17th 2022, 3:51:44

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by TheStupid:
This forum is very interesting. You get banned for a few hours if you continue a conversation that has been interrupted by a moderator (thread closed), but you keep going if you have posted more than 20k messages, are an EE Patron, and treat others with words like idiot. Very flexible rules... depending on who writes them and does not follow them. So these 2 rules are not applicable to all...

-Do not post racist and or degenerating posts/threads about different cultures or beliefs.
-Be respectful at all times.

Don't attempt to circumvent a closed thread by continuing a topic. It was closed for a reason. Accept it and move on.

Hey bud, the only thing I am saying is that your rules are inconsistent. They don't apply equally to all. You accept disrespectful comments here. Take my comment and move on...

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 13th 2022, 17:59:58

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by TheStupid:
This forum is very interesting. You get banned for a few hours if you continue a conversation that has been interrupted by a moderator (thread closed), but you keep going if you have posted more than 20k messages, are an EE Patron, and treat others with words like idiot. Very flexible rules... depending on who writes them and does not follow them. So these 2 rules are not applicable to all...

-Do not post racist and or degenerating posts/threads about different cultures or beliefs.
-Be respectful at all times.

I am not sure on the ban part.
But I have looked at a lot of your in game messages over the last several months ... The last part maybe something you want to follow if you are mentioning it.

Talking here about messages in a forum. Anyway, cheers. It seems to be the modus operandi. Continue being so fluffing stupid KoHeartsGPA (apparently we're allowed). You must be a very well educated person. Have a good day all.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 12th 2022, 21:35:05

This forum is very interesting. You get banned for a few hours if you continue a conversation that has been interrupted by a moderator (thread closed), but you keep going if you have posted more than 20k messages, are an EE Patron, and treat others with words like idiot. Very flexible rules... depending on who writes them and does not follow them. So these 2 rules are not applicable to all...

-Do not post racist and or degenerating posts/threads about different cultures or beliefs.
-Be respectful at all times.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 9th 2022, 19:01:00

Originally posted by HH:
I am the best player ever. When I play my turns a special message comes each turn that says "Yes, you are doing great stud". It becomes annoying after awhile.

Please listen to what I have to say because I am very important. My mom always said I was the best boy ever.

Best regards,
Big EGO nr 1

Oh, I was not writing to you, but to this person KoHeartsGPA who does not seem to know what respect is and is looking for an audience to spread his trash talk.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 9th 2022, 3:14:04

Like I said KoHeartsGPA, keep flattering your ego. I am done and will not respond, unless you have anything constructive to share. Cheers and continue finding audiences on social media. You will become someone.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 8th 2022, 15:22:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by TheStupid:
... In another example, we were both in the top 15. I had not a lot of defence. Fair enough, I should have. But I had 600k spies, he had almost none. That’s his choice, like mine not to have Tanks. Without the rule stoping me, he would have been dead already. But, the fact that my spy operations lost a lot of efficiency, he was able to attack back, but without the lost efficiency.

If the only edge you had in this was spy count, it seems unlikely it's just game mechanics keeping you from killing this country.

Correct, you simply don't show up to a gun fight with just a knife..... But he repeatedly does that plus is the one starting the fights, just don't start wars, simple but he doesn't get it 🤷

KoHeartsGPA: You're responses are always funny. It seems that this forum is a place where you write messages to flatter your ego by thinking you are so intelligent, but others are not. You should consult specialists to obtain support and grow your self confidence, so calling others idiots in public is not the best accomplishment of a day, flattering your ego in need. If knowing this game is all you are good at, maybe you should learn other things in life. Always easy to talk in public when your face is not shown and you voice is not heard...

Edited By: TheStupid on Sep 8th 2022, 18:31:47
See Original Post

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 8th 2022, 15:15:36

Edited By: TheStupid on Sep 8th 2022, 15:22:43
See Original Post

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 5th 2022, 5:35:54

That’s an easy one…

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 21:02:36

And I totally understand that. It makes sense. However, it’s not the case at all here. In a first case, I was attacked numerous times by a close to top 10 player, while I was in the middle of the pack. I could not do anything to him, but he could destroy me. In another example, we were both in the top 15. I had not a lot of defence. Fair enough, I should have. But I had 600k spies, he had almost none. That’s his choice, like mine not to have Tanks. Without the rule stoping me, he would have been dead already. But, the fact that my spy operations lost a lot of efficiency, he was able to attack back, but without the lost efficiency.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 16:30:44

On the help page of the Spy Center:

All spy operations are limited, to some extent, by your own strength. For example, in a Cause Dissensions operation, you will destroy a portion of your enemy's troops, but no more than a certain percentage of your own. This is designed to prevent tiny countries from destroying really large ones.

Wouldn’t it be the responsibility of the large country to protect itself sufficiently, rather than having rules to protect them. They should be able to kill the small country as much as the small should be able to throw them missiles and condut spy operations. Instead, rules are protecting the big countries who can attack the small at their leasure.

If protecting the large countries is necessary, then it should also be true for small countries to be protected from the large ones. On the Primary server, I was harassed from a country 3-5 times bigger then me, and I had absolutely nothing to defend myself. Even if the large country was attacking. It’s not a complaint about winning or losing a war. It’s not a battle that is played on a fair ground. I could not conduct any spy operations, nor send missiles, nor conduct artillery runs… nothing, just get attacked and be able to do nothing in return.

But, I can see above that my comment will simply be downplayed. Cheers

Edited By: TheStupid on Sep 4th 2022, 16:32:46
See Original Post

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 14:42:27

Great forum. Is this Truth Social? I am offering you my respect and will not respond anything else in public. Have more class than this.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 6:01:54

However, I will not go as low here in a forum. Cheers

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 6:01:25

@galleri: so we can call others idiots? Good to know :-)

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 4th 2022, 4:07:08

@KoHeartsGPA, as a moderator of this forum or EE Patron, for whatever it means, you should use a different language and words other than idiots when you exchange here. I did not call anyone here idiot or any other name. But, maybe you think you are superior and think you are allowed to speak like this to others.

@Galleri, what I am saying is that after a number of spy attacks, the chances to win are becoming low, even if I have 10 times more spies then the other player. On other hand, he can attack as many times as he wants with his army, without chances being reduced.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 16:02:59

All this is even more true when the opponent is a player that is a bully. Strong player, being a bully, but still growing, even if if he/she gains nothing... just doing bomb runs or artillery attacks...

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 16:01:47

This game is so unfair in the many rules that it implements. A guy can completely destroy me because I have no tanks and he can only take 10k tanks. Me, I have 600k spies and the other player just 50. Now, I spied on him many times, so all my operations fail. However, he can still attack me like hell... This site should be more liberal and not try to control all the actions from the small countries against the big countries. More and more disappointed and having less and less fun playing with rules that favor the big ones...

TheStupid Game profile


Aug 24th 2022, 4:03:10

Bonus this week.

TheStupid Game profile


Sep 13th 2021, 5:28:24

Hi all. Just trying this game