
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 17:12:50

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It is in effect, but I am wondering if C:C DR should be on the Cooperation server at all. I think it was originally intended as an anti-land trading measure? It clearly isn't possible to land trade on this server.

Yes please remove it

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 31st 2024, 21:31:27

Originally posted by Requiem:
My concern is not because of the amount of land that can be achieved. It is about the amount of fun I have playing my turns. If I have a ton of turns with nothing better to do than explore or something silly, then that is not compelling gameplay.

But yes, it does not hurt to try.

I will revisit this end of the set.

I tried explaining that earlier and they didn't go for it.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 31st 2024, 18:40:28

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
Does this also work the other way if you weren't Fascist before.

ie if you got to 83.2% as monarchy then switched FFO you would be at 96%?

That's how it's always worked.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 30th 2024, 19:16:37

I'm not sure why it was lowered from 5 to 2, 5 is a better competitive gameplay, especially early.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 30th 2024, 19:08:06

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
It's a humanitarians change that allows more jets at home.

I'm not sure what you mean by this comment? The Cooperation server has no effective humanitarians range.

In alliance people had to limit their jets on hand (and run zero def/zero spies and limit their tech) in order to hit targets. In coop you've removed hummies so now we're able to buy as many jets as we like. It's this change that means offensive allies can be used well, not the limited number of PS.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 30th 2024, 18:44:00

And yes, loses from SS will have to be significant reduced for the server to be competitive.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 30th 2024, 18:43:04

It's a humanitarians change that allows more jets at home.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 25th 2024, 17:37:50

Holy wall of text, I didn't read any of that.

Regardless, to have a good game you need to make decisions according to game design principles. This is a known topic you can lookup and learn.

If anyone disagrees with that they they are simply factually incorrect.

Making good games is not an accident, it's a choice. The current decision has been to decide against making good gameplay, that should change.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 25th 2024, 1:42:24

Originally posted by TAN:
I'm with Slag on this, it's ridiculous to send out pacts to NPCs and get free tech.

>>make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

But...that's been part of the game since 2002. You know what hasn't? NPCs and getting free tech that way. I actually think nerfing NPCs is the way to go - there are too many, get rid of at least half of them, it's way too easy to get land. There are people who are going to get over 200k land by the end of the set, that's just absurd and ridiculous.

Yes, but what is or is not ridiculous is not the same thing as good game design. In fact it's completely immaterial with respect to good game design.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 24th 2024, 21:07:36

Tech alliances with bots actually level the playing field and make the game more competitive by reducing the impact of feeding via tech alliances with humans.

Those are the terms you should think about when considering game changes, competitiveness and complexity.

NOT what "strikes you as a completely ridiculous mechanic". Your whims are not the same as good game design and you are not making decisions based on game design principles.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 24th 2024, 15:02:01

I'm not aware that there was any change to Farmer dominance this set. It had all the top countries. Patch just made things dumb without really balance anything. Slag it's like you are listening to people who don't and can't net. Please listen to only netters when making netting changes. You are making the game unplayable.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 24th 2024, 6:48:46

And the end game is pretty dumb now.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 15th 2024, 14:36:55

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

t's actually quite likely that I have the highest IQ of the remaining player base

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

I once considered what would happen if I ran into someone like me, then I concluded we'd be best friends because I like myself.

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

I'm also smarter, richer

I am sorry but Cathankins is the highest IQ player that we have in the game. Shame that you all are lower IQ or you would have recognized his intellectual superiority.

I think you and Caty should be friends as he is also very rich financially and spiritually.

PS you all are seethers and unclean pagans!

You are quite right, I did not consider Cath when saying that, only hedging it with "likely"!

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 14th 2024, 2:42:42

Yes he's going to spank me, no big deal, I'm used to it.

You can join in if you want, we'll have a grand old time.

You gotta go "DON Turtle Crawler", and if that's not enough to get me off you'll try MR {{pick a name}} followed by "people have been running tribute countries for you for over a decade". That never fails.

I'll spank you and say "TC knows who you are and sometimes even responds to you". That'll that the cake.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 14th 2024, 0:17:52

Sorry bud, I just can't respect you then. I need a reason and you don't provide one.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 14th 2024, 0:09:12

Darn I was really hoping you would answer the question. I can't really respect someone who isn't respectable. Are you or are you not?

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 13th 2024, 23:44:33

Also how good you are at earth etc, the very best.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 13th 2024, 23:40:07

I think all we're missing now is for you to explain how much better than us you are in your personal life, how smart you are, how beautiful your wife is, how high achieving your children are etc.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 13th 2024, 23:10:49

Keep going BH. Don't stop! Whenever anyone asks about you this is the thread we're going to show them so make sure it's a complete display of you antics.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 13th 2024, 20:48:01


Gotta keep this one around in case anyone forgets about BHs character.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 10th 2024, 16:53:56

Deleted along with 522

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 10th 2024, 16:39:30

The real issue is rouge mods or the entire mod group going rogue and deleting people without rules violations. Restore should never be necessary.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 10th 2024, 1:06:52

Hehe I blew him up so hard in my last post that he even admits he can't make sense of it. GG WP utterly demolished.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 21:17:31

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
No it's just you. When reality isn't quite flattering enough for you, you detach and create your own. It's how you win every argument. It's how it's always the other person at fault. It's how you are the real smart one. It's how you win a fight that's only going on in your mind.

Yes it was a mistake to engage with you. The secret king always wins, so the secret king never learns and is incapable of growth.

Can you please explain to me how I've 'detached' and created my own reality.

To the best of my knowledge I just quoted your post. Are you saying that the post I quoted didn't actually happen?

You live in a world that for what I said to be true that post you quoted didn't actually happen.

Because you have no empathy you are unable to conceive of a reality where your perceived opponents aren't crazy.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 20:45:45

No it's just you. When reality isn't quite flattering enough for you, you detach and create your own. It's how you win every argument. It's how it's always the other person at fault. It's how you are the real smart one. It's how you win a fight that's only going on in your mind.

Yes it was a mistake to engage with you. The secret king always wins, so the secret king never learns and is incapable of growth.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 20:17:44

News to me. You didn't have any points. You live in imagined world in your mind, you hallucinate most of what you see people write to you and you always win every fight in your mind.

No one can defeat the secret king.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 19:59:23

Uhh... You think this is a fight? And someone else is fighting for me?

I'm baffled. Seriously all you have to do is talk less and people will think better of you.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 19:18:31

That's called heartfelt advice, which you should take.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 16:55:55

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Oh one more thing Empy.

This has nothing to do with M4D. I'll be honest, I didn't even know TC was in M4D until recently. So hopefully you don't feel the need to stick up for him. I get that you're a loyal guy and want to defend your peeps, but is TC really your peeps?

Let the dude fight his own battles. He's the one who started talking trash to me. Don't come save him now that I've fluff slapped him. Let him figure his own way out of this hole.

No one started trash talk to you bud

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 1:25:58

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
TC - you might be my new favorite person.

I absolutely adore your lawn chair psychology you engage in. It's better than watching an episode of Law and Order SVU. The creativity with which you make up things that you think sound like brain type things is excellent.

Can you please explain to me, how does someone posting a gif from the internet to make fun of you indicate a 'detachment from reality'?

You watch law and order SVU and you aren't a girl. Pretty sure "how" I know isn't the right question.

Oh you're going to go with the diversion and deflection tactic, clever! Don't actually respond to anything I've said, instead make non sequitor statements that aren't valuable for anything more than a higher word count on a term paper.

I'll ask again.

What about someone posting a gif on a forum makes them 'detached from reality'?

Or if you'd prefer you can just admit that what you said didn't really make any sense, and we can move on. Your choice.

When did I ever say that was from the link you posted? You demonstrate your detachment from reality in your very defence against it.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 9th 2024, 0:44:20

Originally posted by BlackHole:
TC - you might be my new favorite person.

I absolutely adore your lawn chair psychology you engage in. It's better than watching an episode of Law and Order SVU. The creativity with which you make up things that you think sound like brain type things is excellent.

Can you please explain to me, how does someone posting a gif from the internet to make fun of you indicate a 'detachment from reality'?

You watch law and order SVU and you aren't a girl. Pretty sure "how" I know isn't the right question.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 22:43:30

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
If people don't know, that was his last country name in alliance:

M4D mad cause they cheat (#523)

And m4d is neither creating nor mad.

I wish I could post gifs here, directly.

Ya'll know that taylor swift 'yea, sure' gif?

It's the detachment from reality to protect your ego that really exposes you.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 21:31:00

If people don't know, that was his last country name in alliance:

M4D mad cause they cheat (#523)

And m4d is neither creating nor mad.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 20:05:38

Are you copying and pasting things that were said to you to try and see if the are effective on me? Or are you writing things that would be effective on you, thinking they would also work on other people?

Rhetoric isn't effective unless it's close to the truth. You need to at least aim in the right direction and stop thinking that other people are like you. For example when you make a post about other people cheating and being angry but they aren't cheating and aren't angry all the attempted insults gets is confusing.

I don't hold self concepts so I'm essentially invulnerable to insults. Start with someone easier, who you have a charce to read.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 19:58:16

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

TC - what do you do for a living? I expect your answer to blow me away, but I'm sitting down, so hit me with it.

I beat my wife for a living. It's not proud work, but if I don't she becomes an unbearable nag about how I don't work and drink all the money she makes.

Ohhhh, mr. big shot genius intelligence man is now all of a sudden trying to be funny.

Come on TC, I thought you were going to tell me you had a clinical psychology degree and were an expert at reading people. Or maybe you worked in the military and did profiling. Or perhaps you were an academic and spent your time researching behaviors.

I'm absolutely, positively, stunned. You're not any of those things? You just talk non-sense about things you don't actually know anything about? Wow. Who would have guessed it?

You know any monkey with a keyboard can construct sentences that, at first glance, appear to be intelligent. The problem with doing that though, is that when actual smart people read what you write, they quickly realize that your amalgamation of words is devoid of quality ideas, logical reasoning, and ultimately a reason to care.

In other words, you write stupid. Your ideas are bad. You dum-dum, not smart-smart. Quit trying to act like the smartest kid in class, we are all experience that 2nd hand embarrassment you get when you see someone make a fool of themselves and you can't handle it.

No I can't do that I have bad eyes and can't read walls of text

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 18:25:25

Originally posted by BlackHole:

TC - what do you do for a living? I expect your answer to blow me away, but I'm sitting down, so hit me with it.

I beat my wife for a living. It's not proud work, but if I don't she becomes an unbearable nag about how I don't work and drink all the money she makes.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 8th 2024, 6:24:45

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
You should watch how people act and imitate them, preferably someone who never causes issues and doesn't post. The results will astound you.

You know TC - I've never tussled with you before, as you were always on 'my side' with regards to the Laf vs Mercs stuff.

But I gotta say, you're a real... special person.

I think the most succinct way I would describe you is you are the smartest dum-dum in the classroom. But sometimes you're allowed into the AP classroom, with actual smart kids. And you think you're also the smartest kid there. But you're just.... really really not. Like, so astoundingly not that the actual smart people look at you in amazement. It's really something quite special to behold.

We gotta teach you how to read people better. Start with someone easier, I'm nearly impossible.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 7th 2024, 19:26:32

You should watch how people act and imitate them, preferably someone who never causes issues and doesn't post. The results will astound you.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 7th 2024, 15:33:34

The admins and some of the community have already insisted and determined that this kind of interaction is good for the game. If you think they are wrong then by all means go advocate for clan GDI BH.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 7th 2024, 1:59:23

Clearly good at getting missiles

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 1st 2024, 16:41:01

Originally posted by Slagpit:
How would a player's tag be meaningful under those rules?

Exact same way it is on what you wrote, those are still meaningful changes that will be utilized, they just don't overwhelm to the exclusion of all other choices.

Maybe you really want to create a ruleset that is all about aiding a singlw country to as high a nw as possible to the exclusion of the results of the other countries in the tag, but I don't suggest that.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


May 1st 2024, 3:23:29

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Would you be so kind as to post the optimal farmer strat then? Since all players are going to play optimally anyway there's no harm in you posting it, right?

Extra turns you have to cash to get enough money to grab again benefits one strategy: techer. Because it's turns spent earning are far more productive.

To balance tech with other strategies you need to have a tradeoff between income and growth. But in the rules you implement you need that income to grow, so the tradeoff is gone and it becomes the only playable strat.

If you have a suggestion to make techer more balanced I will consider it. The server isn't live yet so it's not too late to make changes. Perhaps it will help to know that the npc countries on this server will not infinitely buy tech like they do on the Alliance server. They only buy tech at prices that they think will benefit them.

Drop the SS change, change the PS count to 10, keep everything else. That adds new interesting things that I can't optimize without actually playing it.

If you want to go really crazy eliminate CC DR and decrease the build cost of large countries significantly, so they more out less cap at the 150k price (or something similar) to enable other strategies. It's much more fun and competitive to grab all set than just part. Add a new tech to decrease build cost.

Give countries 5 spyops per day that don't require turns.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 6:37:10

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Would you be so kind as to post the optimal farmer strat then? Since all players are going to play optimally anyway there's no harm in you posting it, right?

Extra turns you have to cash to get enough money to grab again benefits one strategy: techer. Because it's turns spent earning are far more productive.

To balance tech with other strategies you need to have a tradeoff between income and growth. But in the rules you implement you need that income to grow, so the tradeoff is gone and it becomes the only playable strat.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 2:41:24


Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 23:52:26

Originally posted by Slagpit:
There are a number of things that players can do to mitigate the higher SS cost:

* doing a tech start
* getting offensive allies
* getting medical tech, weapons tech, and mstrat tech
* having your clan get a sufficient number of spy ops
* saving turns
* building cs later than usual
* playing as the right government. dictatorship is the obvious choice to reduce the cost of SS but there are others that are helpful

Your ending networth is entirely up to the choices that you make. I expect elite players to make the right choices to maximize their networth. If anything, I expect this server to be more competitive than Alliance in that highly skilled players are better able to distinguish themselves.

All players will do every one of those things, so there won't be any variation in gameplay. Everyone whos competive executing the exact same strategy.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 29th 2024, 22:50:32

Originally posted by En4cer:

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 28th 2024, 21:54:11

Originally posted by BlackHole:

Oh no, I get it just fine. I ruffled some feathers, and now a bunch of people are butthurt.

If you got it you'd change your behavior and see better results.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 15:09:17

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I'm not expecting everyone to behave as I am. I'm expecting everyone to be held responsible for their actions.

And yes, I could have stayed quiet and never told anyone about using multis. But I chose to turn over a new leaf and ask for forgiveness from the community. Is that a... bad thing?

Have you not noticed that your desire for forgiveness from the community (whatever that means) has been accompanied not by an improvement in your behavior, but a decline?

TC - You're right. My mistake. My behavior has declined. I now run even more multis. I access databases (learned that from you!) and I'm doxxing people throughout the community.

Oh fluff, no. I haven't done any of those things. So what are you talking about?

Are you saying that because I say things that M4D doesn't like on the forums, that's indicative of a behavior decline?

Because I have purposefully made enemies, and the enemies keep arguing with me? You silly silly goose, TC. You're smarter than that.

So you really don't get it.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 26th 2024, 14:50:43

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I'm not expecting everyone to behave as I am. I'm expecting everyone to be held responsible for their actions.

And yes, I could have stayed quiet and never told anyone about using multis. But I chose to turn over a new leaf and ask for forgiveness from the community. Is that a... bad thing?

Have you not noticed that your desire for forgiveness from the community (whatever that means) has been accompanied not by an improvement in your behavior, but a decline?

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 24th 2024, 16:01:48

Notice how it reduces PS from 5 to 2 as well. It's just a newb friendly casual server as designed.

To make it competitive give 20 PS.