
Garry Owen Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 2:23:52





Garry Owen Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 3:21:10

Congrats on being a state delegate.

Stand up for the right stuff (smaller government, individual liberty, responsible officials) at the convention and the selection of national delegates.

Tea Party FTW! :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Apr 9th 2012, 3:03:06

You people miss the whole point of a what the real job of a minister or priest is. You seem to think that the job is to teach about the bible. That is only a part of the mission - the real job of a minister is to LEAD PEOPLE TO GOD.

Kind of obvious that you need to believe in the destination in order to lead others there.

If these people not only lose their faith in God, but decide there is no God, then they obviously should quit the job and find something else to do. That is not oppression of athiests, just fitting the basic job requirements.

Garry Owen Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 1:41:43

Let me answer more concisely....



Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 26th 2012, 21:09:41



BLUE ! !


Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 2:48:23

I am still looking for my Cats to go all the way this year!


Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 3:42:07

damn kids

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 4:08:44

Oh, and hey right back at ya Zip. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 4:08:10

Another point in favor of the bots is that new players who join a game (ie: the people we want to start & keep playing EE) are expecting a wargame to have some action.

New players want to start up the game, get some military and ATTACK something with it.

Here we tell them 'No, dont attack THEM... nope, that guy will retal you too hard... dont waste time with that little guy in DR's...'

Unless they are untagged, then we just farm them out of any possible desire to play the game. :(

Bots would not only protect the new player countries, but give the new guys a place to attack and learn the military side of the game. Maybe even keep them around long enough to recruit into an alliance. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 0:01:41

I think the bot idea is a good one. Yes, as has been said, make them all GDI / no-war status.

Be fun to have some bot clans that might randomly retal, or even put in a 5% chance of retal with a missle - and have that % multiply for every additional hit (5% first hit, 5%+10% for the second hit, 5%+10%+20% for the third hit etc...) that would make some more protection against pure farming and add a little excitement to life.

so yeah, the more I think of this the better it sounds. Right now we dont have enough real players to have a lot of landgrabbing.

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 27th 2012, 5:14:51

its that time again...

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 3:30:06

I would rather have cash...

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 2:17:01

we should have a free-for-all set. everyone against everyone!!

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 4:45:53

The only reason worth playing this game is to war...

Making netters cry for their countries is the good part of the game....

Garry Owen Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 3:16:51

Original series!!!!!

Thats the best.

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 2:17:48

new poll... should JanPaul have that post deleted and credit removed for being excessively annoying?

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 23rd 2012, 1:27:39

People that believe this kind of stuff are really, really scary.

Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 17th 2012, 1:27:26

This was wrong and there is no excuse. I say this with a background of my entire adult life in the military (I enlisted at age 17). 28 years of military training and discipline as well and an understanding of COIN and the successful way to win a counterinsurgency all says this was completely wrong and a huge unneeded headache for the guys current on the ground and trying to make the right thing happen.

That said, the offense has to be looked at in perspective.

According to the UCMJ an accused can present matters of DEFENSE (evidence he/she did not do it), matters of EXTENUATION (good reasons for having done what was done) and matters of MITIGATION (why the punishment should be light).

Y'all are getting all wrapped up and confusing extenuating factors with defense. Unless the video is a hoax, these guys are guilty. I dont have my UCMJ handy but I am sure there are 3-4 chargeable articles there as well as disobeying the general order to NOT DO STUPID fluff (well, thats how I paraphrase the longish list of standing orders....)

So now that we know they are guilty the issue is what kind of punishment? UCMJ gives some pretty wide authority to commanders. They could be put in a general courts martial and be looking at probably 5-10 years hard labor with a bad conduct discharge. Or administrative punishment with restriction to the barracks. Or lots in between.

Thats where those matters of extenuation and mitigation come into play. COMMANDERS are given the authority to decide the type of punishment and with good reason... they know their Soldiers (er, Marines) better than anyone else and are best suited to understand those matters. What is the service record of these men? Did they earn medals for bravery in the face of grave personal risk or hide in the FOB whenever possible? Volunteer for the hard/dangerous/thankless jobs (of which the military has countless number) or do only what was told? Always striving to exceed the highest standard or do whatever gets by? THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

Also what was happening at the time, the command climate (if the leadership was bad it does not excuse the offense, but can be a mitigating factor), and the situation at the time of the offense. How many local ftards were shaking hands during the day and blowing them up at night. THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

Finally, we also have to look at the result. What impact did their misconduct have? When you create an international incident, there is gonna be more boot in the ass-kicking than if you just pissed off your platoon leader. Not very fair to the guy who gets caught publicly but THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TOO.

I did not like hearing the sec's of state and defense making their 'hang-em high' statements. They went, imho, beyond their authority and responsibility to just repudiate the acts. And they should have put more effort (some at least) into pointing out the really historic record our Troops have for respect of the local culture and extraordinary discipline under very difficult circumstances. And the US record for bringing those few who do commit crimes to justice.

So those guys did the wrong thing. But we cannot - and should not - judge how strongly they are punished or what mercy may be given. Only those commanders directly charged both with the care of these troops and the accomplishment of the missions should do that.


Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 16th 2012, 3:31:39

I have rights to special, personal contact with Riddler.


Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 5:26:42


Garry Owen Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 6:59:26

You should come back to Rage then!

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 3:07:03

I was on temporary duty with a buddy to Ft. Drum, NY a few years back (pre-9/11 when the big issue was drugs not terrorism).

We had the weekend off and of course it was road trip time. We couldnt be that close and NOT go to Canada. So we jumped in the rental car and took off for the border. No passports needed back then.

In line for the Canadian customs inspection we had some time to examine our situation: A white guy and a black guy. Each with driver's licenses from different states. No luggage. No known destination or contact in Canada other than 'someplace to drink'. In a rental car with Florida plates. A rental car with Florida plates that we had never looked in the trunk of... in a time when rental cars were the popular cocaine mules because local police could confiscate cars when they arrested the drug runners...

It was too late to either get out of line or to check the trunk. Wouldnt help if the drug-dog alerted on it anyway....

The customs agent gave us a pretty strong look but he must have been used to Soldiers because he let us thru. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 2:17:37


And prepare to be fluffed.

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 25th 2011, 2:25:56

Whoever set up the Santa bomb run is genius. :)

Merry Christmas to all you who survive the attack of the fat guy and his stealth flying animals!!

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 4:50:15

The original, Jeffersonian understanding of separation of church and state was to protect RELIGION from the state. Not to prevent religion from having influence in public life.

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 3:59:50

Originally posted by Atryn:
“His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money and more power.

They claim to be superpatriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjugation.”"

Wow. Sounds like a very accurate description of the modern democrat party...

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 17:17:26

What about the idiots that use the ambulance or fire truck as a great opprotunity since the lanes are all magically clear for them?

Your right. People not respecting emergency vehicles really makes me mad too. If I was a cop I would try and follow every ambulance I could just to ticket as many of those fluffholes as possible.

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 3:14:55

I thought Thomas was a tank engine....

Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 6th 2011, 4:08:47

This is an outrageous assault on our civil liberties! This cannot be allowed to stand! Totally unconstitutional! That damn Bush and his so-called 'patriot act' must be stopped!

Wait... OBAMA and the DEMOCRAT ADMINISTRATION authored this...

Sorry. I misspoke before. This is a necessary tool in the war -er... police operations- on terror. This administration would never abuse such power and only asked for this law to deal with the gravest threats to our national survival.

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 3:17:44


I guess that 'reset' button has had an effect

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 26th 2011, 20:48:19

Hey BigDog. I miss playing with Clowns.

a decade. Ha! n00b....

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 22:51:41

Two issues here:

First, is the debate of "do we offer kids healthy food that they do not eat and then go to school hungry" or "do we offer kids food they will eat and make it as healthy as we can". So tomato is a vegetable so that we can give them pizza and have them actually eat.

But the real issue is why should the federal government be involved in this at all. There is NO Constitutional authority for federal involvement in local schools, let alone what they serve for lunch. However this is the logical carry-over evil of having a federal department of education throwing money at states and school districts.

Better would be to shut down the federal department of education and have states fund their own schools. And local school boards can deal with what to serve for lunch.

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 3:03:26

gets this way a lot

We need a new form of warfare... one that doesnt destroy countries. Restarts and long wars were great with lots of players... restarts had lots of company / targets and FA possibilities. But now the war is decided in a couple of days and the excitement is out.

I still believe land wars could be held -- two alliances pair off and see who can get the most total land gained from the other... highest avg land taken... special honors for biggest grab etc...

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 14th 2011, 16:29:19


This is why I can never actually leave Rage....

Forget that pansy song. The Official RAGE Anthem for this war can be found here:

Make sure your speakers are turned up to 11....

Garry Owen
Rage WarMonger

Edited By: Garry Owen on Nov 14th 2011, 16:31:24
See Original Post

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 13th 2011, 4:38:34

Grimm knows about such things.


Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 13th 2011, 4:27:54

Thank you! That just made war room target management SOOO much easier!!!


Garry Owen
Official Old Guy

Edited By: Garry Owen on Nov 13th 2011, 4:31:00
See Original Post

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 13th 2011, 4:26:56

Time for Sanct to die.

Garry Owen Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 3:43:57

MD 45
LCN 48
Evo 44
Omega 43
SoF 37
Monsters 26
Sanct 19
fluff 16
m0m0 14
WoF 12
ICN 10
Rival 10
NA 5
RoCk 3
Elysium 1
Rigor Mortis 1
KSF -3
HAN -5
PDM -5
LaF -21
RD -32
iMag -49
SoL -88
Elitez -144

Garry Owen Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 2:21:17

The only basketball worth watching is college ball.

Go Big Blue!

Garry Owen Game profile


Oct 24th 2011, 1:58:43

He is short
has a goofy helmet
AND smells funny while his is fluffing....

Garry Owen Game profile


Oct 17th 2011, 1:14:36

LCN 48
Evo 44
MD 44
Omega 41
SoF 38
Sanct 19
Monsters 25
fluff 16
WoF 12
RoCk 3
ICN 10
m0m0 13
Rival 8
NA 5
KSF -2
HAN -4
PDM -4
LaF -21
RD -31
iMag -49
SoL -86
Elitez -144

Garry Owen Game profile


Oct 10th 2011, 3:09:27

Awesome cool if your hiking/biking/backpacking/watersports/snowsports/etc... where you need sunglasses on/off a lot. And dont want to lose them.

Do you use your middle initial when you sign your name?

Garry Owen Game profile


Oct 5th 2011, 2:46:46

Never lease.

Never buy new.

Since you are on short work commute get something cheap with 20-30k miles. Small and dont care if its ugly.

Pay off as fast as you can... then CONTINUE TO MAKE THE CAR PAYMENT. Only make the payment to yourself - automatic draft into a special 'next car' bank account. Then when you have to trade in, you have a nice down payment and can pay off the next car faster. :)

Garry Owen Game profile


Sep 26th 2011, 1:19:45

More correct headline:

Some unknown percentage of Europeans suffer from mental illness and a whole bunch more know how to claim liberal benefits from the government!!!

Garry Owen Game profile


Sep 20th 2011, 3:57:15


Dino Disease
Dino Comet?

Garry Owen Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 1:56:56

Why not.

Alfred E Newman
Homer Simpson

Garry Owen Game profile


Sep 5th 2011, 2:25:50


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Garry Owen Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 18:35:53

Ponderer, you are a Tea-Partier at heart. :)

The real heart of the tea party movement is that government should be limited and watched. The bigger government gets, the harder it is for 'The People' to do any realistic oversight and therefore it breeds more corruption and ineffeciency.

So we have the example of the bloated federal government. It is not the point of the tea party to turn 'historically government provided services and regulation back in the hands of private industry' so much as to get government out of things that it should not regulate in the first place. And to put the regulatory oversight at the appropriate level of government.

For example: schools. Education is not a federal issue. Not in the constitution and historically not controlled / directed / funded at the federal level. The feds got involved when the states were hurt in the 70's recession and the feds could deficit spend. The states avoided the hard choice of how to fund what is an essential state service and shifted the tax burden from local to federal. With federal management we have much more regulation, tons of wasted money, lower achievement and less control and oversight by the local people. That was a federal power grab with very little good to show for it (IDEA is a good thing, but could have been achieved with other legislation and without the huge DofED bureaucracy). And, in addition to the federal regulations we have a huge funding mess that virtually every state must deal with (and spend a lot of extra money on) that still avoids the issue of how to appropriately pay for education services.

Are the Tea-Party members mostly social conservative? Yes, but not all and those issues certainly are not the driving force being tea-party events and candidates. I am confused by your Jewish/Christian issue, since most references are to 'Judeo-Christian' values, referencing things like personal responsibility, property rights, rule of law, private charity etc...

Ref your concern for local government corruption: if we had less regulation and what we had was more common-sense instead of huge loophole ridden bills then we would have fewer lawsuits and special interests... That is the theory at least. But how much worse could it be than the armies of professional thieves we have now?

Bottom line is that I think you have a lot of goals in common with what the tea-party is all about. Esp with your work at local government oversight you are a Tea Party member in all but the bumper sticker. :)