
ztanz Game profile

New Member

Jan 27th 2018, 16:22:52


I came back this set for the ICN reunion and to have a few laughs with my old clan mates, but there has been a change of plans for me.

as the leaders of ICN choose a netset I will be tag switching to Elders to instead get involved in the the ongoing war between them and LaF to better enjoy the single set I probably will ever play again.

This was not my intention at the start of the set and my involvement has nothing to do with ICN.

Best of luck to everyone involved and know that my actions were personal choice and are not backed by ICN or its leadership.


archaic Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 16:29:49

If ICN had any honor they would kill your country, but of course that might make you sad and ICN would never do that. You are right about one thing though, ICN will never do another reunion set.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ztanz Game profile

New Member

Jan 27th 2018, 17:06:06

You seem upset.

There are no rules for tag switching, so I don't see why it would be an issue of honor.


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 27th 2018, 17:20:12

There have been very clear rules for tag switching for the past 20 years or so: the alliance you leave is resposible for anything you do in the next 72 hours. Usually as a courtesy and a statement the alliance that the country leaves helps kill him and/or sends aid even if he did the damage even AFTER the 72 hour period.

But yeah you are completely in the wrong here and you are breaking the trust that was given to you when you tagged up. Congratulations.

Badde Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 17:24:05

All rules are community made, and enforced by the clans. If they are not enforced, it cannot be considered a rule anymore, just a unilateral flexing of muscles.

There is nothing coded into the rule set of earth, is it?



Jan 27th 2018, 17:29:56


its just always been considered bad form tho
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 17:47:11

Ztanz & Badde fluffa larva er :P

LOL at the boards changing swedish words

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 18:04:05

As a "personal" policy I will ALWAYS hold the clan in which you hid before retagging to jump into a fight fair game for attacks, thus, it would be in their best interest to kill your country for it.

I do not make bones and retribution in a subsequent reset either, so your actions have repercussions beyond the current set.
Your lack of Foresight is punishable in my book, and I'm sure the clan you've left will understand this at some point.

You can claim it's personal, and I'm OK with that, but in War, becoming an enemy doesn't just go away if you change tags.

When I played for KoHTGA that is exactly how it would go down. You got killed, until we decided that you have had enough. Not when you got tired of being killed and changed tags.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Link Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 18:11:14

My money is on them not killing him lol

I Am a meat popsicle.


DruncK Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 18:43:51

Or maybe, just MAYBE LaFs police will handle any tag jumpers that don't follow 72 hour rule(which SHOULD be up held imo)

Just detag and wait, or save turns and enter protection after you detag. Or don't go into vacation and wait the 72 hours untagged.

Yes clan's should be held responsible, however since it's an ICN reunion set(they won't be back next set to lay in this bed) who gives a fluff?

LaF MIGHT have a chance at coming back if they organize and raise moral, but if they hit ICN it's game over.

Badde Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 19:29:32

I'm fine with a clan having it as a policy, and enforcing it.

I am not fine with calling it a rule, moaning about it, and try to make other clans follow it.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 20:38:14

if Laf kills ICN, then they break pact with ICN.

i dont think that's very honourable. lol

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 20:48:08

It sounds like something the other side would do so why not? o.O

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 20:52:05

Yeah. They're pulling that old "the pact is voided but if you hit us you broke the pact we already declared as voided" card. Its all too familiar.

I'm gonna throw something out there. Laf. Don't make that mistake again. Declaring the pact voided means ICN is open to hit you if they want. You did the same thing to Elders and then called us pact breakers when we hit you. Don't be idiots and repeat that mistake.

We had a pact with only two terms with laf that set in Elders. It did not include protections for suiciders, reps or any of that other nonsense and said things would be worked out between FAs. 3 seperate leaders in laf declared the pact voided even tho neither term had been violated. Declaring a pact as voided, especially from the word of the president himself (5 times on AT Vic said the pact was voided), Elders had no choice but to assume that the pact was indeed voided.

Stop doing that and then claiming other tags break pact. They don't break pacts. Your FAs void them.

Vic Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 21:07:26

president of laf? fake news

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 21:09:33

Derrick the 72h rule has been standard for nearly 20 years, every other claim means fluff Elders and ICN can dream otherwise if they want to but if you were to disagree with this and kept pushing it to other tags it wouldnt be too long before Monsters, Omega, Evo, SOL, Rage etc would join the party for LaFs side and then this would be over before it started.

Hell 2 of the tags on your side fought very hard for policies like this and L:L pacts for topfeeds

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 22:36:15

I'm not disputing 72 hours. In the set I'm referring to I was told elders had to pay 400b in reps when killing the country has been standard practice for years. We offered to kill it and were told reps or the pact was voided, again by multiple laf leaders. We told them to fluff off on reps and started aiding the country. Afterall, our pact was "voided." It was unrealistic and the pact was declared voided at least a dozen times by several different laf leaders before elders "broke pact." That's complete nonsense.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 27th 2018, 22:44:36
See Original Post

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 22:43:15

400b reps is nonsense i can agree with that part

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 22:47:55

I'm the 400 billion dollar man :D

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 22:51:06

I wanted peace with laf that set. Azn wanted peace. And that's what happened. I even tried to counter offer reps plus killing the country. Wasn't good enough. Pact was voided. And somehow this is all elders fault. Its silly. Laf made this bed they now sleep in.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 22:51:24

Its no wonder they refused to pay then, i wouldnt have paid that much for you either :P

major Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 22:51:29

this fluff is just too good.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 23:04:21

Yeah. And then they've been trying to bully us off the server since. Anyone who knows that is here this set supporting us. They'd do anything to support us too because trying to push players out of the game for your own retarded actions isn't right.

If the same thing was happening to LaF right now, I'd be the first person to detag and support them.

And yes, major. I was really looking forward to going mono y mono with SOL. Damn shame this got in the way and Maki supports them for doing it. I asked Maki to call off the war after Don Tob contacted me saying pact was voided and that LaF would hit us and war was on (which I've posted a screenshot of and resulted in our preemptive FS and apparent pact breaking). Maki refused in favor of supporting this. That's why I called in allies.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 27th 2018, 23:58:03
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 28th 2018, 0:00:32

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
If the same thing was happening to LaF right now, I'd be the first person to detag and support them.

Ohh yeah, this comming from the guy who before that happened said this:

<Derrick> If I see one of the red cheaters hitting LaF I'll fa him too

That is a direct quote from #alliance and all that are lingering there can search the logs and see that it has not been changed in any way.

Obviously you would cheer it on whatever happened to LaF, including when we got suicided by MD and your country and some of your members who ran untagged. You did FA them before we asked for you to take responsibility and that was the plan all along anywa. You know this and I know this, even tho you don't want to admit it.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jan 28th 2018, 0:10:31

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2018, 0:18:29

Look what you're doing. Look at the reactions. Of course I'd support anyone against you now. But saying we fa'd him prior to our breakdown is simply a bold faced lie. We absolutely didn't until we were told pact was voided. We fa'd him while you guys killed him which obviously would have been after I offered to kill him (you know. Because he was alive)

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 28th 2018, 0:32:17
See Original Post

jcatron Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 1:35:18

For the record I was ICN and tag jumped somewhere else to stay out of the war...because it is bad form to do otherwise...

Soviet Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 22:15:29

Vic just makes fluff up to whatever suits him. Like him killing Galleri's untagged country this set for no reason, then claiming she died for never responding to a message he sent 2 days prior, that well, was never sent in the first place.
Imaginary Numbers

ERTYUIPOP Game profile


Jan 29th 2018, 5:21:33

i think am going to finish the set with ICN :)