
The Joker Game profile

New Member

Mar 8th 2017, 4:33:00

Started off mixed now going totally communist

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 8th 2017, 14:31:12

Communist is the government. I suppose you mean that you are building only industrial complexes and producing military units to sell on the public market. That is a solid strategy. Make sure you get your goods sold and that you build a proper amount of construction sites (like 180+, depending on the server).

Turrets and jets are normally the most profitable units to produce.

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 12th 2017, 16:32:28

to be successful as a C/I don't mix your buildings, start off with a few farms until you make military to sell on public, after 5k acres your BPT should be 70, if you plan to get to 20k+ by 10k acres your BPT should be 85-100

simplest way to figure out what your BPT needs to be is take your land goal and square root it.

you should explore only in the start after turn 150 you should be grabbing multiple times a day and selling your goods 2-3x a day and buying as much indy tech as you can afford asap, once your indy tech is above 150% get bus and military tech while still getting more indy tech 155% min for remainder of set, if res is cheap and you got the spare cash go for it no more then 165% in bus/res is needed but military tech get to below 85%
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 12th 2017, 17:08:39

Ehh. This BPT talk is quite wrong...

Square root of 40000 acres is 200, so according to this 200 bpt is turn optimal to build 40k acres.

780cs + 200turns building at 200 BPT is 980 turns.

380cs + 400 turns building at 100 BPT is 780 turns

The formula for optimal BPT is sqrt(Acres_to_build/4) for normal governments.

For 10k acres, 50BPT is turn optimal

For 20k acres, 71 BPT is turn optimal

This assumes you will build all your buildings after you built your CS which is almost never the case. Also it does not take cumulative income into account. Both these factors actually favour a lower BPT than what would be considered turn optimal.

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 12th 2017, 19:10:56

I'm not giving out the proper formula thats clan info I'm just pointing in the right direction use the square root then figure out the rest

and yes I have had 200+ BPT with less then 40k acres and no I didn't build them all at once it was a goal while growing. If you are not a techer then build your BPT as you go, if you are going techer your land goal won't be that high but you will need to build most your BPT up before building up mass amounts.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 12th 2017, 19:31:51

It is not clan info though as it can be found on these forums and in the xls formula sheet that Slagpit, QZ and Revelat0r made years ago, is public and linked on this forum as well.

Is this what EE has come to, everything is secret to prevent your competitiors from learning the game?

Tbh, I want my opponents to be knowledgable and skilled, because such players are more pleasant, more predictable and more friendly in general. Therefore I help new players with whatever knowledge I can bring them. It is not likely they will be better than me a week or a month from now, and if they are I congratulate them.

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 13th 2017, 9:37:17

there are basic formulas then there are refined formulas that clans have, that's the advantage of joining one clan over the other (which one has the best know-how)
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 13th 2017, 17:00:59

Optimal_BPT=Sqrt(Land_goal) is not only basic, it is very wrong.

And the true formula for "turn optimal" BPT has been public knowledge for well over 15 years.

Back when I played we had lofty discussions on these things in the public forum. Also comparing stats at different times and how we got there.

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 3rd 2017, 19:13:40

Maybe post it here? :)