I guess it is debatable, it would be between hao, chun, eug, enshula, xin, bakku, hlw, samxz and me I would say and it's pretty interchangable by reset and what style suited the reset, some had an aggressive risk taking like me some were more about maximizing what you have like enshula. And yes they are all ex laf but at the moment I cant think of a person outside of laf that I ever was concerned about beating me to rank 1, not saying that no one ever got close, just that no one else was consistently good they would just have the odd good reset or some form of aid, free land, etc.
That said the skill level has decreased pretty drastically any newb can fart on a keyboard and get a t10 these days.
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I think many have him beat by a long shot. We rarely see him around anymore. But when we do, he's always talking about how he's so much better than everyone else. I think if he came back now he would be blown away. Who is the best netter of all time?
As far as all that, you cant antagonize me into playing again, you'd have to be a far better player that i have a actual disdain for to get me to play again, like maybe if pang wanted to netgain against me or slagpit, though neither of them are any good neither I didn't like them more than I don't like you, not to say I don't like you, I don't like you, but I also have not got a clue who you are.
I've won the last 3 times I've netgained, get 5 good players to play and i'd consider playing, right now the only challenge I can legitimately see would be trying to go untagged all set to win, and the admins would just tell everyone that i run the country to get me suicided anyway so what's the point.
The following people suck
Tan (I cant remember if you'd changed your name to something else, but if you have add that name to this list too)
Lord Travana
Vic (Again)
Everyone that ever thought evo were good
Everyone that was ever a leader in evo
Everyone that doesnt know how much of a tool slagpit was (is?)
Vic (Again)
Most of PDM
Vic (Again)
and Syko_Killa
(I'm sure I missed out a few people, so feel free to add to the list).