
Garry Owen Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 1:49:30

When the criminal asshat in Charleston who is associated with the Confederate flag murdered a bunch of people, we take on a national crusade to root out all things Confederate, because obviously that flag represents hatred and terrorism.

But now a criminal asshat in Chattanooga who is associated with Islam and trips to arab countries murders a bunch of people... but we all officially declare that Islam is a religion of peace, and that obviously Islam and Arabic heritage has nothing to do with his murderous actions.

Interesting when you compare and contrast, don't you think?

Edited By: Garry Owen on Jul 20th 2015, 2:11:01



Jul 20th 2015, 1:58:29

It's cause obama is one of the 72 virgins.... he's getting his ass pounded everytime he goes to the middle east. He is their chi boy
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2015, 2:03:08

This country hates white men. Watch tv for 5 minutes and see.
wasn't me...

Atryn Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 2:39:23

Interesting, yes. Illogical, no.

I don't see worship of the confederate flag as a religion (thought perhaps I should).

I wouldn't discard an entire religion practiced by 1.5+ BILLION people with an incredibly diverse set of views and interpretations as I would the views of the KKK and white supremacists who brought the confederate flag out in the 50s to further their agenda.

No, I don't think we should be flying the flag of ISIS on any US Government property. And yes, if I saw some asshat with an ISIS flag flying proudly from the back of his pickup truck I would dislike him as much as the asshats here who do that with the confederate flag.

ISIS and Islamic extremism do not equal Islam. Neither do Christian extremists represent Christianity. Neither do white supremacists represent all white people.

Interesting when you stop to think about it, don't you think?

Heston Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 4:05:41

Originally posted by Atryn:

No, I don't think we should be flying the flag of ISIS on any US Government property. And yes, if I saw some asshat with an ISIS flag flying proudly from the back of his pickup truck I would dislike him as much as the asshats here who do that with the confederate flag.

Interesting when you stop to think about it, don't you think?

No, sounds like your a twisted fluffhole mess. It also proves you havent the slightest idea what the fluff youre talking about.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Jul 20th 2015, 5:18:05

If the media runs with 1 white kid = all of whites than it must be true that 1 muslim = all muslim
And 1 black person = all black people....
Well the media only runs with one of those.
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2015, 12:05:37

This country hates straight white men, which are the men that Obama favors for his BJ's. It gives him a powertrip to have that happen for him.

Plus, we all know that the politically correct cannot stand criticism, so Islam IS a religion of Peace, of course. Only it's not peaceful until it controls everything.

Obama spends two weeks going on and on about Trayvon Martin, the Ferguson Hoodlum, and others yet doesn't spend an instant worrying over that Steinle woman killed by the Illegal Alien that HE ALLOWED TO COME HERE and HIDE in a "Sanctuary City".
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jul 20th 2015, 16:41:53

nevermind, its pointless to post here.

Edited By: Ruthie on Jul 20th 2015, 16:47:09
See Original Post
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 20th 2015, 17:12:55

Do you guys actually believe what you say or are you saying it for secret luls somewhere? :p

PS. it's the media that decides what Obama focuses on/says publicly.... your media is just really bad if you think it's not representing you. Your governance is going to be bad regardless :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Heston Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 17:25:11

"Wow Heston, I have seen you post plenty of bullfluff but seriously, there are plenty who feel that the confederate flag has no reason to be flying over a government building. You want one? Fly it on your own damn property.

Perhaps its you who haven't the slightest idea what the fluff you're talking about. *smh*"

How the fluff can you equate some fluffstick kkk, skinhead , black panther to isis, isil? You are clearly dont know what the fluff your talking about.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Trife Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 18:01:53


Originally posted by Pang:
Do you guys actually believe what you say or are you saying it for secret luls somewhere? :p

geez, i hope they dont heh

Trife Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 18:02:05

Originally posted by Ruthie:
nevermind, its pointless to post here.


Trife Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 18:02:58

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Atryn:

No, I don't think we should be flying the flag of ISIS on any US Government property. And yes, if I saw some asshat with an ISIS flag flying proudly from the back of his pickup truck I would dislike him as much as the asshats here who do that with the confederate flag.

Interesting when you stop to think about it, don't you think?

No, sounds like your a twisted fluffhole mess. It also proves you havent the slightest idea what the fluff youre talking about.

solid and well thought out retort to a valid and good point!

Heston Game profile


Jul 20th 2015, 18:05:58

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Atryn:

No, I don't think we should be flying the flag of ISIS on any US Government property. And yes, if I saw some asshat with an ISIS flag flying proudly from the back of his pickup truck I would dislike him as much as the asshats here who do that with the confederate flag.

Interesting when you stop to think about it, don't you think?

No, sounds like your a twisted fluffhole mess. It also proves you havent the slightest idea what the fluff youre talking about.

solid and well thought out retort to a valid and good point!

Y discuss the obvious?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2015, 21:09:23

I hereby declare this thread....spin city!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Atryn Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 4:24:55

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Plus, we all know that the politically correct cannot stand criticism, so Islam IS a religion of Peace, of course. Only it's not peaceful until it controls everything.

Re: generalizations on Islam:

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2015, 10:15:32

Originally posted by Atryn:

Interesting, yes. Illogical, no.

IISIS and Islamic extremism do not equal Islam. Neither do Christian extremists represent Christianity. Neither do white supremacists represent all white people.

Cite for me one example of "Christian Extremists" and I'd even accept a case of forced Baptism as an example. SHOW ME ONE!

Just one, and you can't do it, can you. In not one instance worldwide is there a case of Christian Radical Terrorism, is there?

So, you need to re-work your argument to where the apples are compared to apples instead of apples to rutabagas.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Riddler Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 10:39:10

Originally posted by Pang:
Do you guys actually believe what you say or are you saying it for secret luls somewhere? :p

PS. it's the media that decides what Obama focuses on/says publicly.... your media is just really bad if you think it's not representing you. Your governance is going to be bad regardless :p

our media is controlled by our government. Our government has an agenda to keep our people divided so that we may not rise up against them.

Riddler Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 10:41:07

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Interesting, yes. Illogical, no.

IISIS and Islamic extremism do not equal Islam. Neither do Christian extremists represent Christianity. Neither do white supremacists represent all white people.

Cite for me one example of "Christian Extremists" and I'd even accept a case of forced Baptism as an example. SHOW ME ONE!

Just one, and you can't do it, can you. In not one instance worldwide is there a case of Christian Radical Terrorism, is there?

So, you need to re-work your argument to where the apples are compared to apples instead of apples to rutabagas.

one case of Extremism of Christianity would be Jim Jones or how about Waco? not that I am taking his side at all because I despise Islamist Extremism. however pick you rbattles and be careful what you ask for



Jul 23rd 2015, 11:06:23

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Interesting, yes. Illogical, no.

IISIS and Islamic extremism do not equal Islam. Neither do Christian extremists represent Christianity. Neither do white supremacists represent all white people.

Cite for me one example of "Christian Extremists" and I'd even accept a case of forced Baptism as an example. SHOW ME ONE!

Just one, and you can't do it, can you. In not one instance worldwide is there a case of Christian Radical Terrorism, is there?

So, you need to re-work your argument to where the apples are compared to apples instead of apples to rutabagas.

too lazy to cite anything but wikipedia, but...

1993: David Gunn was murdered by anti-abortion activist Michael F. Griffin
1994: Abortion provider John Britton and James Barrett became victims of Reverend Paul Jennings Hill.
1996–98: anti-abortion extremist Eric Rudolph cited biblical passages as his motivation for a series of bombings, including Atlanta's Olympic Centennial Park, a Lesbian bar, and several abortion clinics. Rudolph acknowledges his attacks were religiously motivated, but denies that his brief association with the racist Christian Identity movement was a motivation for his attacks.
1998: James Kopp killed at least one and went on a series of anti-abortion shooting sprees, both in the U.S. and Canada.
2009: Anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder killed George Tiller in Kansas.

there's also that kkk thing
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Kat Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 12:07:41

It's a big deal that this country even allowed the confederates to keep this flag after the civil war in the first place and even let it be turned into a symbol for something else.

What other country does that?? None. They have a word for flying the opposing side's flag after they lost a war. Treason. But America decided to be gracious and now we have to deal with whining people who's lives are not at all affected by this.

You don't get to wave around your piece of cloth that seems to change its meaning every couple of decades...oh no... End of the world... You're not losing your freedoms or your jobs or your families and it's not like all of you that complain used to even own one in the first place.

So quit complaining and realize that the confederate flag got flown well past its expiration date and be happy. We already have 53+ flags for one country without the confederate one. Get the fluff over it and realize this crap is why it should have been nipped in the bud in the first place.

Also, for're kidding right? Christians are literally the biggest mass murderers on the planet. The Bible has a ton of the killings right there in it! Not to mention the brutal murders of the Native Americans as Columbus and many others tried to colonize the "new world". Then there's the crusades and...should I go on? Christian extremists have more deaths under their belt than Hitler. Should we treat all Christians like mass murderers no. should we treat the Christian faith as a harmful religion? No. It's a few bad eggs ruining it for us, just like Islam now has some bad eggs.

End rant.

BladeEWG Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 12:13:06

What would you call the "crusades" then ?

jeffpatate Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 12:43:44




Jul 23rd 2015, 17:41:31

Originally posted by Heston:
"Wow Heston, I have seen you post plenty of bullfluff but seriously, there are plenty who feel that the confederate flag has no reason to be flying over a government building. You want one? Fly it on your own damn property.

Perhaps its you who haven't the slightest idea what the fluff you're talking about. *smh*"

How the fluff can you equate some fluffstick kkk, skinhead , black panther to isis, isil? You are clearly dont know what the fluff your talking about.

Thanks for posting something I decided not to post and then combining it with someone else's post. wtf
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

mFrost Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 18:36:26

btw.. the flag they removed is not the official confederate flag ;)

The flag they removed was the Rebel Flag or Dixie Flag ... it was used on the battle field to differentiate friend vs. foe. It became popular after the civil war...

heck the white house was not even flying the flag at half mast for the marines until a few days ago.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 5:28:56

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Atryn:

Interesting, yes. Illogical, no.

IISIS and Islamic extremism do not equal Islam. Neither do Christian extremists represent Christianity. Neither do white supremacists represent all white people.

Cite for me one example of "Christian Extremists" and I'd even accept a case of forced Baptism as an example. SHOW ME ONE!

Just one, and you can't do it, can you. In not one instance worldwide is there a case of Christian Radical Terrorism, is there?

Well, lots of other people beat me to it while I was working. So, see above.

But I also love google, so here are some links for your reading pleasure:

blah blah blah...

But no, NOT EVEN ONE!!!!!!!!

Heston Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 7:01:45

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by Heston:
"Wow Heston, I have seen you post plenty of bullfluff but seriously, there are plenty who feel that the confederate flag has no reason to be flying over a government building. You want one? Fly it on your own damn property.

Perhaps its you who haven't the slightest idea what the fluff you're talking about. *smh*"

How the fluff can you equate some fluffstick kkk, skinhead , black panther to isis, isil? You are clearly dont know what the fluff your talking about.

Thanks for posting something I decided not to post and then combining it with someone else's post. wtf

Youre welcome?
As for wtf...
I dont know... made complete sense at the time. Just bare with me and call me a flufftard like everyone else.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Jul 24th 2015, 7:06:39

Originally posted by Kat:
It's a big deal that this country even allowed the confederates to keep this flag after the civil war in the first place and even let it be turned into a symbol for something else.

What other country does that?? None. They have a word for flying the opposing side's flag after they lost a war. Treason. But America decided to be gracious and now we have to deal with whining people who's lives are not at all affected by this.

You don't get to wave around your piece of cloth that seems to change its meaning every couple of decades...oh no... End of the world... You're not losing your freedoms or your jobs or your families and it's not like all of you that complain used to even own one in the first place.

So quit complaining and realize that the confederate flag got flown well past its expiration date and be happy. We already have 53+ flags for one country without the confederate one. Get the fluff over it and realize this crap is why it should have been nipped in the bud in the first place.

this is an incredibly cute argument that i could change a few words and it would be against you.

allowed the confederates to keep the flag? lol what? freedom of speech and expression was allowed before the confederacy existed. and it will exist long after tards stop fluffing with it.

you understand that the confederate flag isn't illegal now right? they just decided to stop flying it on government property.

you are giving the flag power by trying to eliminate it. people like you will never learn, but will complain he entire time.

this is the problem with arguing a point when you, yourself, are ignorant.

mrford Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 7:12:16

it is a flag....
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

drkprinc Game profile


Jul 24th 2015, 12:00:46

that you can amass between my legs on my pole bearer >.>
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2015, 14:07:22

It's the same crowd who claim guns and s.u.v's kill people...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2015, 19:18:09

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
What would you call the "crusades" then ?

Retaliation for years of Jihadi attacks against Christians in Europe. Oh, wait, those don't count do they?

Each instance cited above was performed by a single individual, there was no co-conspirators with them to shoot up the abortion clinics (which I might add are just now starting to lose their invulnerability and we learn about them selling "baby body parts" "for science") LOL laughable excuses for evil twisted humans anyway. But still one individual who had reacched their breaking point with how much evil they were going to see go on. The Islamic Terrorists operate in packs of like minded individuals bent on murder of all and sundry.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jul 24th 2015, 20:10:43

is that all you have cerb? what about the rest of us who gave you examples of christian terrorism?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2015, 20:37:07

Weren't those idiots that mass suicided back when that famous comet flew near us (relatively speaking) some wing of christianity?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jul 24th 2015, 20:59:35

good old heavens gate. don't know how they classified themselves, but I wouldn't really call that terrorism without calling every other doomsday prophet a terrorist.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.



Jul 24th 2015, 21:05:59

I think the difference between christian and islamic terrorism is simply the organisation of the religious institution and followers.
For example the christian people at jonestown or waco. Those two religions are Christian. They would not find shelter or support with other christian religions like Catholics, Jehovah witnesses or mormons. There isnt any connecton except the word jesus christ. They all read different scripture.

A mosque is a mosque. Islam is world wide. They read the same scriture from the same book world wide. They all interpret it differently then expect someone that is under attack by fluffs under the ialamic flag to differentiate between a fundamentalists live by the word murderous warmongering vision of islamic world domination and the flufftard who believes the same thing but doesn't have what allah requires to make it happen.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2015, 21:13:33

Originally posted by elvesrus:
good old heavens gate. don't know how they classified themselves, but I wouldn't really call that terrorism without calling every other doomsday prophet a terrorist.

Self inflicted terrorism? :P
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Atryn Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 13:07:39

Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
I think the difference between christian and islamic terrorism is simply the organisation of the religious institution and followers.
For example the christian people at jonestown or waco. Those two religions are Christian. They would not find shelter or support with other christian religions like Catholics, Jehovah witnesses or mormons. There isnt any connecton except the word jesus christ. They all read different scripture.

A mosque is a mosque. Islam is world wide. They read the same scriture from the same book world wide. They all interpret it differently then expect someone that is under attack by fluffs under the ialamic flag to differentiate between a fundamentalists live by the word murderous warmongering vision of islamic world domination and the flufftard who believes the same thing but doesn't have what allah requires to make it happen.

"they all read different scripture"...

Wait, what?!?!! You think Islam is all reading the same text and interpreting it differently but that Christianity isn't doing the EXACT SAME THING??? Its not like every sect of Christianity has a different Bible. Well, maybe the Mormon's with their "added" text, but that is a real exception and even they also follow the Bible (their interpretation).

It is also wrong to suggest that all Muslim people would shelter/support Islamic extremists. That is just not true.



Jul 27th 2015, 14:48:07

fun fact: jesus is mentioned more in the quran than muhammad, just as a prophet of god instead of god's son
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

mrford Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 14:59:50

religion is the worst thing to ever happen to mankind.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jul 27th 2015, 15:11:59

Is part of it for killing each other over which god is better when they all worship the same god but with their own name?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

aponic Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 16:38:53

Originally posted by Pang:
Do you guys actually believe what you say or are you saying it for secret luls somewhere? :p

PS. it's the media that decides what Obama focuses on/says publicly.... your media is just really bad if you think it's not representing you. Your governance is going to be bad regardless :p


mrford Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 17:05:42

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Is part of it for killing each other over which god is better when they all worship the same god but with their own name?

that and the scientific and cultural advances it has fluff on and hampered.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jul 27th 2015, 19:32:28

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
I think the difference between christian and islamic terrorism is simply the organisation of the religious institution and followers.
For example the christian people at jonestown or waco. Those two religions are Christian. They would not find shelter or support with other christian religions like Catholics, Jehovah witnesses or mormons. There isnt any connecton except the word jesus christ. They all read different scripture.

A mosque is a mosque. Islam is world wide. They read the same scriture from the same book world wide. They all interpret it differently then expect someone that is under attack by fluffs under the ialamic flag to differentiate between a fundamentalists live by the word murderous warmongering vision of islamic world domination and the flufftard who believes the same thing but doesn't have what allah requires to make it happen.

"they all read different scripture"...

Wait, what?!?!! You think Islam is al reading the same text and interpreting it differently but that Christianity isn't doing the EXACT SAME THING??? Its not like every sect of Christianity has a different Bible. Well, maybe the Mormon's with their "added" text, but that is a real exception and even they also follow the Bible (their interpretation).

It is also wrong to suggest that all Muslim people would shelter/support Islamic extremists. That is just not true.

Well there are several versions of the bible:
King james, new international version, new revised standard version. Catholics have an extra six chapters. Mormons have the bible, book of mormon, doctorine and covenants, and the pearl of great price. Some believe jesus to be god himself, some the son of god. They all believe different fluff.

It is also proven that muslims in the usa give shelter and support to terrorists. In their mosques and with their money. If they know it or not. Most send their cash to the head of their family. That head takes care of the family and makes all the decisions. Most of the time that money is going overseas to a hostile country to people that hate the usa. If you actually knew any arabs around 9-11 they were all fluffing about not being able to send money back home when bush made that illegal. Claiming that was interferes with their religious rights.

ZDH Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 19:39:37

Crusades = Catholics.

Not Christians they are similar but not the same.

And just noticed the Waco shout out ;-) my home town. David Koresh was crazy though...had a sweet Camero

Anyway he was messed up in the head what he did had nothing to do with Christianity. Just a regular sociopath doing sociopath things.

Edited By: ZDH on Jul 27th 2015, 19:47:22
See Original Post

Atryn Game profile


Jul 31st 2015, 15:48:27

Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
Well there are several versions of the bible:
King james, new international version, new revised standard version. Catholics have an extra six chapters. Mormons have the bible, book of mormon, doctorine and covenants, and the pearl of great price. Some believe jesus to be god himself, some the son of god. They all believe different fluff.

I mentioned Mormon in my response to you already. As for the others, those are really quite minor in terms of variations. Not what I would call "different scriptures". The tenets are not that different.

Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
It is also proven that muslims in the usa give shelter and support to terrorists. In their mosques and with their money. If they know it or not. Most send their cash to the head of their family. That head takes care of the family and makes all the decisions. Most of the time that money is going overseas to a hostile country to people that hate the usa. If you actually knew any arabs around 9-11 they were all fluffing about not being able to send money back home when bush made that illegal. Claiming that was interferes with their religious rights.

Look up "Venn Diagram" and it might explain a lot of the world to you. It also explains what people mean when they say something is "too broad" or "overreaching" or has "unintended consequences". I especially love your use of "if they know it or not". That's hilarious. You could say that anyone putting their spare room on AirBNB is sheltering terrorists under that definition. Your repeated uses of the word "most" also appears to be loaded with prejudice and unsubstantiated. Whether or not "Most Iranians" "hate the USA" is actually not well understood at all, for example. There certainly isn't any definitive research or stats that I have ever seen on it.

Mostly what I have seen is that individuals like the USA as a country/culture but dislike some specific actions of our government. That doesn't translate to "hate" or wanting to destroy the USA.

Back to that Venn Diagram thing, in case you are still confused. Just because you see lots of USA-hate or even terrorists coming from majority-muslim countries doesn't mean that they majority of muslims hate the USA.



Jul 31st 2015, 18:18:18

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
Well there are several versions of the bible:
King james, new international version, new revised standard version. Catholics have an extra six chapters. Mormons have the bible, book of mormon, doctorine and covenants, and the pearl of great price. Some believe jesus to be god himself, some the son of god. They all believe different fluff.

I mentioned Mormon in my response to you already. As for the others, those are really quite minor in terms of variations. Not what I would call "different scriptures". The tenets are not that different.

Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
It is also proven that muslims in the usa give shelter and support to terrorists. In their mosques and with their money. If they know it or not. Most send their cash to the head of their family. That head takes care of the family and makes all the decisions. Most of the time that money is going overseas to a hostile country to people that hate the usa. If you actually knew any arabs around 9-11 they were all fluffing about not being able to send money back home when bush made that illegal. Claiming that was interferes with their religious rights.

Look up "Venn Diagram" and it might explain a lot of the world to you. It also explains what people mean when they say something is "too broad" or "overreaching" or has "unintended consequences". I especially love your use of "if they know it or not". That's hilarious. You could say that anyone putting their spare room on AirBNB is sheltering terrorists under that definition. Your repeated uses of the word "most" also appears to be loaded with prejudice and unsubstantiated. Whether or not "Most Iranians" "hate the USA" is actually not well understood at all, for example. There certainly isn't any definitive research or stats that I have ever seen on it.

Mostly what I have seen is that individuals like the USA as a country/culture but dislike some specific actions of our government. That doesn't translate to "hate" or wanting to destroy the USA.

Back to that Venn Diagram thing, in case you are still confused. Just because you see lots of USA-hate or even terrorists coming from majority-muslim countries doesn't mean that they majority of muslims hate the USA.

I have no use for over lapping circle graphs. The entire moral world hates the usa because of gay loving, baby killing, transsexual enabling, gay marrying limp fluff pacifists like yourself. Putin summed it up well with color revolutions. Look that up. I find it ironic that you can suck so much politically correct fluff, but in the face of the world, its the us government that sets policies the world hates.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 31st 2015, 19:32:25

Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
The entire moral world hates the usa because of gay loving, baby killing, transsexual enabling, gay marrying limp fluff pacifists like yourself. Putin summed it up well with color revolutions. Look that up. I find it ironic that you can suck so much politically correct fluff, but in the face of the world, its the us government that sets policies the world hates.

So the hate toward the USA is because of individual sexual and women's rights?

Not because we blow up their fluff, exploit them, repress their economies and national aims, etc?

Not that I agree with US enemies, but know thy enemy.

Trife Game profile


Jul 31st 2015, 19:37:42

and now you can't get rebel flags on your license plates here in virginia :)

sorry bigots :(



Jul 31st 2015, 19:37:45

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by al-Kafirun:
The entire moral world hates the usa because of gay loving, baby killing, transsexual enabling, gay marrying limp fluff pacifists like yourself. Putin summed it up well with color revolutions. Look that up. I find it ironic that you can suck so much politically correct fluff, but in the face of the world, its the us government that sets policies the world hates.

So the hate toward the USA is because of individual sexual and women's rights?

Not because we blow up their fluff, exploit them, repress their economies and national aims, etc?

Not that I agree with US enemies, but know thy enemy.

you forgot we force them to follow our laws
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.