
TAN Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:02:17

Say no to mods! Say no to oppression!


iNouda Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:14:42


VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:21:58

Does that mean that martian can tell us "what really happened?"

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2014, 20:24:43

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Trife Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:27:07


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2014, 20:27:26

I want ice cream!

TAN Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:34:29


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2014, 20:38:27

Originally posted by Trife:
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Makolyte Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 20:42:56

That makes the rest of us black. Sweet, i'm finally cool, and can jump high!
Alliance: VP of Death Knights
FFA: XI warrior

mdevol Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 21:07:01

So who was the one that sucker punched the mods and busted their orbital socket?

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Marshal Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 21:41:34

1 of my handles got 10 year ban after 1 post and it didn't even break any kind of rules.

BAD mARTIAN!!!!!!!!!!
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

TAN Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 21:47:28

the orbital socket punch has already been debunked. soooo, yes, it would be dagga.

mrford Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 22:42:58

did someone ask for some freedom?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 22:43:41

Did someone ask for misuse of the word literally?

mdevol Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 22:45:34

Originally posted by TAN:
the orbital socket punch has already been debunked. soooo, yes, it would be dagga.

By who? And with what evidence?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mdevol Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 22:57:21

The last I saw was that the major media outlets were beginning to pack up and leave because of major new evidence that debunked the "racist white cop shoots innocent black kid" narrative they have been spewing for a week...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Raging Budda Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 23:07:17

Apparently, St. Louis is a dangerous place to be...
Your base is mine!

mrford Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 23:10:20

no. carrying a knife and walking towards officers pointing guns at you chanting "shoot me" is a dangerous thing to do

at least there is video evidence of this dumbass
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

TAN Game profile


Aug 21st 2014, 23:46:57

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by TAN:
the orbital socket punch has already been debunked. soooo, yes, it would be dagga.

By who? And with what evidence?

By using your brain. The leak said he was beaten near unconscious but he managed to get out of the car and land 6 shots on Brown? Also, did you see the footage of the incident afterwards? Wilson was walking around fine. No ambulance for him was called - he went there afterwards.

Finally the only people reporting this are a right wing blog known for making stories up and Fox News. Not exactly the most reliable of sources.

Trife Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 0:11:46

Originally posted by TAN:

Finally the only people reporting this are a right wing blog known for making stories up and Fox News. Not exactly the most reliable of sources.


VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 1:25:14

Well, certainly not MSLSD or CBS news. Fox actually does a decent job of getting the facts right, regardless of their spin (and they are infuriating Republican apologists). There are no more real journalists, so the best thing to do is find the ones who at least admit their biases so you know how much salt to take it with.

mdevol Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 11:05:08

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by TAN:
the orbital socket punch has already been debunked. soooo, yes, it would be dagga.

By who? And with what evidence?

By using your brain. The leak said he was beaten near unconscious but he managed to get out of the car and land 6 shots on Brown? Also, did you see the footage of the incident afterwards? Wilson was walking around fine. No ambulance for him was called - he went there afterwards.

Finally the only people reporting this are a right wing blog known for making stories up and Fox News. Not exactly the most reliable of sources.

My brain tells me there are 2 major stories thus far...

Story 1) Simple and uncomplicated. Brown and Johnson were walking in the street and blocking traffic when told by Cop to move onto the sidewalk. Brown argued with cop, a scuffle ensued. Cop pulled out his gun and shot him six times, leaving Brown dead in the street. A white cop, fluffed with by a black kid, flips his fluff and empties his gun. Case Closed.

It does not end there though....

Story 2) When Wilson (Cop) pulled up he told them to get off the street. Brown didn't just give him fluff, he actually was fighting with him while the cop was in the car still. (punching him in the face) Brown went for the cops gun as he leaned into the car and it went off on accident. This caused the boys to back up and as Brown backed away, Wilson pointed his gun and told him to freeze. Brown did and then taunted him with "What are gonna do shoot me?" after yelling at each other, brown started charging. Wilson then shot Brown six times, the last 2 shots entering the skull. Pretty plausible right?

Browns friend, Dorian Johnson, said the first shot was while the cop was holding Brown inside the car and the next was when we was running away, yet the initial autopsy stated he was shot in the front with no shots to the back, and the 2nd autopsy didn't dispute that but left it open to potentially arms raised in one of the shots, all others were to the front. So he couldn't have been running away, as Johnson claims. Furthermore, if he did get shot while the police officer was holding him inside the car, as Johnson claims, he would have gunpowder residue around the bullet holes, again, there was none according to both autopsies. Add to this claim that Dorian Johnson has filed false police reports on the past. This story suddenly has holes in it. (no pun intended)

At this point there is not enough information to 100% confirm or deny either story but with the evidence that we do have, it seems to me that the officer, while going too far with it, was not the aggressor in this case and was protecting himself when the shots were fired.

We will not know for certain until the conclusion of the autopsy and that will take weeks.

What we do know though, is that of all people, Eric Holder should not be the one coming out and saying stupid fluff like

"I can remember being stopped on the New Jersey turnpike on two occasions and accused of speeding. Pulled over... 'Let me search your car'... Go through the trunk of my car, look under the seats and all this kind of stuff. I remember how humiliating that was and how angry I was and the impact it had on me,"

and "The world is watching because the issues raised by the shooting of Michael Brown predate this incident. This is something that has a history to it, and the history simmers beneath the surface in more communities than just Ferguson."

and “I am the attorney general of the United States, but I am also a black man.”

Those statements all tell us that he has already decided in his mind what happened. That Wilson is guilty. As the highest level attorney in the United States, you would expect him to be a little more impartial with cases like this. He has no reason to invoke race into this as there is no evidence of race being a factor at all, he did so with Trayvon Martin and he was wrong there, and he is doing so here with Michael Brown and from the looks of it, he is wrong here too.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 11:59:05

Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

TAN Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 15:06:54

mdevol I agree we don't know everything yet and it's very possible that Michael Brown is 100% to blame. But what the hell did your rant have to do with the fact that the broken eye socket story is bullfluff if you spend just 5 minutes thinking about it?

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Aug 22nd 2014, 19:28:26

Originally posted by TAN:
Say no to mods! Say no to oppression!


the mods are mostly representative of Canada, and as such they don't actually represent anything real. they might occasionally get stuck choking to death on a peace pipe because the Nunavuts refuse to let the French Canadians access to any land in their territory, but well, the French Canadians are too busy dealing pot in the US to notice that they ain't getting any of it.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 19:48:02

TAN, what does walking around have to do with whether his eye is broken? H4 (and I think you, I am losing track) kept talking about fights before. When you are in a fight and your face is punched repeatedly, that doesn't stop you from walking around. It might stop you from thinking clearly, but without a closeup shot of his face there is literally no way to point to evidence that he has or hasn't been punched in the face. It hurts in the moment, but the real damage isn't felt until after the adrenaline wears off. Then the pain sets in. Before that it's like being on a morphine drip - you know it hurts but you just don't care.

mdevol Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 19:50:20

Originally posted by TAN:
mdevol I agree we don't know everything yet and it's very possible that Michael Brown is 100% to blame. But what the hell did your rant have to do with the fact that the broken eye socket story is bullfluff if you spend just 5 minutes thinking about it?

how so? if what the cop says is true ( i know you guys all think he is full of fluff) it is very plausible. and there are clear pictures that his face got knocked in. how do you think that happened? no, he was not nearly knocked unconscious, but he obviously got hit at some point, and pretty hard.

we already know that Johnson lied about what happened because none of the shots were from behind like he claimed they were, per both autopsy reports thus far. why should we believe him about the rest of the story he told?

furthermore there were a couple reports at one point that johnson had recanted some of his story to the investigators but we havent heard much about that since.

a lot more will come out in the next week or so.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

TAN Game profile


Aug 22nd 2014, 20:18:44

The cop never said his orbital socket was fractured. The anonymous sources that "journalists" cited said that.

Now look. This is what an orbital socket fracture looks like (NSFL):;biw=1955&bih=1096

From the reports that *you* are citing (because there's only 2 reports - the fluffty blog post and Fox News), Wilson was beaten "nearly unconscious". So we have a nearly unconscious guy deftly get out of his car, take aim, and shoot at least six times (six hits on Brown's body, including a headshot)...with no depth perception at all?

You guys own guns. That you guys aren't backing me up on how bullfluff that story is, frankly is astounding. You guys REFUSE to admit that your precious Fox News might be wrong, so you'll defend their story EVEN IF IT DEFIES LOGIC.

You don't need to be a tree-hugging weed-smoking abortion-making hippy to use your brain and see that story is beyond bullfluff.

EL Rapy


Aug 22nd 2014, 20:21:50

we'll fs omega



Aug 22nd 2014, 21:12:05

Black kid robs store shot attacks a cop and is killed by a bad ass white cop...
Now hopefully the media can go to Utah and explain the one about white kid walking out of a store is shot and killed by a black cop....
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.



Aug 22nd 2014, 21:12:49

And people can shoot straight and on target after a concussion maybe the cop was prior service?
Mar 31st 2024, 15:13:02

If you sincerely believe that the game admins are lying to you then you should obviously quit the game.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Aug 23rd 2014, 1:48:57

Originally posted by GodHead Dibs:
Originally posted by TAN:
Say no to mods! Say no to oppression!


the mods are mostly representative of Canada, and as such they don't actually represent anything real. they might occasionally get stuck choking to death on a peace pipe because the Nunavuts refuse to let the French Canadians access to any land in their territory, but well, the French Canadians are too busy dealing pot in the US to notice that they ain't getting any of it.

There is actually ONE game mod in Canada ;) There are two game admins in Canada, a forum mod in Canada. Two mods are in the Southern US, One in Australia, and one in Japan (he is unsure of what he is).

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.



Aug 23rd 2014, 2:20:54

Originally posted by galleri:
Two mods are in the Southern US

but doesn't one of them like to claim canada? :p
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Marshal Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 2:36:18

some1 should update ee-wiki's mod contacts.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 3:06:08

Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 3:08:58

^^The real Mehul Patel
Do as I say, not as I do.

dLpLow Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 5:31:03

im muslim can i be cool too?
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 23rd 2014, 5:52:14

Originally posted by mrford:
no. carrying a knife and walking towards officers pointing guns at you chanting "shoot me" is a dangerous thing to do

at least there is video evidence of this dumbass

Game, set, match!

Ignorance loses again. Yay!

Now all we need is the media to drop it and we can move on to more important matters :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

TAN Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 6:53:11

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by mrford:
no. carrying a knife and walking towards officers pointing guns at you chanting "shoot me" is a dangerous thing to do

at least there is video evidence of this dumbass

Game, set, match!

Ignorance loses again. Yay!

Now all we need is the media to drop it and we can move on to more important matters :-)

If we rule out the incompetence of the officers who shot him, then absolutely yes.

tellarion Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 10:35:47

Ferguson police? You mean performing my intensely stressful job admirably in the face of determined an unwarranted adversity?

Thanks for the compliment!



Aug 23rd 2014, 11:11:09

we surely abuse red more than you ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

mdevol Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 12:32:06

I was not there, and you were not there. We dont know what happened.

What we do know is that the autopsy supports the police officers story, and contradicts Johnson's story that he was shot from the back at any point. Especially a would enough to drop him to the ground as he claimed.

And we also know that the officer went to the hospital with an injury to his face. How severe the injury is, i guess is up to debate. We will see what comes of it.

Keep in mind that over the weekend this happened there were 27 shootings in Chicago where black men died and no hyped up mention of that in the media, no outrage there, no jesse jackson or al sharpton there. no presidential speeches about protecting our kids. why not?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis