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I've worked out 5-6 days a week since high school. It's just an almost daily routine now.
I run a few miles, bike a few miles or row a couple thousand meters to start each day. In the past year, I've started isolating 1-2 muscles each day and abs twice a week. Great gains and improved physique.
I'm 27 & can say I'm honestly in the best shape of my life.
I lift 5 times a week, really need to do cardio for the simple fact that its good for you but I am already much lighter than I want to be so I don't wish to burn extra calories for no reason. Ive also been doing it since high school. What are your favorite work outs? Any tips that have helped you blast plateaus?
I personally seen the best gains in 90 day intervals. First 90 was high intensity workouys with 50-75% of my max lifts, pushes or pulls. Lots of reps lots of sets. Morning was a push, after noon was a pull, night time was a lift. Next ninety days was power lifting. Push/pulls insame day..then the third ninety days was dumbells and body weight exercises. One cant stress enough the importance of bodyweight exercises. I was to a poiny that i was 205, hardly any body fat and was strapping 100lb dumbbells or 100wheels to a weight belt our my waist and doing pull ups and chinups. Also putting weights on my back for more intense pushups. Spotters needed in those circumstances. Once that ninety was done iwent back to high intensity workouts.
Cardio was handball, all three yard periods. On my twodays of cardio. Also core exercising. If you lack core strength, you lack.inthe everything else. Dolphins, situps, crunches, ab wheel, dead lifts and light squats all great for core. Also putting your legs in the air.near yourbchest when benching is good core stablizer