
iScode Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:01:36

They sign uNaps with people and then break them and admit it publicly, IMO people who do that are just a little bit lower than cheaters. You cant class them right up with cheaters but they are not far behind.

Well that ladies and gentlemen is exactly what sol leaders do. Just look over at FFA now, Mdevol signs a pact, breaks it and looking at the logs from his chat with Donny doesnt even give a fluff.

Hell he didnt even give any warning to his so called friends.

So dont go signing any uNaps with SOL in the future, here is proof they do not respect and will not respect any uNaps they sign.

P.S. no i dont give a fluff its ffa and this is alliance. That sort of move shows the character of someone, Sure you can comment on my character but I have never broken an unbreakable agreement I have made with anyone like sol leaders do...
God of War


Alin Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:06:40

Facts not words iScode.

Fact : Sof gangbanged alliances for 2 years now ( yea i consider the FA wars gangbangs too - when you start a war, and the next day you already have 2-3 Laf/Rd faers/country you are actually gangbanging ).

Words and rumors : Sol breaks pacts, because on of it`s members did it on another server lol

iScode Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:09:42

well 1st of all, thats not a fact since its what you consider. Just because its your opinion doesnt make it a fact... But hey feel free to continue thinking so highly of yourself lol, no one else will...

2nd. Mdevol is not a member in sol, he is a leader. The other leaders of CC are also SoL leaders, the alliance itself is basically sol members

Its one in the same. SoL leaders break uNaps <-- that right there is a fact. Regardless if they are in another alliance at the time of breaking the pact, its still an sol leader.
God of War


locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:20:02

Man Alin you argue like a fluffing idiot.

Want to know who else gangbanged by those standards? Sol/MD/RD/THELISTGOESON

Think about your arguments for ONE second in the future. Either you completely pretend to be so one sided that you cant see the other side of things or you are stupid. Pick one. If it is the second then think longer before you click create post.

Alin Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:26:48

Where do you play now locket ? so we all figure who will be the next caught cheating alliance.

iScode, i am sure there is more than what you post here.

foresaken Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:31:02

"because on of it`s members"

also read what you type before you click create post aswell.

as a leader of anything it is important to not come off looking stupid.

locket Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 9:45:08

MD Alin!

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 8th 2014, 11:06:48

oh my. i thought Alin was the only known cheater playing for MD. !8ball will the entire MD tag be deleted for rules violations this set?
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

Alin Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 11:24:32

Originally posted by locket:
MD Alin!

FAIL. I am not a MD member anymore.

mdevol Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 11:46:21

Alin, just let this thread die.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis


New Member

Jan 8th 2014, 12:06:27

Originally posted by Alin:
Where do you play now locket ? so we all figure who will be the next caught cheating alliance.


locket does tend to be the canary in the mine shaft when it comes to cheats.

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 8th 2014, 12:53:55

Scode you realize a good percentage of CC are sof members right?
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 13:47:16

iscode likes to whine no matter where he is.. that's really all i got out of this.

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 14:38:19

Seriously scode, fluff off you idiot

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 8th 2014, 14:57:18

lol cross server politics ftl

all it shows is how players play two different games.

this thread is a nub move.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Jan 8th 2014, 15:29:32

i'd tend to agree with LI on that one. i know that i play alliance differently than i played ffa or primary, and pacting is a different beast in ffa than it is in alliance, just because the politics are different

and on a semi-related note, i never signed any uNAPs in ffa for reasons like this. people like to put conditions in their uNAPs for breaking the pact (i don't think i've seen a uNAP without a break condition), which means it's on par with comcast or AT&T's "unlimited" internet service. unlimited within limits. unbreakable except when it can be broken.

just sign a FDP if you really like somebody that much. the concept of a breakable uNAP is stupid. and contradictory

tellarion Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 16:08:14

This is a stupid thread.

Vic Game profile


Jan 8th 2014, 16:33:59

Reporter: Could you be clear about your FFA practices, since we can't see you in FFA?

Vic: If scode tells you I don't play FFA , then that's that. I may have posted on FFA form once this year but if somebody says he posted on FFA forum once for the whole year, then that's enough to get a whole lot started. I told Sov that you don't have to give the people of Earth Empires a reason to think about booting me from an alliance or anything like that. If you boot somebody, you boot them to make the alliance better...simple as that. I'm cool with that. I'm all about that. The people in Earth Empires deserve to have a winner. It's simple as that. It goes further than that.

Reporter: So you and coach Scode got caught up on Saturday about FFA?

Vic: If I can't play FFA, I can't play FFA. It is as simple as that. It ain't about that at all. It's easy to sum it up if you're just talking about FFA. We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be one of the best players in alliance, and we're talking about FFA . I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about FFA, not alliance, not alliance, not ALLIANCE, but we're talking about FFA! Not the alliance server that I go out there and die for and play every reset like it's my last but we're talking about F F A man. How silly is that?!

Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that but I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I honestly do but we're talking about FFA. We're talking about FFA man. (laughter from DANGER!) We're talking about FFA. We're talking about FFA. We're not talking about ALLIANCE. We're talking about FFA. When you come to eestats, and you see me grab, you've seen me grab right? you've seen me give everything I've got, but we're talking about FFA! right now. (more laughter from SoF)

Reporter: But it's an issue that Scodey continues to raise?

Vic: Hey I hear you, it's funny to me to, hey it's strange to me too but we're talking about FFA man, we're not even talking about alliance, when it actually matters, we're talking about FFA .

Reporter: Is it possible if you played FFA not you but you would make your teammates better?

Vic: How in the hell can I make my teammates better by playing FFA?

Reporter: So they can be used to playing with you. And so you can practice playing more countries.

Vic: They should be used to playing with me. Those are my teammates. So my game is going to deteriorate because I'm not playing FFA with my teammates? Will I get worse at alliance? I'm asking you, is my alliance game going to get worse? So what about alliance? Is my alliance game going to get better because other players are hurt in my alliance, I mean, do that hurt me? Do you think that hurts me? I'm being honest, people are hurt in my alliance but do that hurt me? Does that hurt me when I go out there and play 2 months, does that hurt me as an alliance player? Does that hurt me if this person is hurt or that person is hurt? Do it hurt me?

Reporter: You don't need to play FFA as much as they do

Vic: What do you mean by I don't need it as much?

Reporter: Because you're the superstar

Vic: What do you mean I'm the superstar?

Reporter: Because you're better than they are. One of the best in alliance.

Vic: So why are we talking about FFA or there's a problem with me? No, I'm not obviously I'm not. You're contradicting yourself man. If I'm the superstar, then why is all this happening?" Why does my tisya have to deal with this? Why? I'm the best alliance player. Why am I supposed to be having this meeting? Why am I talking to y'all about this?

Reporter: You said that you and Scode are on the same page but it does not sound like it?

Vic: We are on the same page. We are. I'm upset because of one reason...we are in here. I lost LC, I lost this year (to candy), I feel that everything is going downhill for me as far as my life.

I don't want to deal with this man, I don't want to go through this [expletive] man. This is where I want to be. I love this Earth Empires, I love my alliance mates I don't have any problems with Sov or Scode at all. Scode has problems with me as far as grabbing...I do not know about this thing with FFA because I have not been posting on FFA forum.

I don't have any problems with Sov, this alliance at all. I just don't want to go through this. That's my only problem. I don't want to go through this. I don't want to lose to Candyman again and all summer have to go through this right here. Why? I don't feel that it's right. I lost. I lost. I mean me, my alliance heads, my alliance mates, this alliance lost. You don't hear about any one of my alliance mates going through this. It's me. It's just me. I have to deal with it. And now it ain't about me and Scode. It's about him. It's about Vic. The ball is in his corner.

I read the article and my friends and people tell me things but it's all on me. I accept it but the [expletive] hurts. But it's not just about me. Yeah I got some [expletive] I need to get better in but everybody does. But you don't talk about everyone else, you just talk about me. And why because I finish 2nd to candy?

Reporter: Because you're the MVP

Vic: What does that mean? I'm the MVP and I have to worry about getting booted?. I'm the MVP, the MVP of this server. I mean, the best earth players in the world, and I was honored with the top 100 ATers of all time honor. The best earth empire players in the world...and this is what I have to go through when I lose. I can't win them all. I'm human. I am just like you. You might be a little better than me in your eyes or from the people that love you but you're human just like me, right? You are no different. You bleed just like I bleed, you cry just like I cry, you hurt just like I hurt. But I am Vic, I get paid to play alliance.

Reporter: But that's why you're different because you play alliance?

Reporter: Why do you think it's only "just" FFA?

Vic: I did not say that.. I'm saying that's why we are in here having this talk because of FFA

Reporter: But don't you think great players and MVP's make their alliance mates better...

Vic: But that's what I am the MVP but it has nothing to do with FFA

Other Reporter: Guys we need to move on...

Vic : I ain't going nowhere...let him talk. I am upset about being here having this conversation, that's it. From me being here, that's it. I am not upset with you or no of y'all here right now. That's your job. I am just upset because I am here. That's it

Reporter: There was a quote in a newspaper attributed to you that has you saying: 'I'm gone'. What are your thoughts?"

Vic: Listen, you know me man, you've known me since 1998. You know me, do you think I want to leave here? You think I want to leave alliance?

Reporter: I saw the quote...

Vic: I'm asking you a question...

Reporter: No I don't think you do

Vic: That's that. It ain't a whole bunch to that man. You're not hearing it from nobody else.

Reporter: Do you think you'll be back?

Vic: Hell yeah I'm coming back.

Reporter: Did you ask scode if you could come back?

Vic: Did I ask him...I have to ask Scode if I can come back?

Reporter: As opposed to being booted

Vic: I ain't going nowhere. Scode ain't going nowhere.

Reporter: Did Scode tell you that?

Vic: Yeah

Reporter: Both things?

Vic: Both

Reporter: How come you didn't meet with him on IRC the other day?

Vic: Because I didn't?

Reporter: What are some of the things you can do during this reset to help you?

Vic: I'm going to come back and be the biggest, strongest tmbr next reset. That will make me the best player in the world. If I come back next year and look like oldman, will y'all give me the MVP automatically? Please do that. If I come back and get fat and win, y'all will give me the award.

Reporter: You have to earn it.

Iverson: Why not? I've won 1a over a decade ago. Y'all tell me what y'all want me to do?

Reporter: May I respond to that?

Vic: Yeah

Reporter: There are people that have suggested, myself included, that instead of failing 3 grabs , you...

Vic: What do you know about alliance? have you ever played?

Reporter: Yes

Vic: I don't know Pride, I don't know you as an alliance player. I know you as an AT poster but I don't know you as an alliance player.

Reporter: Why is that an issue?

Vic: Why is that an issue? Because we're talking about Alliance!

Reporter: Let me ask my question.

Vic: Go ahead, Pride.

Reporter: Supposed you fail 2 grabs

Vic: I don't know about that. That is in Pang's hands. I do not know if that will help me or not. That's Pang. Pang does that, It ain't up to you to say if Vic does this then he'll do that. That's up to Pang. It ain't up to anyone in here. That is up to Pang. He handles that.

Reporter: You have control over your destocking?

Vic: Pang has more control over it than I do. You know that. Pang has more control over your country. I do not care about how much you grab, how many cs you build or how many turns you tech, if Pang says you're gone, you're gone.

People talk about what's going to make me a better alliance player but once you figure out people are human just like you, then that will help you out. I'm trying to get better you need to also. I am no different. I cry like y'all, I bleed like y'all just like y'all. But I'm Vic and I am sitting back here and y'all are sitting back there. That's the only difference.

But believe me, it is just not about Vic. I am going to go to war in alliance. Every time that reset starts, I will go to war and fight. I am going to do some [expletive] that's wrong and I will do some things right. I can't do everything right all the time. Oldman is the great player in the world. He did not do everything right all of the time but he tried and gave it his effort. That's all you can ask for.

I do not talk to y'all about Candyman. The [expletive] that hurt me was when y'all asked him about me, there should have been no comment. If you going to get rid of Vic, then get rid of Vic.

Do not assassinate his character, just get rid of him. Simple as that. If Vic leaves LaF, it is to make the team better. Why should I have a problem with that? The fans shouldn't have a problem with it. Why? Because you're doing it to make the team better. That's why you are making the move. But to assassinate his character, to say we're booting him because he does not show up to play FFA, he is late to restart, etc...

Reporter: Is it possible that Candyman is trying to motivate you?

Vic: How are you going to motivate me? I just want to win man. I've been in Earth Empires for 1.5 years man, and I have no win, no nothing, only personal achievements. express t10s, team finishes, alliance 2nd place. that don't mean nothing. Yeah, I can tell King Cobra that I was an all-star back in such-an-such but I never won alliance. That's all I care about. I have no selfish bone in my body. I've been top 100 ATers of all time...all that means is that you are one of the top 100 players in the world. All I want to do is win.

Reporter: Do you think this is finally over and do you think it will come up again?

Vic: I hope that it is. But It ain't really about me. I am selfish to the fact that my daughter has to go through it. My daughter is Archaic. Ask yourself, if your daughter had to listen to people talk bad about that daddy or mother all the time, how would you feel, honestly? If you have kids, I know y'all understand. This is what my Archaic goes through on FFA. She comes home and says her teacher said daddy don't play FFA. Daddy, the girl in my class says you're not playing FFA. All for earht empires, [expletive] earth empires.

A lot of y'all can't put your feet in my shoes because you can't handle alliance. But just try to stick your feet in my shoes. It does not have to be a [expletive] day, just try for a minute and try to deal with what I do in alliance. RD is now dead and this is what I have to go through for the rest of the reset until the reset is all over again. This is what I got to go through...this is alliance in a nutshell. Now y'all come to primary and play your lovely country, grab it up and grab your country to the fullest.

But we aint even talkin about alliance, we in here and we talkin about FFA