Nov 3rd 2013, 21:59:04
Basically, when you use a missile, you put yourself in a weakened position. Quite honestly, if someone sent a cruise or a nuke at me as a retal, if I still gained land on the transaction, I'd probably accept it. If not, I'd retal the missile hit and tell you that if you missile me again, I'm going to kill you.
However, a clan like NBK for instance might be looking for targets to kill, and if you provide a reason for them to kill you, they're probably going to oblige.
And as far as numbers mattering, this is a competition, so while it may sound like bullying "my way or the highway" type of rhetoric, it's really the fact that the fact that people accept retals at all is really a sign of the desire to not go to war over every little issue and to make the game at least somewhat fair for smaller guys. After all, if one of the big clans, especially one of the big war clans, decided to not accept retals, how much could anyone else do about it?
IT's just that if you retal with a standard or planned strike, you know what you're getting. If you missile someone, you could get anything from "that's cool, I gained on the transaction" to logging in and finding all 16 dead (because most of us when we do kill, we try not to leave you the option to do us more harm by leaving 15 out of 16 alive).