
iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 7:29:01

2 and a half weeks ago Servant posted his alliance rankings stating that sol was above sof because sol were outperforming sof so far in the war. I provided quite clear evidence that sof was in fact out performing sol and that sof are the better warring alliance. Well I thought we should just recap those stats now to show how sof is clearly a superior war alliance to sol right now.

First of all, lets look at the amount of incoming hits both alliances have received.

Sol has received an equal percentage of their sides hits compared to there percentage of size.

Sols hits received:

SoF SOLidify 43,772 85 515
RIVAL SOLidify 13,372 26 514
Total: 56,144 111 (505 HPK)

There allies
SoF EVOtella 13,618 25 545
SoF MONSTERS 5,520 12 460
RIVAL EVOtella 5,275 10 528
RIVAL MONSTERS 2,080 2 1,040
Total: 26493 49

Total: 83637 160

SOL has received a total of 67% of the hits for their side and have 63% of the membership.

Ok lets look at the hits sof has received.

EVOtella SoF 16,019 31 517
MONSTERS SoF 8,395 24 350
SOLidify SoF 43,496 85 512
Total: 67910 140 (485 HPK)

EVOtella RIVAL 4,318 6 720
MONSTERS RIVAL 2,389 7 341
SOLidify RIVAL 13,175 21 627
Total: 19882 34

Total 87792 174

So sof has received 77% of the enemy's attacks while having 71% of the size.

While these stats are similar for both sol and sof, there is a slight 2% difference to SoF, however if we look at total amount of hits received for each alliance, sof has had to take 11766 more hits and had 29 more countries killed. Now when I was discussing this in servants alliances rankings people complained that evo being hit by laf skewed the stats allowing sof to focus on sol more, lets like at there hits on evo, as you can see below, the amount of hits compared to the current stats show that despite this, evo still received an equal percentage of sof's sides attention for the war.

LaF EVOtella 6,010 18 334

Based on the above you would think since both alliances are similar in membership, SOL would of put out a lot more hits than sof. Lets have a look at both sides out put. Now both sides membership has been up and down ranging from 65 to 75 due to restarting, so i will base both sides membership at 70. I will also then provide the stats for current members tagged, 69 for sol and 75 for sof.

lets look at sol first. I wont include kills or HPK because quite frankly when fighting along side people these stats are skewed, someone can easily pick the kill despite your alliance doing all the hitting.

SOLidify SoF 43,496 85 512
SOLidify RIVAL 13,175 21 627
Total: 56,671
HPM AVG(70) : 810
HPM CURRENT (69) : 821

SoF EVOtella 13,618 25 545
SoF MONSTERS 5,520 12 460
SoF SOLidify 43,772 85 515
Total: 62,910
HPM AVG(70): 899
HPM CURRENT (74): 850

ok so despite receiving 11,000 more hits than sol, SoF has put out 6000 more hits, has nearly 30 more hpm (which is a days worth of hits more per member!!!) on the conservative side, if we wanted to go on the average it is nearly 3 days worth of hits more.

This is undeniable proof that Sof is clearly out performing sol this war. They are outhitting them despite receiving more incoming hits, and even though by a small percentage taking more hits for there side. The one stat that sol is beating sof in is walling, having a higher HPK than sof by nearly 20 hits.


Edited By: iScode on Sep 22nd 2013, 7:32:22
See Original Post
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 7:32:57

Someone is REALLY butthurt over those rankings
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 7:34:36

no, just proving we are better than you :P
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 7:56:13

and we will never know how this war would have ended if SoF and RIVAL (who are clearly superior right?) took on the challenge without LaF "evening it up"...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 7:59:26

i provided evidence to show that despite that, sof is still out performing you.

though i guess you didnt deny that we were better than you, you just wanted to twist things a little.

So, mdevol, do you claim sol is a better war alliance than sof?
God of War


martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 22nd 2013, 8:07:50

percentage stats are invalid unless shown in conjunction with a pie chart! (and pie)
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Makinso Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:11:39

Iscode those numbers don't factor everything from this war into it so they are skewed.

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:28:59

Originally posted by Makinso:
Iscode those numbers don't factor everything from this war into it so they are skewed.

So are you claiming sol is a better war alliance than sof?
God of War


tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:33:08

Are you claiming that the stats this set in which multiple alliances are involved are the proof of your claims?

PS: It's obvious that Evo is the clear winner in this war :) Pumping out as many hits as Rival, despite being smaller in numbers and taking twice as many hits! Pro status!

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:36:16

Ok, not twice as many hits, but twice as many deaths. 5k more hits received, despite being smaller :)

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:37:46

Originally posted by tellarion:
Are you claiming that the stats this set in which multiple alliances are involved are the proof of your claims?

PS: It's obvious that Evo is the clear winner in this war :) Pumping out as many hits as Rival, despite being smaller in numbers and taking twice as many hits! Pro status!

No i would claim stats of the last 4 sets, including this set, prove this.

P.S i think evo have definitely been one of the best if not the best performer of this war tella. Completely agree with you, factor in laf hitting you, your alliance has performed exceptionally well.
God of War


tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:39:53

Careful, Scode, my ego can only expand so much!!

The situations of the last 4 sets were different...considering some of the particular wars involved (I mean come on, hitting icn isn't showing your prowess), it's hard to compare war efforts based on stats alone..

locket Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:41:18

Stop being so whiny about it. Go out and prove you are better if you want everyone to agree. Fight Sol 1v1 on an arranged date which neither of you will agree with. Otherwise accept that people will disagree with your opinion sometimes and realize that simply posting numbers with no context wont work in any aspect of life.

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:47:21

im not whining, im simply showing how we are a better war alliance.

I would love to have an arranged 1v1 war, but im not in leadership to organise that, its also been done before and sof won clearly.

posting numbers with out context? how is HPM not context? This is not an opinion it is fact, how can you not understand that an alliance that has received more damage, yet still put out more hits is not a better war alliance than one that has received less hits and not put at as many?

Tella - i wouldnt count that set ether however i think the war against MD when they had over 100 members showed how good at war sof is, this set and that set are two perfect examples how sof is definitely the best war alliance on this server.
God of War


Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2013, 8:47:25

Originally posted by mdevol:
and we will never know how this war would have ended if SoF and RIVAL (who are clearly superior right?) took on the challenge without LaF "evening it up"...
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2013, 8:54:46

any 1vs1 comparison of SoF to any alliance based on war history is going to be biased because SoF will call in allies whenever they are losing
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 8:56:16

One quick example is that you have more breakers. A big reason for that is that Evo, who were planning to BE the breakers, have been getting hammered more than anyone(relative to size). And considering other things like losing a week due to Laf's entry, there are just too many things going on to make those numbers clearly representative of Sof and Sol's true abilities.

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 9:18:15

Oh, I forgot: Sof sucks :)

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 9:20:28

Originally posted by tellarion:
One quick example is that you have more breakers. A big reason for that is that Evo, who were planning to BE the breakers, have been getting hammered more than anyone(relative to size). And considering other things like losing a week due to Laf's entry, there are just too many things going on to make those numbers clearly representative of Sof and Sol's true abilities.

TBH I think the amount of countries we have taken out with over 600mill cash on hand is the reason you dont have breakers more than anything else, the countries that sof has had aid have been able to keep them alive long enough to use that FA, however we have been able to kill quite a lot before that fa got used.
God of War


Warster Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 9:22:58

Monsters suck :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

iNouda Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 10:00:31

Death to netters!

Mat Game profile

New Member

Sep 22nd 2013, 10:43:34

scodey if you want to try to bring it down to hits per member it kinda helps if you actually use the number of members not just pick a number :P

its a good fun war cant we all just stop rubbing one out to how good we are and get back to the mass slaughter of civilians

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 10:43:49

Yeah, we need to use that fluff before we die...

Also, I'm not so sure about your membership claims, although I'm also not sure how to double check. I believe Sol has been averaging 68-70 and Sof 75ish. That skews the numbers a bit for hpm..

Loc Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 11:46:10


iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 12:50:12

Originally posted by tellarion:
Yeah, we need to use that fluff before we die...

Also, I'm not so sure about your membership claims, although I'm also not sure how to double check. I believe Sol has been averaging 68-70 and Sof 75ish. That skews the numbers a bit for hpm..

When those initial rankings came out from servant, sol had 74 tagged and we had 76. I am unsure for through out the war though, but the current ones i provided are accurate for right now.
God of War


anoniem Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 15:37:51

Originally posted by iScode:

woof woof goes the lapdog

Duna Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 15:39:32

*sarcasm on*
Look at SoL netting performance. Their are not just better than SoF, they are better than MD and LaF! They grew hard in war beeing on losing side. Some of their countries are so good at netting, that they can even spend more money than their income. Noone can show such a good performance at netting! SoL are top netters in all earth history!

Pride Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:08:10

Lol scode trying to say Sof is better. Sof is better due to Laf. There you win scode :)

vern Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:10:02

i have to agree with Warster

mrford Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:39:16

Originally posted by Pride:
Lol scode trying to say Sof is better. Sof is better due to Laf. There you win scode :)

so, SoF is better than SoL because LaF is better than MD and Rage.

got it
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tellarion Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:45:57

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Pride:
Lol scode trying to say Sof is better. Sof is better due to Laf. There you win scode :)

so, SoF is better than SoL because LaF is better than MD and Rage.

got it

Rage have been back for one set. What was the point of even mentioning them in this?

mrford Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 16:47:19

ah, so they have only been around for one set, so their FA doesnt count.

got it
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Pride Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 19:19:30

If MD had taken Rival out this war would be in Sols favor again. FA is one thing taking an entire alliance out of the fight is another.

Atryn Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 19:21:12

Originally posted by iScode:
i think the war against MD when they had over 100 members showed how good at war sof is

Actually it showed how badly MD performed that war, with a bunch of folks back for a reunion set and not fighting. We started with 108 countries and SoF started with 93.

23 of those original countries made 0 hits. 27 of them less than 25 hits. 36 less than 50 hits.

MD's restart rate was a dismal 74% and our HPM and HPC were both over 30% below SoF.

So effectively, MD fought that war with closer to 75 active players.

My point is just that you shouldn't hold that one up for SoF's "greatness against a larger foe" in a comparison of your war performance against SOL. If SOL had FS'd us that set with the same members SoF had, I think the result would have been just as bad for MD.

Atryn Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 19:22:43

Originally posted by mrford:
LaF is better than MD and Rage.

Yes, actually.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 19:23:15

Server War
Do as I say, not as I do.

Duna Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 19:50:56

Originally posted by Pride:
If MD had taken Rival out this war would be in Sols favor again. FA is one thing taking an entire alliance out of the fight is another.

MD FAed to EVO alot more than LaF killed. And also, even after LaF killed EVO, nw was almost same (about 10% difference, wich means nothing in long war)

Edited By: Duna on Sep 22nd 2013, 19:54:22
See Original Post



Sep 22nd 2013, 20:06:48

I'd like to see RD and SoF war. I believe the leaders at SoF mentioned to me that if we "thought warring RD was tough, wait until you war us".

I would say RD > SoF. Discuss

Mr Azure


Sep 22nd 2013, 21:03:48

thats true prank because Mr Azure > mrford.

SoF wouldnt have a chance

mrford Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 22:35:42

Azure is high as fluff.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Suni Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 22:38:17

Scode needs to go back to work so he has less time on AT ;)

PapaSmurf Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 23:15:15

The problem is stats can be skewed to put whatever point you want across. I've seen stats how Orange Juice is great for you, and different stats that say it gives you cancer.

My personally opinion on this war. I don't care for gang banging an alliance, however I do what I am told. Although, the moment Rival entered the war I was happy. I believe this made this war very even, about as even as a war could get. The moment LaF came in and tag killed Evo, the war became uneven. So, to say one alliance is better than another based on this war is ridiculous.

When I'm making war decisions in a war alliances, I pick a war where I am challenged. It hit ICN like last set was about the silliest thing I ever saw, despite them mouthing off. Now maybe If there was a long history of them disrespecting you, I could see a reason to kill them. I'm pretty sure this was not the case, at the very least send a 10 man squad on them. I never understood the 'easy' war. I don't fight to make it an easy win, I fight to be challenged.

On a side note I didn't read Servant alliance rankings, I guess his rankings are suppose to be unbiased. That is ridiculous he is as biased as the next I'll agree with you there.

BattleKJ Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 23:57:03

iScode you care too much lol

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 23rd 2013, 0:50:01

Cat facts are missing in this thread!

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Kat Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 1:32:11

Cats sleep in one of two basic positions: Upright (think the New York Public Library lions) or on their sides. Curling into a tight ball helps to conserve body heat; by contrast, when cats stretch out they expose their bellies, allowing heat to escape and helping to cool them. How curled a cat is when sleeping on her side will depend on how hot or cold the animal is. The colder the temperature, the more tightly curled the cat.

anoniem Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 1:45:14

Originally posted by PapaSmurf:
The problem is stats can be skewed to put whatever point you want across. I've seen stats how Orange Juice is great for you, and different stats that say it gives you cancer.

My personally opinion on this war. I don't care for gang banging an alliance, however I do what I am told. Although, the moment Rival entered the war I was happy. I believe this made this war very even, about as even as a war could get. The moment LaF came in and tag killed Evo, the war became uneven. So, to say one alliance is better than another based on this war is ridiculous.

When I'm making war decisions in a war alliances, I pick a war where I am challenged. It hit ICN like last set was about the silliest thing I ever saw, despite them mouthing off. Now maybe If there was a long history of them disrespecting you, I could see a reason to kill them. I'm pretty sure this was not the case, at the very least send a 10 man squad on them. I never understood the 'easy' war. I don't fight to make it an easy win, I fight to be challenged.

On a side note I didn't read Servant alliance rankings, I guess his rankings are suppose to be unbiased. That is ridiculous he is as biased as the next I'll agree with you there.

good post

iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:33:41

God of War


tellarion Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:34:27

Originally posted by Duna:
Originally posted by Pride:
If MD had taken Rival out this war would be in Sols favor again. FA is one thing taking an entire alliance out of the fight is another.

MD FAed to EVO alot more than LaF killed. And also, even after LaF killed EVO, nw was almost same (about 10% difference, wich means nothing in long war)

And RD(and Laf) have been FAing the bajeesus outta you guys. We're both receiving FA, we both have similar member counts, but you guys had an extra 6k hits and 18 kills from another alliance that we didn't have..

mdevol Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:44:22

Originally posted by galleri:
Cat facts are missing in this thread!

CAT FACTS is actually Dagga
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

izapimp Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:12:33

Sols ranked too high!