
Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 10:38:38

or he's doing a Chief Inspector Charles LaRousse Dreyfus impersonation to them. "No, it's Dibs. He's the crazy one. Take Him!".
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Vic Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 15:45:35

i was too busy in a sea of thousands of Bostonians in the Common chanting "USA, USA, USA".

we got 'em.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 15:56:34

eh? from what I've been reading, them are actually US. is this why we need immigration reform? they want to let more mad bombers become US citizens before they start blowing us up?
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Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 16:23:19


"A federal official told CNN that Dzhokar Tsarnaev came to the U.S. as a tourist with his family in the early 2000s and later asked for asylum. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2012. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was not a naturalized citizen, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. He came "a few years later" and was lawfully in the United States as a green-card holder."

So, yes and no, one is a citizen, the other isn't.

Pride Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 20:56:17

Awesome job to everyone who helped with this manhunt.

Proud to be an American.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 20th 2013, 21:23:56

yea! america! you can spend millions of dollars responding to somebody who spent around $500 on a bomb. hoorah!
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Vic Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 3:33:25

DIbs, do you speak slowly? I'm now wondering if you are just mildly retarded or if you are indeed psychotic. Either way. You are a freak show. Complete social misfit.

Back to the matter of lives lost in Boston.
it was an amazing celebration after the final rat was caught. surrounded by thousands in the Boston Common I was walking my dog around midnight last night. Emotion came over me and I ran with Morgan (my dog) to the center of the crowd, walked up onto some steps and proceeded to hoist my black lab in the air to deafening chants of "USA USA USA", as tears streamed down my face. today i was also fortunate enough to be at fenway and that was pretty special too. neil fluffing diamond. neil fluffing diamond. (not to mention Big Papi's 'This is our fluffing City' speech to start the game) :p

But after all the celebrating I think many of us in Boston are starting to sober up again and are finally able to look back to the victims of this horrific act.
I found this video to be beautiful and its a great way to slowly reflect upon the past week.

mrford Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 3:41:06

so wait, you had a lion king moment with your dog?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Vic Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 5:11:54

ford yes exactly

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 8:40:39

meh, you see a land of freedom, i see a land of storm troopers. and i wonder why we need so many storm troopers if Americans are so good. i think it has something to do with hypocrisy. but then again maybe violence is required to maintain power.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Apr 21st 2013, 8:45:20
See Original Post
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 21:19:49

see, for whatever reason, i don't learn that these are horrific evil acts that should be stopped from ever happening. what I've learned, is that this is the crap that i have to put up with for being a free American citizen. you're not going to scare me with blowing crap up. we're Americans, we like blowing crap up, that's why we have most of the bombs.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 21st 2013, 21:35:08

this one incident is a blip. what is it 73 murders every 3 months? how many people in Boston suffer amputations simply because they are diabetic? i should go look that up.

Dibs is Unsympathetic. look at reality instead of your whacked out emotional state of mind.
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hoop Game profile


Apr 22nd 2013, 0:22:07

This will be an interesting test in if we remain a free nation or if we give up freedoms like we did after 9/11. I'm not sure chanting USA makes much sense. This was definitely NOT a good day for America.

The trial and how we handle this will be very interesting as well. Not reading him his rights is just dumbfounding.

Patience Game profile


Apr 22nd 2013, 17:41:13

Dibs, seriously - I will take you over my freakin' knee. There are places to state your opinion, and there are places where your opinion is not necessarily required. This is one of the latter places. Let the people celebrate in peace. Yeesh.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 22nd 2013, 18:11:53

Originally posted by hoop:
This will be an interesting test in if we remain a free nation or if we give up freedoms like we did after 9/11. I'm not sure chanting USA makes much sense. This was definitely NOT a good day for America.

The trial and how we handle this will be very interesting as well. Not reading him his rights is just dumbfounding.


BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 0:55:31

Horrifying sights at the Boston marathon last week.

Americans in shorts.

iNouda Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 1:25:53


Atryn Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 12:43:13

So I heard on the news this morning that they arraigned the guy in his hospital room and charged him with using "a weapon of mass destruction"...

Seriously??? So the term WMD now refers to some shrapnel in a pressure cooker? Or was it that low a bar when we claimed Iraq had WMD's? That might explain the misunderstanding...

I would have thought these devices would fall under "IED", not "WMD"...

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 14:19:47

Weapon of Mass Destruction either means a weapon which destroys mass--which is impossible--or a weapon which causes massive destruction--which is possible, depending on what one considers "massive".
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 15:33:44

Originally posted by hoop:
This will be an interesting test in if we remain a free nation or if we give up freedoms like we did after 9/11. I'm not sure chanting USA makes much sense. This was definitely NOT a good day for America.

The trial and how we handle this will be very interesting as well. Not reading him his rights is just dumbfounding.

You aren't sure chanting USA makes much sense?
After an entire city was put on lockdown by two who set off explosions for the sole purpose of killing citizens of the USA?

See that's the problems with you guys at Harvard. You don't understand this city. You aren't from here and you won't stay here.

My family came here, to Boston, over 100 years ago. I've stood at that finish line, my fiancé has, my parents have, my grandparents have. I know people affected.

I live and work in the neighborhood hit.
My family lives and works here.

We have for generations.

You see, Boston is a tough neighborhood and sometimes our manners aren't fit for polite society - but anyone with any sense would know that the good people of Boston had all right to chant for their city and the USA for ONE HOUR before settling back into mourning. It's what Martin Richard's parents wanted.

We weren't chanting USA in jest. Or boastfully. But with honor. that chant meant one thing - we won't forget Martin and the others and we WILL get you. WE WILL GET YOU.
anyone that wants to bring harm to innocent children - WE WILL GET YOU.

Whatever that means. The collective WE. But We here in Boston and We here in the USA will get you.

the very ideals and foundations of this city are at this country's core.

And most importantly we were chanting immediately after and ONLY immediately after the capture of someone who did harm to this city and people in it. Harm to this country and people in it.
So we chanted USA

Guys like you always try to spin things back to Academia, to your cutesy little cafes where you can discuss things in theory with your fellow cambridge quacks. This is real life. We aren't talking about this in theory. We are talking about real things and real life and real loss and real emotion.
real emotion isn't supposed to make "sense".

I find it so deeply offensive you said that during this time. There were so many people in that crowd suffering much more loss than I and they'd be devastated to hear such classroom nonsense.

If you took the time to read my post you would have clearly seen that the chanting of USA was an emotional response after the capture of someone who was on the loose and aiming to harm more.

And his ideology included deep anti-U.S. sentiment.

The impromptu celebrations on Friday night have nothing to do with personal freedoms or 9/11 - nor was it a matter of things making "sense". It was pure emotion.

Not a classroom at Harvard, hoop.

If you continued to read you would have seen:
'But after all the celebrating I think many of us in Boston are starting to sober up again and are finally able to look back to the victims of this horrific act. "

No one said this was a good day for America. It was a horrible day. No one was chanting USA and saying "hey what an amazing day for America". No.

And of course the mood immediately sobered the next day and many who had been in the raucous crowd were truly with heavy heart and attended the memorial at Berkeley street - where I assure you, no chanting was heard.

The mood in Back Bay remains very somber. Thoughts are again with the victims.

Not reading his rights is dumbfounding?
See - I can appreciate and understand your stance.

But dumfounding? You certainly don't care to listen to opinions other than your own.
Dumbfounding? Even though reading him his rights may prevent us from extracting more information that could potentially save more U.S. lives?

So sure, call it unconstitutional, call it something you're against.
But don't call it dumbfounding you elitist punk.
Rest assured there are plenty at both MIT and by you that are just as intelligent and most certainly do not share your opinion. So dumbfounding?

So to be frank,
Take your Harvard elitism elsewhere and while you're at it, book a flight back to California.

Edited By: Vic on Apr 23rd 2013, 18:08:54
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 23rd 2013, 16:41:44

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Weapon of Mass Destruction either means a weapon which destroys mass--which is impossible

What about black holes? I guess technically they supposedly put off hawking radiation, and technically gain mass as they devour stuff. But I suppose that is pretty close.

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 18:12:58

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by hoop:
This will be an interesting test in if we remain a free nation or if we give up freedoms like we did after 9/11. I'm not sure chanting USA makes much sense. This was definitely NOT a good day for America.

The trial and how we handle this will be very interesting as well. Not reading him his rights is just dumbfounding.

You aren't sure chanting USA makes much sense?
After an entire city was put on lockdown by two who set off explosions for the sole purpose of killing citizens of the USA?

See that's the problems with you guys at Harvard. You don't understand this city. You aren't from here and you won't stay here.

My family came here, to Boston, over 100 years ago. I've stood at that finish line, my fiancé has, my parents have, my grandparents have. I know people affected.

I live and work in the neighborhood hit.
My family lives and works here.

We have for generations.

You see, Boston is a tough neighborhood and sometimes our manners aren't fit for polite society - but anyone with any sense would know that the good people of Boston had all right to chant for their city and the USA for ONE HOUR before settling back into mourning. It's what Martin Richard's parents wanted.

We weren't chanting USA in jest. Or boastfully. But with honor. that chant meant one thing - we won't forget Martin and the others and we WILL get you. WE WILL GET YOU.
anyone that wants to bring harm to innocent children - WE WILL GET YOU.

Whatever that means. The collective WE. But We here in Boston and We here in the USA will get you.

the very ideals and foundations of this city are at this country's core.

And most importantly we were chanting immediately after and ONLY immediately after the capture of someone who did harm to this city and people in it. Harm to this country and people in it.
So we chanted USA

Guys like you always try to spin things back to Academia, to your cutesy little cafes where you can discuss things in theory with your fellow cambridge quacks. This is real life. We aren't talking about this in theory. We are talking about real things and real life and real loss and real emotion.
real emotion isn't supposed to make "sense".

I find it so deeply offensive you said that during this time. There were so many people in that crowd suffering much more loss than I and they'd be devastated to hear such classroom nonsense.

If you took the time to read my post you would have clearly seen that the chanting of USA was an emotional response after the capture of someone who was on the loose and aiming to harm more.

And his ideology included deep anti-U.S. sentiment.

The impromptu celebrations on Friday night have nothing to do with personal freedoms or 9/11 - nor was it a matter of things making "sense". It was pure emotion.

Not a classroom at Harvard, hoop.

If you continued to read you would have seen:
'But after all the celebrating I think many of us in Boston are starting to sober up again and are finally able to look back to the victims of this horrific act. "

No one said this was a good day for America. It was a horrible day. No one was chanting USA and saying "hey what an amazing day for America". No.

And of course the mood immediately sobered the next day and many who had been in the raucous crowd were truly with heavy heart and attended the memorial at Berkeley street - where I assure you, no chanting was heard.

The mood in Back Bay remains very somber. Thoughts are again with the victims.

Not reading his rights is dumbfounding?
See - I can appreciate and understand your stance.

But dumfounding? You certainly don't care to listen to opinions other than your own.
Dumbfounding? Even though reading him his rights may prevent us from extracting more information that could potentially save more U.S. lives?

So sure, call it unconstitutional, call it something you're against.
But don't call it dumbfounding you elitist punk.
Rest assured there are plenty at both MIT and by you that are just as intelligent and most certainly do not share your opinion. So dumbfounding?

So to be frank,
Take your Harvard elitism elsewhere and while you're at it, book a flight back to California.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 23rd 2013, 18:15:33

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by hoop:
This will be an interesting test in if we remain a free nation or if we give up freedoms like we did after 9/11. I'm not sure chanting USA makes much sense. This was definitely NOT a good day for America.

The trial and how we handle this will be very interesting as well. Not reading him his rights is just dumbfounding.

anyone that wants to bring harm to innocent children - WE WILL GET YOU.

Whatever that means. The collective WE. But We here in Boston and We here in the USA will get you.

Vic while I grant that the apparent end to this particularly horrific event may have brought with it a wash of emotional relief, now that you've 'sobered' it is time to look at the larger picture. To begin, let's examine clearly what you mean when you write "anyone that wants to bring harm to innocent children".
Do we know that these two losers intentionally targeted innocent children? Or did they act knowing that children may well be part of the collateral damage? And does it matter?

I would guess that you and I and just about everyone would respond with a resounding NO it does not matter; the act of setting off those bombs while not knowing who specifically would be harmed makes it no less a savage act.

I listened to the intensity of the manhunt on Boston police scanners online and was relieved when the 19 year old kid was taken into custody. And I felt the emotion as I watched the people of Watertown come out from their homes to applaud the police and their fine work from my computer screen.

But then the chants of USA USA began, and I couldn't help but wonder where are all these people when intentional actions of our own government continues to kill innocent children in other countries? Where is the outrage at lost life then?
Is it that they are unaware? Is it apathy? Or is it darker than that.. is it tribalism? Exceptionalism? Blatant hypocrisy?

take note:
Matthew Keys, the social media editor at Reuters, posted audio of a reporter asking White House Press Secretary Jay Carney if U.S. bombings that kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan constitute an “act of terror” given the labeling of the Boston Marathon bombing as “terrorism”. She specifically refers to a U.S. airstrike earlier this month that killed 11 children, just the latest in a seemingly endless line of Afghan civilian deaths at the hands of the U.S. government.
Carney completely dodged the questions, pointing instead to the 9/11 terrorist attacks to justify U.S. bombings in Afghanistan. After a long-winded answer excusing U.S. conduct, Carney concludes, “we take great care in the prosecution of this war.”

more here:

Check that site Vic, read the transcript, look at the picture.
Then contact your representatives with phone calls and emails.
Take to the streets about it! Dammit!

Doesn't matter if your a Repub or a Dem or a Lib or a Green or an Ind you have to get informed and take a stand on this. You cannot turn away. Even if you don't give a crap about innocent kids 'over there' it's bad policy and fatal strategy. There's ALWAYS blowback and these signature strikes and doubletaps put our children and grandchildren at high risk now and in the future. They should not have to suffer for our apathy - or whatever the hell it is that prevents us from putting a stop to our own USA brand of terrorism.

"anyone that wants to bring harm to innocent children - WE WILL GET YOU."

I really hope you mean it.

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 18:19:15

Thanks for the well thought out response, cyref.

I'll take the time to carefully read through it later today and will provide a response in the hopes of continuing an honest discussion.

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 18:21:38

I quickly read it and will not honor that as a genuine on topic response.
We are talking about Boston.

Have a nice day, cyref

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 18:23:38

You are pulling one line from a much larger summary response to hoop.
The line was abstract in nature, does not represent the core theme of that response, and as such I refuse to speak further to it.

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 18:32:25

I think you are pulling one line out of context. My whole point was that I don't think we can readily identify the collective pursuit of such an emotional crowd, but abstracted ideals that we can all agree on such as - "anyone who harms children is bad" acted as catalyst for such cheering. It was a group of people aimlessly acknowledging that evil is bad.

So further to that - sure it will accomplish precisely nothing. But the crowd was justified in the emotional release that took the form of patriotic cheer.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 21:18:27

wonder where they got the idea to start blowing crap up?
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rain Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 21:18:59


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 21:43:15

not that i really care if you celebrate, but if you really want to show them that you're unaffected by the bomb going off, you do a VSE, check to see if anybody else got hurt, make sure they get proper care, finish your commute to work or school, then fluff about the fluffing traffic.
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Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 22:55:36

Sure fluff face, that's what you do in the weeks to follow.
This was a pure unadulterated emotional release from some of those truly affected by this, only lasted an hour or less, and was followed by - business as usual.

Considering all the other stuff you said stfu and leave this thread please

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 22:58:36

Sorry dibs you are a unique case so it's ok

Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 22:59:29

But don't troll.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:04:40

Originally posted by Vic:
Sure fluff face, that's what you do in the weeks to follow.
This was a pure unadulterated emotional release from some of those truly affected by this, only lasted an hour or less, and was followed by - business as usual.

Considering all the other stuff you said stfu and leave this thread please

dude, I'm an American citizen and an American veteran. you're just a Bostonian.
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Vic Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:13:28

... Follow the progression of this thread.

You are a mad man.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:17:35

I'm still working on why a meteorite struck Russia because i told somebody that they weren't in control if a meteorite could strike them dead, and why a bomb went off in Boston because i started talking about blowing crap up.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:26:06

technically, I'm trying to understand why i can cause those kinds of incidents to happen, yet i can't create a good thought to save my dad or my cats. btw, since you are expressing agression towards me, you should probably seek professional help before the state aquits me for killing you in self-defense.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:49:03

yeah, I'm mental. i served my country to the best of my ability and was exposed to some crap that i really did not appreciate experiencing. oh, you chanted USA. good for you.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 23rd 2013, 23:52:43

btw, it gets worse. other people had to experience a hell of a lot worse than I did to support their country. but you still get to chant USA at a ballgame.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 0:32:39

if you really want to think about it, you reward those bloody athletic nuts to run a round the bases much better than you do to the real athletes that are out there everyday defending your ability to scream out your lungs saying USA. and I'll be farting in your general direction because of it.
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Vic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 0:44:52

Woah wtf ?!?!!!!
Where in the world did that come from ??

You were already warned once on this thread by a mod and you literally just threatened to kill me?

Vic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 0:46:52

I have the utmost respect for servicemen - which both my grandfathers were!
How dare you!
And there were plenty of veterans in that crowd!
What an arrogant piece of scum.

Kill me wtf ???

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 0:54:01

seek professional help, and the state will let me me off when i have to defend my ass from your psychotic self. did you serve? how you get respect if you're just a college student who didn't serve? you don't have aclue if you never had to serve.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 1:02:59

pretty sure that i stated you never had to make a sacrifice to serve your country twit.
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Vic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 1:05:28

What are you talking about?
Any mental professional that read this thread from start to finish would be deeply, and I mean deeply concerned about you.

You have made multiple mention of killing me and frankly it's disturbing.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 1:18:44

please, I'd just have to say i was in the military. what excuse do you have for being a raving lunatic with aggressive tendencies? i had a farking contract for it.
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Vic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 9:10:43

listen, let me walk you through this.

i am, in fact, no raving lunatic. i am from boston and created a thread about the Boston Terrorist attacks that took place less than 1/10 mile from my home and my business.

i gave a first hand account of how the events affected me and others who lived in the neighborhood.

you on the other hand have threatened my life, have already been warned by a mod to leave this thread, and have made no sense whatsoever at any point in this thread.
you are certifiably insane, and i don't mean that as a jab. it's a fact.

the progression of this thread and your utter inability to follow it alone shows your deductive reasoning skills are totally absent, that you are indeed a complete and utter social misfit freakshow.

if you make one more mention of killing me and then getting away with it because it would be "self defense because you are in the military" i will be sure to report it.

what the fluff are you even talking about? killing me in self defense? because i'm raving lunatic?
do you have any idea how much of a freak show you are?

literally do you realize that?
you are a complete freak show.

social misfit freak.

get out of here.


fluffing freak show.


weirdo loser freak show creep

you had a contract for killling people you freakshow?
i'm a U.S. Civilian and you are a U.S. vet and you would have a contract for killing me? ya ok you fluffing freak.
you aren't in a war zone, you have 0 right to kill anyone, and if you say one more thing to that effect than we'll see how it goes for you.

you fluffing freak show.

Edited By: Vic on Apr 24th 2013, 9:16:58
See Original Post

iNouda Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 13:57:22

Dibs is my hero :O

Vic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 15:24:37

lol gotta love the new sig

Oceana Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 16:09:58

go figure the news actually reported that the bombers didn't have Gun permits