
tellarion Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 14:30:52

Reported for trolling.

See, I can do it too!

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 15:37:18

maybe i should put my glasses on, because i really can't see you doing it.
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tellarion Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 16:28:17

Every other post I see from this guy is him reporting people in other threads. It's getting old.

Trife Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 16:42:33

leave forgotten alone!

PG Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 17:25:06

forgotten were are you....

ICQ: 121286137
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Vic Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 17:29:32

ya forgotten is legendary status he can do as he pleases !



Feb 24th 2013, 18:19:55

To be honest, I only report people for breaking forum rules.

Sure, we have one of the more politicaly correct forums on the internets, but it doesn't mean that some users gets special privildges to abuse others.

When some posters troll the Admins, they get like a thousand lives, and finally the Admins decide to use the ban hammer after repeated offenses.

But what about the protection of regular members? Why should we absorb the abuse and insults that some privildged members seems to get a pass on all the time.

Some Mods will ban people for days for making fun of her, and yet, when regular members gets direct abuse, direct insults, and direct real life affecting threats and actions, the offending member doesn't get any penalties.

It seems like there is a double standard, some members of a certain alliance, or even ex member of certain alliance, does get priviledged treatment.

No matter how offending they get on the forums, they are immune to bans or time outs.

Most likely, I will get a ban out of this post, because certain moderators won't like me mentioning about bias and double standards.

It certainly is a turn off from the game, when some people can run rampant and destroy the community, publicly, and is immune to any penalties.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

PG Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 18:35:48

Originally posted by Forgotten:
To be honest, I only report people for breaking forum rules.

Sure, we have one of the more politicaly correct forums on the internets, but it doesn't mean that some users gets special privildges to abuse others.

When some posters troll the Admins, they get like a thousand lives, and finally the Admins decide to use the ban hammer after repeated offenses.

But what about the protection of regular members? Why should we absorb the abuse and insults that some privildged members seems to get a pass on all the time.

Some Mods will ban people for days for making fun of her, and yet, when regular members gets direct abuse, direct insults, and direct real life affecting threats and actions, the offending member doesn't get any penalties.

It seems like there is a double standard, some members of a certain alliance, or even ex member of certain alliance, does get priviledged treatment.

No matter how offending they get on the forums, they are immune to bans or time outs.

Most likely, I will get a ban out of this post, because certain moderators won't like me mentioning about bias and double standards.

It certainly is a turn off from the game, when some people can run rampant and destroy the community, publicly, and is immune to any penalties.

ICQ: 121286137
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tellarion Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 18:47:29

Originally posted by Forgotten:
To be honest, I only report people for breaking forum rules.

Sure, we have one of the more politicaly correct forums on the internets, but it doesn't mean that some users gets special privildges to abuse others.

When some posters troll the Admins, they get like a thousand lives, and finally the Admins decide to use the ban hammer after repeated offenses.

But what about the protection of regular members? Why should we absorb the abuse and insults that some privildged members seems to get a pass on all the time.

Some Mods will ban people for days for making fun of her, and yet, when regular members gets direct abuse, direct insults, and direct real life affecting threats and actions, the offending member doesn't get any penalties.

It seems like there is a double standard, some members of a certain alliance, or even ex member of certain alliance, does get priviledged treatment.

No matter how offending they get on the forums, they are immune to bans or time outs.

Most likely, I will get a ban out of this post, because certain moderators won't like me mentioning about bias and double standards.

It certainly is a turn off from the game, when some people can run rampant and destroy the community, publicly, and is immune to any penalties.

People have been fluffing about 'mod abuse' for ages. If you want to report people, go right ahead. But posting in every damn thread to inform people that you are reporting them is asinine. I know you see yourself as some kind of hero, sticking up for the little guys, but give it a rest. This is an online forum for a text based online game, you're wasting your time.



Feb 24th 2013, 19:01:41

Who is wasting who's time here?

You created a new topic, directly slandering my position in standing up for myself against bullies.

Are we, as a community, promoting for people to go quietly against bullies? Should we not, as a community, stand up against bullies?

So according to you, tellarion, the leader of EVO, that people shouldn't stand up against bullies, should stay quiet in the presence of privildged members, such as yourself.

I'm wasting my own time standing up for myself, you are wasting yours, and others that are reading this, for saying I shouldn't.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 19:07:29

but, um, the community is composed of people who gather together in clans just for the sole purpose of bullying other people in an online game of conquest and domination.
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Feb 24th 2013, 19:09:40

Dibs, your confusing the game versus the community.

The game is the game, the forum is what we are discussing about.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 19:13:25

so, y'all supposed to be able turn it on and off depending on where y'all are at? some people don't think that's possible, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get offended.
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Feb 24th 2013, 19:21:15

Dibs, there's a fine line between insulting and bullying because of in game reasons, and insulting and bullying simply because they want to.

We see all the time some small alliances come to AT to vent out their anger because they are being bullied by larger alliances, that's all fine.

But currently, we see some privildged members start insulting other players, simply because of their views on various topics are different.

Like I said in another post, don't like how an alliance is doing things? war them! can't beat them in war? take it to AT, because that's how things have been done for 15 years.

But what we are seeing now, is that certain players skip the whole game all together, and just insult people simply because their views are different.

This isn't /b/, we don't need people hating each other for no good reason.

If I farm you to death, you sure can come post your anger at me.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

locket Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 20:53:14

Dont cry that he is reporting. You could also have not made this thread. This is no less asinine.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 24th 2013, 21:32:18

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
To be honest, I only report people for breaking forum rules.

Sure, we have one of the more politicaly correct forums on the internets, but it doesn't mean that some users gets special privildges to abuse others.

When some posters troll the Admins, they get like a thousand lives, and finally the Admins decide to use the ban hammer after repeated offenses.

But what about the protection of regular members? Why should we absorb the abuse and insults that some privildged members seems to get a pass on all the time.

Some Mods will ban people for days for making fun of her, and yet, when regular members gets direct abuse, direct insults, and direct real life affecting threats and actions, the offending member doesn't get any penalties.

It seems like there is a double standard, some members of a certain alliance, or even ex member of certain alliance, does get priviledged treatment.

No matter how offending they get on the forums, they are immune to bans or time outs.

Most likely, I will get a ban out of this post, because certain moderators won't like me mentioning about bias and double standards.

It certainly is a turn off from the game, when some people can run rampant and destroy the community, publicly, and is immune to any penalties.

People have been fluffing about 'mod abuse' for ages. If you want to report people, go right ahead. But posting in every damn thread to inform people that you are reporting them is asinine. I know you see yourself as some kind of hero, sticking up for the little guys, but give it a rest. This is an online forum for a text based online game, you're wasting your time.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Brink Game profile


Feb 24th 2013, 21:39:11

<------------ completely agrees with Forgotten.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 0:02:46

hmm, how do i report people for trolling anyway?

let's see i click on the name tellarion and, hmm, maybe i need a computer to do it...
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galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 25th 2013, 2:08:30

Originally posted by Forgotten:
To be honest, I only report people for breaking forum rules.

Sure, we have one of the more politicaly correct forums on the internets, but it doesn't mean that some users gets special privildges to abuse others.

When some posters troll the Admins, they get like a thousand lives, and finally the Admins decide to use the ban hammer after repeated offenses.

But what about the protection of regular members? Why should we absorb the abuse and insults that some privildged members seems to get a pass on all the time.

Some Mods will ban people for days for making fun of her, and yet, when regular members gets direct abuse, direct insults, and direct real life affecting threats and actions, the offending member doesn't get any penalties.

It seems like there is a double standard, some members of a certain alliance, or even ex member of certain alliance, does get priviledged treatment.

No matter how offending they get on the forums, they are immune to bans or time outs.

Most likely, I will get a ban out of this post, because certain moderators won't like me mentioning about bias and double standards.

It certainly is a turn off from the game, when some people can run rampant and destroy the community, publicly, and is immune to any penalties.

Seeing as I am the only "her" moderator, I would like to know why the heck you are bringing me up when I haven't banned anyone in a very long time??

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

keivisuaL Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 2:38:48

Cyber bullying is still bullying!

Innocence is something we all forget. I haven't quite, I'm naive.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 7:59:13

"No, we just want people like you (those who can barely operate a pen and paper - let alone contribute to 1=0.999 discussion) to stfu."

Yes, that is certainly bullying and a bannable offense. You need to have a thicker skin.

But good luck in your one man crusade to protect the weak and vulnerable! I'm guessing you must be bored.

Darakna Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 8:08:08

i wasted too much time reading all of this.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 8:55:36

Originally posted by Darakna:
i wasted too much time reading all of this.

Yup. At least my posts don't ramble.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 9:50:02

Originally posted by keivisuaL:
Cyber bullying is still bullying!


we need fewer wimps. besides, i think we'd have to get rid of government to eliminate bullying.
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locket Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 9:54:43

Are you bored Tella? This was a fairly unnecessary thread.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 11:25:51

I'm also bored :)



Feb 25th 2013, 16:02:47

If you are bored, you are welcome to hit my country. I'm sure qz can tell you which one is mine.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~



Feb 25th 2013, 16:27:33

I don't consider forum bullying as serious as every other type of bullying, and here is why.

In a schoolyard, for instance, the person being bullied has no choice but to be at school thus forcing him/her to be a victim to the bully. You could hide in the bathroom or try to skip school... but in that case a bully has forced you to alter your life making you a prisoner.

In serious online bullying (like in the case of Amanda Todd), she was bullied by someone posting a topless photo of her all over the place, really torturing a young person to the point where she took her own life. In that case, there is no refuge from the bully/psychopath. This is esp dangerous because she was so young and could not deal with this problem as an adult would have.

To equate what happens here (on an internet forum for a dying web based game) to the same type of bullying really does a disservice to those who are really and truly bullied. If one of the participants to this forum hacks your facebook or starts calling you late at night to taunt you, THAT would be bullying. Trolling is not bullying. It's very easy to avoid a troll, don't come to this forum... it's a nonessential part of this game and nonessential to your life. Also, don't feed the trolls.

I hope that you can understand this distinction.

tellarion Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 17:45:03

Originally posted by Forgotten:
If you are bored, you are welcome to hit my country. I'm sure qz can tell you which one is mine.

Reported for trolling.

PS: I'd have to wait till after the set ended to find that out. And I was the one that knew who played the country. He didn't reveal that information. Nice try though.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 25th 2013, 23:40:49

qzjul,martian, whoever for the love of God fluffing ban locket and forgotten. their ugly step sister routine is getting boring.

locket Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 6:11:05

Originally posted by anoniem:
qzjul,martian, whoever for the love of God fluffing ban locket and forgotten. their ugly step sister routine is getting boring.


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 9:58:13

what's god got to do, got to do with it? god's nothing but a second-hand emotion.
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