
Jiman Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 9:30:09

I once read my sisters dairy, I ended up taking a lot of items out of context.

Ever thought that is what occured here Hanlong? I mean, so many conversations occur about every aspect about everything everywhere, its impossible to be able to put it all into the correct context.

What does it matter if arsenal has a grudge against Laf? I dont think he does have one myself, but if he did can you say he is unable to seperate them from his actions as a leader?

What gives anyone the right to judge someones personal feelings?
There has obvoiusly been a lot of items happening recently besides what people feel.

Heck, I am still annoyed at Laf for you guys FSing us (before Christmas!!). Doesnt mean I am out to get Laf, infact I made it known that I dont want us to be the aggressors as it doesnt solve anything. It just adds to the pool of emotions.

I am sure one alliance can decide to attack another based on facts and not personel feelings. Right?

What would we find if we picked apart everything you have said hanlong behind closed doors. I am sure there are items you would like kept to yourself.

The only difference here is that you are able to look at someones dairy and we can not look at yours.


Short story:
I smacked my friend across the head the other day because I he looked at a girls ass while sitting next to his gf. He asked me why I did it and I told him that it was because he stole a french fry from me the other day and I owed him.

Understanding other peoples prospectives and not assuming will lead us down to a road of peace ><

Edited By: Jiman on Mar 10th 2012, 11:09:18
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