
SuperFly Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 16:07:48

Ok guys lets not violate the rules by posting breaks. Lets keep this clean.

Everyone go into boxcar and do a country report and sort by deffends and attack the TSO guy that shows up with most deffends.

right now the target is #32 and it is a very low BR.

for the record I did not pick #32, that was a bad target choice but w/e I BR'ed it anyways.

Oh Boltar, once again your whole DNH with us was a nothng but false words and empty promises. Go look at my country, I was just sitting there watching when I got CM'ed dumped

TSO You still have no huevos and you have a small penis.

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 3rd 2012, 16:13:22
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 16:56:01

Dunno who chemed u

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2012, 16:58:29

SuperFly, we'll probably get rid of TSO quicker if we simply refuse to restart and let them play with themselves for the next 3 weeks
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 16:59:57

Well Im going to wait to self delete until I at least get hit a bit, that might save a few of the people that actually want to try to keep playing here. But in the end I will remove my country as well and perhaps come back sometime in the future again.
(And this time Boltar we really wont be here in any other team tag or anything like that at all)

MADMARK Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 19:39:58

Soz superfly i picked it at random pretty much and just msged the server, i didnt know who would pay attention i just wanted to hit something ASAP. I kinda co-ordinated the first 2 kills WOOT! I am dead now tho. But might aswell restart and help any non TSO country i can but will more than likely not continue beyond this set if there is no resistance!

Jiman Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 20:22:22

Instead of playing the game as it is, people are exiting the game all together by self deleting.

What does this say?



Feb 3rd 2012, 20:41:15

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
SuperFly, we'll probably get rid of TSO quicker if we simply refuse to restart and let them play with themselves for the next 3 weeks

at that point we'd probably kill each other
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

tduong Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 22:14:23

#43 next
get him
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years



Feb 3rd 2012, 22:19:52

*waits for boltar to become a target*
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 0:05:02

Jiman: All that really says is that TSO ruined the server, thats about it really. Had TSO not done this rubbish I would not self-delete, its not to do with the server its to do with TSOs actions.

Before it was by no means perfect but this really tipped the balance, there is now no point at all to stay and play and thats about it.

archaic Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 1:47:54

Vilse, listening to you and PP weeping is actually giving me an erection - fascinating.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

IXNeo Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 2:39:36


Illuminati X
Division: EoS

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2012, 7:31:37

I need TP for my bunhole!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

tduong Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 17:30:42

well i'm dead lol and just in time. Good luck guys.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

davidoss Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 17:40:27


TNTroXxor Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 2:53:52

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
SuperFly, we'll probably get rid of TSO quicker if we simply refuse to restart and let them play with themselves for the next 3 weeks

we did that last set already and we're still here
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:13:39

32 was me...

nuking/Cm/EM and BR way to run a chat ya nubs lol..

What happened to the forum rules about not being able to post in game information and country numbers???
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

OmarEVP Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:45:33

i guess TSO is slowing down. not many deaths the last half week or so. pansies.

OmarEVP Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:47:03

and when ur part of tso, u have every right to be singled out and have rules broken vs you for being such a douche to the entire server. kthxbye

de1i Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 23:08:25

Numbers aren't against the rules, its game information that requires using turns to post.



Feb 7th 2012, 23:23:02

Originally posted by OmarEVP:
and when ur part of tso, u have every right to be singled out and have rules broken vs you for being such a douche to the entire server. kthxbye

so in other words all we have to do is sit around and watch you turn purple over and over?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 4:42:02

wow vilse, after what DBD and wog/fbi did i thought you guys wouldnt of frowned upon this...
God of War


SuperFly Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 4:57:47

iScode, you of all people (having played in WoG and all) know that WoG/FBI never killed anyone for the hell of it. Our tag kills were always justified and not once did we try to kill the server as TSO has.

Originally posted by elvesrus:

Thanks to the response this has received, we will continue until change is forced, or you get enough to stop us set after set.

This server will burn until we are stopped, and I would like you to find one time I've been dishonest on this board. It will happen, and you can thank your own responses.

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 8th 2012, 5:00:02
See Original Post

iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 6:01:58

if by justified you mean 'any reason we can think up of' then sure, their justified but TSO could then justify there killings from posts on here challenging them to fs the whole server.

hell i took part in it, i am not saying it was wrong, I am just saying tso and the wog/fbi/DBD days are very similar, you killed who you liked, when you liked for what ever reason you liked.
God of War


Boltar Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 6:09:30

and scodes not in TSO by the way..

iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 6:37:16

nope, if i came back to team, i would join wog again :), wog rules!!!
God of War


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2012, 6:39:48

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 7:15:43

even in death they rule more than tso!!!
God of War


Jiman Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 7:27:54

iScode where are you?!?!



Feb 8th 2012, 7:32:05

I'm guessing he's with betsie by the cliff ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 7:45:11

im watching bbt :P
God of War


iScode Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 7:45:40

and fluff u elve lmao
God of War


Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 12:17:52

hey scode did you see the sonny bill "fight"?

that's how short the war would be if WoG chose to try!



Feb 9th 2012, 12:29:35

sorry to disappoint you DL, they tried a couple sets ago
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 12:38:02

DL wog was tagkilled in 5 days 2 sets ago. And asking for a cf about 2 weeks in

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 15:47:38

Originally posted by Boltar:
DL wog was tagkilled in 5 days 2 sets ago. And asking for a cf about 2 weeks in

you forgot mention that we were outnumbered 3 to 1 and you got the FS in on us.

Dont forget that we fought you one reset with the same amount of tags and countries. That one and only time we had the FS and we kicked your ass.

the following set you FS'ed us and you grew an additional 5 man tag and beat us as you had the FS.

Every other time that you have FS'ed us it your member advantage has kept growing and growing in your favor. What was your advantage this set Boltar, was it not 45 to 5?

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 3:46:16

yeah but i wasn't playing boltar!!

with me!! we last extra 30 seconds, FO SURE.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 3:53:59

even #'s? u had wog. (dbd when they wanted to help) lords jerks and another tag or so.. it wasnt exactly even tso was 25 wog was 25 at that point.. dbd had 25 (yes all didnt hit) lords had 10 or so restarts jerks had 1 original and 4 restarts... plus the other tags... #'s wherent even in the least.. as for the following set.. we did get the fs.. but u had dbd hide in 3 tags.. who came in 3-5 days late.. as for this set.. yes we had 40 countries but not all 40 hit.. only about 10 hit wog.. as part of my plan to have 2 tags FS wog and kill u oop. and the rest prep for the server killing.. only to be derailed by thefist..

iScode Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 4:20:18

I think we should recruit lots of wog people back to team to prove a point.

ahhh fluff it, i cant be bothered, but let me know if you try it out Superfly :)
God of War


SuperFly Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 7:12:57

We had nothing to do with DBD hiding tags. Lord Slayer even told you that. When we found out that they had 3 tags they would not step up and help us as we where outnumbered 4 tags to 9.

Boltar not sure if you and TSO suffer from Dyscalculia (not being able to read/understand numbers) but everytime you qoute tags and number of countrys you are waaaaay off.

Go on earth stats and click on the past 3 sets, Jan, Dec, Nov. you have been greatly out numbering us for well over 4 sets now :)

The set where you claimed to have warred the whole server was the set that DBD was hiding and would not join us in the war. They joined the war after WoG had been tag killed and you had also killed off most of the Fist and Jerks. Go check eestats if your mind if foggy as eestats dont lie.

Personally I am getting bored and tired of trying to take off your little TSO viel, any one that can spare 5 minutes to look at previous reset data on eestats will know for themselves that everything that you and TSO post is nothing more than verbal diarrhea....

iScode my good man, i say you join me in Tourney Game C or in Express. WoG as a group is done on this server until TSO leaves or stops acting like royal douchebags or until the Mods/Admins do something to curb this garbage.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 7:16:43

oh PS, I love how now you admit that killing WoG was your plan for this set. Even though you told me in boxcar PM's that you wouldnt kill us when I asked you at the start of the set to spare us as we were down to 3 WoG and 2 FBI members for our final set as a team.

Thanks good buddy, love your new found honesty :)

Now go make an express country again so I can get my free PS on you!

Boltar Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 15:34:00

Ls never told me u guys didn't know about dbd cause pain knew and floated about it. And this is the first set we killed fist. Ee even helped wog kill the ones who ab'ed fist the first set we was here. And I'm pretty sure I never promised we wouldn't kill wog. I'll check my inboxes and post it here if ur right or I am

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 16:12:50

ok I apologize, you are right you never offered to spare us from death. You just laughed at us for asking you not to kill us for no reason again.

Reply to: Re: Re: hey
From: KSF/Boltar [VP] [DL]

Previous Message:

Lol@plz don't kill us

Reply to: Re: hey
From: WoGTeam/SuperFly (The Land Grabber)

Previous Message:

hey so far we only have WoG and FBI.

I think we may be done on the server :(

down to 6 members that are active this set :(

Please dont kill us :)

Reply to: hey
From: KSF/Boltar [VP] [DL]

Previous Message:

hey wheres the hippo and fbi tags?

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 17:25:27

Just to fill in the gaps to those that dont really know what DBD did that reset when we hid a few tags.

DBD was hiding (yes three tags, cant remember if we even managed to fill all three teams though but lets say it was 15 countries for arguments sake).

Initially I only told LS about it as we were not even sure we were going to join in the war, but we were prepping the countries for it just in case we wanted to.

At the time TSO attacked WOG/FBI we were not fully ready, our countries were only half-prepped and our members didnt really want to war. Nonetheless we prepped it fully for another 3 days and then joined in. Of course in those three days WOG/FBI were already dead (more or less).

Then we hit some anyway and we also died. That was it really, nothing fancy or fantastic about it. We even had pretty poor participation in hitting and coordination wasnt much to speak of.

Thats about it, but really none of this matters. As it stands today this server is unplayable as long as TSOs policy is to destroy the server which seems to be about it. Once the round is over DBD will be gone, we may be back sometime in the future though. (And no, we wont even be hiding nay countries in other teams or other tags or whatever, we will just be gone for a forseeable future)