
Atryn Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 14:57:32

I haven't tried it myself as I've already jumped, but have members reporting that its stalled on "Preparing forces" or whatever and just sits there. They can load other pages though.

Looks like there haven't been any attacks in 30 min or so on the server...

now im nothing Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 15:05:12

Man. I just did a PS. I was clikcing and waiting for my forces to be ready. It 100% said I had 3mill jets AVAILABLE. I sent 2.5 mill and lost. At first I just thought crap he must have some juicy def alliances or something. When I look at my Military it says I have 600k Jets on PS. Thats roughly what I had BEFORE my forces were all available. I think there was a glitch for sure. Thought maybe I forgot a 0 at first. But nope, that would be 250k jets on ps.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 15:10:46

Its saddening mainly cause I just thought I legit lost the battle and used some turns accordinlgly I oculd have used to reattack ha. fack.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

crest23 Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 16:16:46

Atryn - You have to hit Send Attack again when that occurs and it will send.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Atryn Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 19:32:43

This can be ignored... its related to the broader problems of the server today.