
madjsp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:27:26

making up policies? I'm pretty sure it has been there for the past few sets.


joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:30:18

yet you did not discuss this with rage FA when we announced us coming into the fold again. you dropped the ball and you took it out on a rage country that was doing the proper thing. if you want retal policies to even be legit you have to tell people, this isnt a kinder surprise FA policy we got going on here guys. this should not be that hard to talk to someone at the beginning of the set

dustfp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:30:53

Our policy has been publicly accessible since before last reset.
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

madjsp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:31:35

We actually told y'all that it was a RoR but you hit twice afterwards.

we told you it was our policy, yet you decided to ignore it afterwards.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:31:44

you guys cant seriously think your that good that people have to come crawling for your policy info.... dude thats just wow

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:32:09

if this game is going to move forward, clans need to remove the ridiculous (excluding ghost acres) clause from their topfeeding policies, if they are going to have land based topfeed policies.

it is clear that they are trying to punish landgrabbers, which is against the spirit of the game. That's my view.

disclaimer: i have no country ingame, however i do favour rage over sanct given my past. though it's good to see sanct actually showing some balls for once.

madjsp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:32:51

i'm not important enough in Sanct to argue with you. I might just get myself into trouble.

Talk to fudge.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:33:03

fine rage's policy is that we now own your women. from the grandmothers cousins, sisters, wives even female dogs, honor it because its our policy.

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:44:02

Originally posted by Frisky:
yet you did not discuss this with rage FA when we announced us coming into the fold again. you dropped the ball and you took it out on a rage country that was doing the proper thing. if you want retal policies to even be legit you have to tell people, this isnt a kinder surprise FA policy we got going on here guys. this should not be that hard to talk to someone at the beginning of the set

So because you guys announced your return to this server, we're supposed to contact you guys to let you know what our policy is? Isn't that your job? No tag has ever come knocking on our door to let us know what their policy is, unless there was a change to it. Even if that were the case, they don't make personal contact, they make an AT post stating their policy.

If you guys wanted to know our policy, you would have:

A) Visited our website; OR
B) Visited the wiki site; OR
C) Did a search on the AT forums; OR
D) Contacted one of our leaders.

Apparently you did E) None of the above.

It is not our responsibility to alert new/returning tags of our retal policy. That is your homework to do. If you're going to grab a tag, it's probably best to know their retal policies beforehand. Of all the tags we leave unpacted, we know each and every one of their retal policies so we know what to expect as a retal before making the LG. If we don't like it, we hit someone else.

It's a pretty simple concept. I'm not sure if it's laziness, stubborness or a lack of organization. But what I do know is this situation was not mishandled by Sanct. I personally tried getting in contact with RAGE for over 24 hours before I was told by a leader that RAGE rejects our policy and would classify our retals as RoRs. There was no discussion or negotiation.

I suggest you talk to your clanmates/leaders if you have issues with how this took place. As was previously stated by another Sanct member, we have no interest in warring RAGE as it wouldn't be a fair fight. But we do not back down from anybody and will war RAGE over this issue if necessary.

madjsp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:51:10

You can't have Lobo!

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 4:55:08

so you saying this retal policy is the same for SoF, SoL, pdm, LaF, Na? all of those clans accept this completely ludicrous policy? now you know our policy, i expect them to be shipped to us ona date of our choosing. dont like sorry thats our policy, you could have

A. talked to a Fa beginning of set
B. not killed a country for a ridiculous bullfluff policy that im sure you laugh at.
C. talked to riddler

you did D. none of the above

if you want to be respectable your policies need tweaking. no interest in warring us? are you kidding me you chem kill a country and you say no interest... where on earth did you get your leadership skills... libya? not to mention your top guys all bought troops and jets and beefeed up their tanks. strangely before killing our guy. thats a heck of a no interest move there.

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:01:41

Farming and/or Death for 6+ hits on same country by same country inside of 48 hours

show me the 6hits inside of 48hrs pls.

so you killed a guy for 2 hits in a 72 hr window... thats NOT your policy ergo you f;d up

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:03:18

1. Yes, this policy is the same for any tag that is unpacted.

2. The only tag that has had an issue with our policy in the past two resets is Paradigm during last set, which was resolved without conflict.

3. I don't laugh at the policy. I wrote it. And others have adopted a similar topfeeding policy since we began enforcing it (we didn't publish it until recently).

4. I tried talking to Riddler and others. No response. Apparently him logging onto MSN means I'm supposed to immediately message him rather than shooting me a message when I dropped my MSN address two times in this thread.

5. We've been successful and established on this server for a while now, our respect is not in jeopardy.

6. We chem killed a country that continuously RoR'd us.

7. We bought Troops and Jets because, as previously mentioned, we have a planned war that is actually being delayed because of this situation. We don't need Troops or Jets to break your countries, if we wanted your countries dead we would have FSed you by now when your breaks are extremely low across the board.

8. I understand you're pissed. We made the effort. We made it known what our policy was since the initial topfeed on our country. Your leaders decided to play hardball rather than accept our policy or negotiate a middle ground. Perhaps they acquired their leadership skills in Libya. I'm not sure, we should ask TAN if he knows about it.

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:06:39

i hardly call 2 hits in 72hrs constant buddy, your terminology is so loose it threatens to demean the english language.

how is posting on AT effort these days, i didnt hear anything about your ranting until this morning. AxA should have me on msn. why not contact me? im on everyday yet no one msged me. he has my contact

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:07:43

Originally posted by Frisky:
Farming and/or Death for 6+ hits on same country by same country inside of 48 hours

show me the 6hits inside of 48hrs pls.

so you killed a guy for 2 hits in a 72 hr window... thats NOT your policy ergo you f;d up

Obviously we cannot list every single scenario that would lead to a death of a country. That would be a pretty ridiculous policy as nobody would read the damn thing. He RoR'd two separate times. Your leadership made it clear they would continue to retal the hits. So why would we wait for him to make more hits?

We made it clear this is our policy. That we will stick to it. We retalled the RoR and made FA contact. Once your leaders informed us that they rejected our policy and considered our retals to be RoRs, I sent a message informing them that we will respond how we see fit. I never received a reply.

Anonymous RAGE Leader: also that ror will be retalled 2:1 according to our policy, just a heads up

Thomas: Do what you gotta do. You guys grabbed us. You know our policy (or at least should). We will respond how we see fit. Good luck

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:07:54

lol thats laughable

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:08:33

killing a country is not diplomatic thats bullying. by ANY policy.

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:10:28

Originally posted by Frisky:
AxA should have me on msn. why not contact me? im on everyday yet no one msged me. he has my contact

AxA made a post a while ago that he is fading into the shadows. He's around, but rarely. fudgepuppy and myself run Sanct. Once again, this is another AT post that you guys have apparently not read.

I'm done arguing with you. You're talking yourself into circles and looking like a jackass. Just give up before you make yourself look worse. If you want to handle this civilly then you know how to contact us.

hanlong Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:10:34

standard policy conflict =)

not everyone has the exact same policy, which is why we always have disagreements.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia



Jul 11th 2011, 5:15:11

If you are grabbing an alliance, who's retal policy do you think they are going to use o_O? So you grab an alliance and then believe you can enforce your retal policy on them?! I take it Rage wishes to return to the game just to be tagkilled at all times.

I know from the past Rage is usually fairly drunken and somewhat backwards but this is straight redneck posturing.

So LaF and Evo now will set their retal policy to 1:0 so they can grab with out being retalled and then when you grab them they will use your retal policy to retal you.

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:16:20

Originally posted by hanlong:
standard policy conflict =)

not everyone has the exact same policy, which is why we always have disagreements.

Funny how you joined the convo hanlong :)

He just mentioned how we wouldn't enforce our policy against other tags such as LaF. Perhaps he doesn't remember two sets ago when I threatened to FS LaF on the AT boards because I was pissed with the grabs being made by your guys.

Long story short, a LaF leader sacrificed his country by turning it into a landfarm for us to get our land back. And we signed a pact.

But I suppose we were bullying the LaF tag which had more members :P

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:16:43

thomas the only one who looks funny is you. i literally poked a hole in your policy and you defend it with another twist, rage is supposed to accept this from a clan who cant STICK with this policy. you make exceptions to fit your needs and not whats written. obviously you need to revise your policy if i can take a 2minute look and prove you acted out of your policy. im done with your gradeschool logic.

if you want some help i can educate you in clauses. or subsections that isnt lawyer talk i can dumb it down for you. Ill even do it for free of charge .

now if you excuse me your lower guys didnt send their women, retals are in order

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:17:26

Originally posted by Symac:
So LaF and Evo now will set their retal policy to 1:0 so they can grab with out being retalled

That's great logic to prove the point :)

madjsp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:18:27

Please, please hit! I have full turns/full stored turns.

I was ready for iMag.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:19:04

I'm sorry Frisky...

I'll assemble a team ASAP to create a 32 page retal policy explaining exactly how we'll respond to every single possible scenario.

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:22:29

a simple sentence would ahve sufficed dude. if in such a case that such and such is not accepted and talks have not come to agreements or policies are being openly disregarded, APPROPRIATE action will be undertaken.

BOOM one sentence and oh my what do we have, some gosh darn clause that would have fited this case... sheesh dude.

Lobo Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:22:41

and still nobody had ordered popcorn....
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...



Jul 11th 2011, 5:23:17

Originally posted by Thomas:
I'm sorry Frisky...

I'll assemble a team ASAP to create a 32 page retal policy explaining exactly how we'll respond to every single possible scenario.

I did that one set for LaF. Other alliances weren't amused with a 4 page near legal binding document.

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:25:05

you add it into the retal policies with your 2:1 etc and what do we have. a logical clause that would have solved this mess.

granted any leader with half a brain would still laugh at your policy, but atleast youd be able to back up your retarded action on rage

dustfp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:25:40

Retal policies very rarely deal with stupid.
Where our policy comes into play is the initial L:L on the topfeed. When someone constantly RoRs, it doesn't need to be spelled out that the country is going to die.
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2011, 5:28:48

Just in case Frisky actually thinks that Rage is in the right, I'll go ahead and say I support Sanct in their actions. They were hit and retaliated as written in their policy. Your player was unaware and RoR'd. Things got messy, it happens.

FA contact was attempted. This is usually where the FAs don't want their players to be killed and try to come to some sort of compromise. Hint: good FAs are willing to give up their own land to appease their members when they are in the wrong. Both sides give a little, it was just an accident, and everyone moves on happily and now aware of the retal policy.

This is where AT FA is great, because there is literally a log with timestamps and responses where Sanct tried to contact Rage. You can look through this thread for all the messages and try to figure out what went wrong. Eventually, no compromise was made, everyone stuck to their guns, and that really only leaves a few options. Sanct could back down from their own policy and get fluffed for another alliance's ignorance, both sides could agree to war over policy issues, or they could kill the offending country which they were told would continue to RoR. I think they chose the most graceful method.

Obviously they are war prepped, but there's not really anything to gain by FSing Rage. They don't care if you change your policy, but you better expect that they will follow theirs if you attack them. Diplomacy broke down; they removed the problem. No more issue. If you have an issue with their policy on general principle, of course you're welcome to start a war over it, but as far as this conflict, Sanct did the best thing for Sanct and it didn't involve bullying in any way.

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:30:30

um yes it does because thats what diplomacy is about. this isnt earth anarchy

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:32:08

if i recall they didnt accept our retals for L:L last time rage was a clan and they killed a rage country over the same goddamn thing that they are doing. im sorry but you cant keep changing thigns to fit your needs. you arent 5 anymore

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2011, 5:37:23

Wait does Rage even have a listed policy? If you have L:L then doesn't this clause make everything okay with their policy?


-From Sanct retal policy on their webpage.

hanlong Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:43:42

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by hanlong:
standard policy conflict =)

not everyone has the exact same policy, which is why we always have disagreements.

Funny how you joined the convo hanlong :)

He just mentioned how we wouldn't enforce our policy against other tags such as LaF. Perhaps he doesn't remember two sets ago when I threatened to FS LaF on the AT boards because I was pissed with the grabs being made by your guys.

Long story short, a LaF leader sacrificed his country by turning it into a landfarm for us to get our land back. And we signed a pact.

But I suppose we were bullying the LaF tag which had more members :P

yep because we grabbed you first. standard earth etiquette is to follower the defender's policy because you have a choice in not grabbing someone, but not really a choice in getting grabbed.

if you grabbed us first, then that would been a different story, i would've shoved my policy up where the sun doesn't shine =)

but to be fair to rage also, i think you did kill that guy pretty quickly. you should've waited until he retaled enough times where you could've deemed it enough to kill. i know you are assuming that he would've eventually get there, but he didn't yet =) semantics haha

Edited By: hanlong on Jul 11th 2011, 5:46:40
See Original Post
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Frisky Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:43:53

that also depends on what is topfeeding as if their low nw guyhas more land, i dont view as topffeding at all i call it moron with no defense

dustfp Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 5:48:01

<3 Hanlong
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

AxAlar Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 8:04:20

Hanlong - Yes, we may have reacted a little quickly, but it was because (I believe) RAGE started tossing in a few more grabs and we'd like the issue resolved while it's on the talking board (before we get involved with the Imag war and then would have to possibly deal with this same issue next set).
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Riddler Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 12:00:40

madjsp I am NOT the MAIN contact for Rage, I am the prez, I trust my FA's to do their job well. But I also respect that they have lives outside this game.

Thomas: simply put I posted my MSN for you here and you said you added me, so I told you here when you were posting I was on MSN waiting to talk. either way, whats done is done.

Riddler Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 12:06:04

and I notice that Sanct has now LG'ed another member of Rage so we shall abide and adopt your policy for the retal.

ld Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 13:32:55

Your still missing the point, we LG'd you, now you retal according to your own policy. If the hit was a topfeed, we would of course honor the same treatment that we gave your country.

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 20:22:10

Originally posted by Riddler:
and I notice that Sanct has now LG'ed another member of Rage so we shall abide and adopt your policy for the retal.

So you're adopting our policy now? The policy you just rejected yesterday?


willm Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 20:33:56

Needless TAN reference is the win!

Riddler Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:28:50

Did I ever reject the policy? no I did not. I havent even had the chance to talk to you yet. you keep dodging me. Either way its all said and done now.

Riddler Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:32:37

and ld it was a topfeed, thank you very little

Thomas Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:34:19

Originally posted by Riddler:
Did I ever reject the policy? no I did not. I havent even had the chance to talk to you yet. you keep dodging me. Either way its all said and done now.

Dodging you? You sat on MSN, posted on here that you were on MSN, all the while you could have IM'd me. But you refused to make that tiny effort to copy/paste an email address and shoot a message. As a result you guys lost a country. Whose to blame now?

ld Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:39:44

ok i'm glad were all accepting the topfeed policy now, but if you wanted to stick to your guns you would have retalled it 1:1 OF COURSE. its all funny/ironic, but i think all points have been proven that need to be and i would advise rage to go ahead and create yourselves a retal policy that is acceptable to avoid this kind of ish in the future.

NoleICN Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 21:43:15

Hi my name is ld... and i endorse this message.

Paid for by the "Buy AxA a dildo Coalition"


kemo Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 0:27:21

well its gonna have to be made of kryptonite nole. that man will wear it down like a pencil in a pencil sharpener
all praised to ra

Brink Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 1:06:13

I absolutely love FA being done on AT. This is good stuff.

It has nothing on Pink or Blonde back in the day, but good stuff!