
Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:30:40

is an illegal controlled substance in the US that people can not get addicted to. people have no need to smoke this substance, yet i keep hearing cries to legalize or de-criminalize it's use. if you don't have no need to smoke it, why are you frigging complaining about it being illegal to use it?
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Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:36:47

At this point, the only reason to keep it illegal is to further the monopoly of big pharma over altered states of consciousness. They keep telling us terrorist funding comes from selling drugs, great make it legal and that won't work any more!
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deepcode Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:39:10

Make everybody happy, and they'll complain about being too happy :P

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:40:52

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
At this point, the only reason to keep it illegal is to further the monopoly of big pharma over altered states of consciousness. They keep telling us terrorist funding comes from selling drugs, great make it legal and that won't work any more!

that's not a reason to legalize it, because it's something that you don't need to use. it's not like tobacco or alcohol where people become chemically dependent on the use of it.

you don't have any need to use it, nor dependency on it, so you do so simply because it's your choice to fund terrorism.
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Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:42:27

You don't need to drink or smoke cigs to start with, why aren't they illegal? There is no good reason to restrict someone from using a substance that is non-habit forming. The other kind is much worse. Crackheads and methheads will rob you for a fix, potheads will just be super bummed when they're broke, man.
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Havoc Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:42:32

Watch the documentary "The Union", pretty interesting look into the history of weed criminalization and the politics around it.

And yeah weed does a lot of things that legal pharmaceuticals that sell for a lot of money do.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:46:25

Originally posted by Havoc:
Watch the documentary "The Union", pretty interesting look into the history of weed criminalization and the politics around it.

And yeah weed does a lot of things that legal pharmaceuticals that sell for a lot of money do.

you can demonstrate that pot heads have a longer healthier happier life than normal human beings?
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Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:50:12

Are you calling people who are stoned on xanax or the like normal? Or people who are hopped up on amphetamines (adderall)? I can tell you from experience that those people are WAY less normal than most potheads.

Besides, it doesn't need to demonstrate a benefit. Demonstrate to me how it harms others. That's what really matters. If I am the only one who has any repercussions, to fluffing bad for everyone else.
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H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

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Jun 4th 2011, 1:54:22

You don't need to have a reason to make something legal Dibs, you need a good reason to make something illegal.

The USA is a free society is it not? You need an excuse to inhibit that freedom, you don't need an excuse to provide it.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:54:41

no, i'm referring to people who don't need medication to stay alive.

can demonstrate how it harms others simply by using stats from the Department of Transportation. same way as MADD.
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ZIP Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:56:48

isn't a small amount in canada legal?
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Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:59:38

Dibs, just because someone tests positive for weed after an accident doesn't indicate weed was in any way causative.

correlation =/= causation.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 2:01:41

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
You don't need to have a reason to make something legal Dibs, you need a good reason to make something illegal.

The USA is a free society is it not? You need an excuse to inhibit that freedom, you don't need an excuse to provide it.

no, the problem is that for some reason it was made an illegal substance, a substance that doesn't need to be used by anybody. yet there's a bunch of people asking for it to be made a legal substance again. if nobody needs it, then why bother with trying to make it legal.
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Heston Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 2:07:24


your arguement would fit for gay marriage....
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Heston Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 2:07:56

making it totally lame and irrelevant
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 2:12:29

yes, well, i think that gay marriage is totally lame and irrelevant.
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Jiman Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 2:19:19

Alcohol is a lot like Marihuana in many many way, but also different in many ways as well.

The point I am trying to make is this:
Whether legal or illegal, they will always be an issue with them in our society. If they are legal there will be cons. If they are illegal there are cons.

That is all I have too say...

*goes back to netwaring.*

Perkins Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:07:30


1 Marijuana grows naturally. Making something that is natural illegal is unnatural.

2 Marijuana is discriminated against by legislators that are too scared of being referred to as a druggie. Legislators won’t stand up for what they believe in, only the self interest of the corporations they represent.

3 Marijuana does not cause death.

4 Marijuana’s active ingredient THC is less toxic than nicotine.

5 Marijuana is not addictive.

6 Marijuana can be used to make hemp and other products such as paper (no more tree chopping) clothing, and rope. We can also make marijuana oil which can be used as a renewable fuel.

7 Legalizing marijuana will cause a sudden drop in need for beer. Wine won’t be affected as much as beer. Beer consumption will plummet.

8 There are more people in jail for drugs then there are other criminals.

9 Marijuana is an issue of public health, not the police.

10 Billions of dollars are spent on the war on drugs each year. IT destroy families and ruins lives.

11 Marijuana being legal will cause a sudden drop in using other harder drugs such as methamphetamines, barbiturates, heroin, alcohol and cocaine.

12 Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people a year than war.

13 People still drink and smoke regardless of the warnings.

14 Teenagers and children are lied to about marijuana by uninformed uneducated parents and propaganda.

15 anti marijuana legislation and TV propaganda are funded by the lobbyists that have interest in alcohol and timber.

16 cultivating marijuana will cause a spike in economic growth for more and more plantations of marijuana.

17 the cultivation of marijuana will create jobs for low income families.

18 the price of marijuana will plummet form 100 an ounce to 5 dollars an ounce

19 The US government is losing billions in tax revenue.

20 The US has more people in prison than any other country

21 The US is a few trillion dollars in debt

22 Marijuana can help HIV victims eat and sleep.

23 Marijuana can reverse the effects of crystal meth by making the person hungry and tired.

24 Marijuana does not impair your ability to drive as much as alcohol, however operating machinery driving and using power tools isn’t a good idea while using the plant.

25 Congress was lied to by yellow journalism

26 Marijuana is legal in Amsterdam and is on the way of being legal in Canada. Both countries have far less crime than the US.

27 Marijuana can be fermented into alcohol which burns cleaner than oil.

28 Africa can be the world’s largest supplier of hemp.

29 The US can spend the tax dollars generated by marijuana to fund a universal public health care system

30 Treatment of marijuana should increase instead of sending people to jail.

31 Mandatory minimum sentences should be outlawed. MMS only hurt the innocent while protecting the self interest of corporations.

32 Marijuana grows in the privacy of peoples homes ?

33 Marijuana’s fibers are an economical god send.

34 Marijuana use is in the bible. Genesis gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and animal. Not to mention every seed bearing plant. (Marijuana is a seed bearing plant)

35 Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

36 Marijuana does not cause cancer

37 Tobacco users will still get their nicotine from cigarettes.

38 By definition, Nicotine, Aspirin, Alcohol and THC are drugs. There are more drug users then there are non drug users.
39 Marijuana and alcohol cause short term memory loss. Alcohol destroys your liver, THC doesn’t.

40 Marijuana can be used to help alleviate pain and suffering humanely.

41 People who don’t want marijuana legal have a drug of choice.

42 No one cares about other peoples problems.

43 Your teenager will try marijuana no matter what you do.

44 Your teen has a better chance of dieing from alcohol or becoming pregnant then they do messing up their lives form marijuana.

45 using marijuana does not support terrorism.

46 Jamestown, Virginia had a law enacted stating that framers shall produce marijuana and sow the seeds everywhere.

47 Jamestown, Virginia was created 20 years before the Puritans sailed to New England.

48 It is human nature to seek pleasure.

49 There are more people using marijuana than people know.

50 Marijuana is used in world religions. Jesus Christ himself used the plant.

51 Christians don’t know Jesus was a stoner.

52 It is a plant. It is no more harmful than dandelions.

53 There are anti marijuana commercials but never commercials for anti drinking nor are their commercials for anti cocaine.

54 Cigarette companies are putting more nicotine in their products since more and more people are being killed and are quitting.

55 It cost more to smoke cigarettes than it does to smoke marijuana.

56 Marijuana can cure insomnia.

57 Marijuana does not kill brain cells, it only blocks receptors.

58 Marijuana will not hurt a fetus; it is not a good idea to have a child. Get an abortion and light up a joint.

59 Marijuana does not lower your immune system.

60 Marijuana smoke isn’t as bad as Cigarette smoke. Cigarettes have more carcinogens.

61 You can not overdose on marijuana.

62 Marijuana does not make you lazy

63 It is rare to cause toxic psychosis, but this is rare and usual stops in an hour or so.

64 Marijuana has the same potency as it does in the 60’s

65 There is no supporting evidence to date that shows drug prevention is working. So far it seems to only increase curiosity.

66 Marijuana increases heart rate and blood pressure more than cigarettes do. This is true. It doesn’t harden arteries like cigarettes however.

67 Marijuana is offered to people by their friends or people they know. It is ok for these kids to say no and still be socially accepted. Most kids who try marijuana like it. Some fluff their pants. Parents should talk to their kids at early stages.

68 Pot brownies accidentally convert people to pot smokers. This is true in my case. I’m fat I will never turn down a brownie. I didn’t know it had ganja in it! Oh man I was missing out.

69 Your parents tried marijuana!

70 So did your grandparents!

71 According to the NIDA, 1 in 6 10th grades use marijuana, 1 in 4 seniors of high schoolers use marijuana.

72 Marijuana smokers normally hang out with other smokers. People pay a premium and party; the owners collect the benefits and have a great time. This is normal.

73 Marijuana ranges in potency, it can be American skunker (grown in basements) or it can be white widow (the strongest known). White Widow is the rarest of weed, but if smoked, you will need a wheel chair.

74 Marijuana can grow in most climates.

75 Marijuana inspires painters to pain, writers to write, and musicians to music… or sing.

76 Marijuana is fibrous meaning that its fibers can be used to manufacture textiles.

77 There are patented machines that were designed to cultivate hemp which now remain useless since they are obsolete.

78 Marijuana will make the US less materialistic.

79 Marijuana is biodegradable.

80 Marijuana is a renewable resource that can help us prevent global warming.

81 Marijuana, if legal, will create a less of demand for harder drugs, thus eliminating cocaine.

82 With a nationwide health care plan, and marijuana being legal, GSK and other pharmaceutical monopolies will lose billions!

83 Marijuana can eliminate hostility in aggressive people. For example, if you were to give hostile criminals marijuana, they won’t be hostile.

84 Psychologists could study deeper human motives while the patient was high on marijuana. This has since been stopped since the marijuana ban.

85 The US government could have an economic overhaul if they legalized marijuana.

86 how can people criticize something they never tried?

87 Marijuana can create an agriculture spike in demand for labor, thus allowing more jobs for immigrants.

88 Indoor growth in peoples houses will stop since technically it is not worth growing indoors if it were legal.

89 The price of marijuana will drop allowing drug dealers to do something else.

90 The US state stores, where they sell alcohol can sell marijuana as well.

91 With the sudden drop in people in jail for non-violent crimes will cause states to have more revenue since they don’t have to pay to keep innocent people in jail.

92 the extra funding grated to states will allow for increase treatment for addiction to harder drugs.

93 If legalized marijuana will become the drug of choice over Cigarettes and alcohol.

94 States with the extra revenue can place more funding into schools telling people not to do drugs.

95 Job training can be provided to low income families with zero expense to the tax payers. All funded by the taxation of marijuana.

96 States can make legislation stating that cultivation of marijuana should be regulated with a license to grow. Licenses will allow people to pay taxes on the marijuana they produce.

97 Tax stamps can also produce revenue on states that are too large or to populated to regulate cultivation.

98 Marijuana is an excellent party drug. For thousands of years mankind used marijuana as an intoxicant.

99 Marijuana, despite what you heard, is a lot of fun.

100 Marijuana is the only drug that, if made stronger, still can not kill you.

101 Marijuana can create stronger family ties by relieving stress form the work environment.

Jiman Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:09:47

That is a very very stupid list. It is obviously made by someone addicted to pot.

Perkins Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:11:07

Perkins Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:11:39

yeah, gave me a laugh, but check out ^^that link

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:14:50

The Truth Is Pretty Simple.
Somebody Within 25 miles of me gets killed.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets raped.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets robbed.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets domestically abused.

And you're worried about whether or not you can smoke pot?

hmmm, maybe i need the pot to be able to deal with it.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Jun 4th 2011, 3:21:08
See Original Post
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Perkins Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:21:14

the truth is you should move...

Speaker Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:21:38

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
no, the problem is that for some reason it was made an illegal substance, a substance that doesn't need to be used by anybody. yet there's a bunch of people asking for it to be made a legal substance again. if nobody needs it, then why bother with trying to make it legal.

I don't understand.. there are countless things people don't need, are you saying that they should be made illegal as well?

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
The Truth Is Pretty Simple.
Somebody Within 25 miles of me gets killed.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets raped.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets robbed.
Somebody within 25 miles of me gets domestically abused.

And you're worried about whether or not you can smoke pot?

You're the one that made the post? I don't know if you're arguing for it or against it honestly lol. That's exactly what Perkin's list stated... most people in prison are in there for drugs, not for violent crimes.

Havoc Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:23:18

If pot was legal none of those stats would exist. :p

People don't kill, rape, rob or assault people while high.

One of the reasons (arguably) it was first banned was cause it made people pacifists who didn't want to go to war for their country.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2011, 3:24:52

ya, i'm not a huge fan of that list either.

i think the big thing about marijuana decriminalization is the monetary aspect...
if you can take the money spent on marijuana enforcement and incarceration and spend it on education about marijuana

it should be enforced like alcohol or cigarettes, not like crack or something about that.
if it can be taxed and regulated, that is a net positive for society rather than having an underground black market economy :p

I don't think any pot smokers (other than really stoned ones) on this board are going to fall into a troll trap like this, because most folks I know in this game who take part in that lifestyle treat it in the same way they treat alcohol -- there's a time and place for it, and if it starts impacting your life negatively, that's a bad thing

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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:25:08

moi? argue? i'm just looking for legitimate answers to my absurd questions.
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CGiboney Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:26:19

Yes! Please!

Unholy Monks

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2011, 3:28:55

to answer your question:

well what is the gain from alcohol?

i treat it as a substitute for alcohol.... think about it in that context and see if that answers your question or at least makes you ask the same questions about alcohol :p
Earth Empires Staff
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Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Havoc Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:40:01

Unholy Monks | The Omega

sigma Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 3:41:25

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
is an illegal controlled substance in the US that people can not get addicted to. people have no need to smoke this substance, yet i keep hearing cries to legalize or de-criminalize it's use. if you don't have no need to smoke it, why are you frigging complaining about it being illegal to use it?

(aside from the double negative) People complain about it being illegal to use because it criminalizes an activity that they enjoy. There are many things in society that people have no need to use that are legal. Carbonated beverages (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Beer) have zero reason to be consumed, yet they are legal. I would contend that Soda is a greater threat to the public welfare than marijuana.

The bottom line is that criminalization of an activity only increases crime rates and places a heavy burden on the judicial system, while it reduces legitimate economic opportunities.

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 4:13:04

Id like to preface this wth im sitting in a bar reading this thread on my phone enjoying my sixth glass of wine and smell nothing but the bag of pot in my inner jacket pocket.

pot should not be made legal and it should not be encouraged or accepted to smoke- unless youre a musician, of course..

it is detrimental to all aspects of life from education to social competence. i will read and comment further when im home and not typing with my fluffing thumbs!

Havoc Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 4:23:58

It doesn't have to be detrimental to education or social competence.. only if you let it be.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2011, 4:29:58

Originally posted by braden:
Id like to preface this wth im sitting in a bar reading this thread on my phone enjoying my sixth glass of wine and smell nothing but the bag of pot in my inner jacket pocket.

pot should not be made legal and it should not be encouraged or accepted to smoke- unless youre a musician, of course..

it is detrimental to all aspects of life from education to social competence. i will read and comment further when im home and not typing with my fluffing thumbs!

ya... but how is that any different than alcohol?

it's up to the user to control their own behaviour, and it's unfortunate that some people fall into a bad place.
that's why we need to spend money on prevention, rehab, etc rather than on enforcement -- and by taxing it, there will be a lot of revenue to assist in that.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 4:32:17

And heroin is only bad to your entire body if you let it be, moderqtion is the key. legalizing it gives the idea that it is acceptable. be it alcohol, pot or heroin. encouraging destructive behaviour is never the better course of action.

i speak from experience.

Perkins Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 6:03:42

are you implying that alcohol should be made illegal? because i dont see alcohol as acceptable, (in comparison to marijuana use).
have you taken the time to listen to the song by poms The Streets - "The Irony of it all"?

weasel Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 6:24:32

this conversation is retarded, especially you dibs.

obviously pot should be legal, or at least decriminalized. there is no argument to it really, just corporate and prison lobby.

EVO Internal Affairs Department

Jiman Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 6:29:17

Why the heck are you even applying Heroin to this thread?

If your even attempting to say legalizing that crap is a ok thing, your really doing a poor job of it. You basicly just said "pot is a gate way drug". Good job ruining your argument.

Marco Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 6:58:12

I was addicted to pot years ago. I used to shoot it like 10 times a day, you get so much higher from shooting pot. I've been clean from pot for 8 years and 36 days. The addiction is something I fight with everyday.

Marco Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 7:00:32

Also # 53 in that list? Who is the idiot who wrote it? I see anti drinking, and anti drug commercials all the time.

WH Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 7:10:21

im fairly positive i'd be a fluff up without pot. i just have the screw it attitude lets go have fun. who wants to goto jail for smoking a doobie? i have enough problems going to jail for something i do anyways really isn't going to help me in any way/form/fashion.

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 7:24:57

um, sorry.. but..

"Id like to preface this wth im sitting in a bar reading this thread on my phone enjoying my sixth glass of wine and smell nothing but the bag of pot in my inner jacket pocket.

pot should not be made legal and it should not be encouraged or accepted to smoke- unless youre a musician, of course.."

Pot should be made **ILLEGAL* yada yada yada.. again, with the wine and the phone and the thumbs.. i'm still saying basic reading comprehension could have saved us all that trouble, jiman.

basic understanding of the english language should have shown this.. ?

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 7:30:51

"was addicted to pot years ago. I used to shoot it like 10 times a day"

how, exactly, did you shoot pot? i mean, i have smoked it and digested it, but i mean, you're taking a needle to your vein and injecting the pot? otherwise i **do not** understand what you mean by shooting it..?

pot is fun and i'm high **right now**. it should not be legalized, by any definition of the word. have your thirteen year old child smoke it and tell me otherwise and i'll listen to you..

Jiman Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 7:49:21

Originally posted by braden:
And heroin is only bad to your entire body if you let it be, moderqtion is the key. legalizing it gives the idea that it is acceptable. be it alcohol, pot or heroin. encouraging destructive behaviour is never the better course of action.

i speak from experience.

You just made yourself look like an asshole plus a dumbass. Good job.
You should not attempt to pick fun of people when you yourself are having issues.

What the heck is "moderqtion?"

No really braden, go back to your hole. What ever your attempting here, its clear you failed as soon you were born.

Marco Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 8:25:54

You never shot up with pot? What a rush! In needle form its the most lethal form of drug there is. 95% of first time shooters die. But its totally worth the risk.

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 8:58:31

did you really ask what "moderqtion" was, and you couldn't understand it to be moderation, or are you just a fluffing retard?

while we're on the subject, before i leave it for good, could you please explain how anything i said (outside of the missed suffix), could you explain how i at all suggested either pot or heroin be legal? i mean, basic understanding of how to read would tell you i was saying it was a bad thing.. either one.. so tell me, where is your confusion?

"it's up to the user to control their own behaviour," posted by pang, in which my response was meant. you sir, are an idiot savant [jiman]

jiman, i'll say this once and then leave it alone as i don't plan to respond to anything you say further: you're a fluffing idiot, and i refuse to accept a single thing you say.

"that's why we need to spend money on prevention, rehab, etc rather than on enforcement -- and by taxing it, there will be a lot of revenue to assist in that."

pang: taxing a bad, bad thing doesn't make it good. there is a tone of, albeit anecdotal, evidence of pot being very bad for especially teenage high school students (when i started, actually junior high but whatever), teaching kids is one thing, showing them there is no recourse for that action is another. and making it legal or decriminalizing makes them believe there is nothing wrong with it... the same way they think under aged drinking and smoking of tobacco is acceptable because it is "legal"

and again, because i can, jiman is a fluffing moron.

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 8:58:52

and no, i never "shot up" pot, you're kidding, right?

Marco Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 9:05:48

No its great!

As for the moderation thing its some what true for any drug, take a little, feel good. Take a lot and die (with exception to pot, except that one time I died from too much pot)

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 9:06:41

"if it can be taxed and regulated" again posted by pang..

i refuse to accept the fact that i hid something, i smoked it in confidence, i was not allowed to do something, and then suddenly the federal or provincial government decides to take my money for something I did *against their will* for over a decade.. i refuse to ever in my life pay a cent to a government that would have put me in jail if i were caught or the officer cared, and then tells me it's ok and they want a fluffing take..


(and jiman is a fluffing tool, because i can)

braden Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 9:08:12

it is true for water and sugar.. in moderation you're alive, overdose and you're dead (drink water until you die, and then tell me i'm wrong..)

one you get diabetes and die a slower death, but never the less jiman is still a dumbass little prick (because i can)