
Ivan Game profile


Feb 13th 2011, 12:27:07

With the best war decs!

War Declaration on THE LEAGUE, posted on AT.

Aug 7th 7:06 PM
August 3rd 2001 (enter Charlie and Psycho)

Charlie – We grabbed SoF for 2400 acres and they retalled twice. Once for 1400 and another for 1000. We cannot accept this. We don’t care what SoF’s rules are. We are THE LEAGUE!

Psycho – you are right. This is totally not acceptable.

Charlie – I will show you how to handle Helmet and SoF. Watch closely young apprentice.

*Charlie contacts Helmet on icq and begins to threaten him*

Charlie – I told Helmet that he is a pig humper and that if they attack us again they will get 3:1 retals.

Psycho – are you sure that is wise boss?

Charlie – SoF are netgainers. See all of the theos? They do not want to lose their precious nw. Order one strike back on that country and report back. Have the player send a message to SoF that if they retal again he will suicide on them.

Psycho – We hit him again. This time we took 2700 acres. That will teach SoF to mess with THE LEAGUE.

Charlie – Yes, and they will not dare hit back because I gave Helmet a piece of my mind and he fears me.

Charlie – My mom is mad. I have to get off the computer. Bye!

August 4th 2001

Psycho – Sir, are you there?

Charlie – Yes, I’m here.

Psycho – Sof demoralized him, sabotaged his missiles and then farmed him. They said they didn’t like the message or the hit back and that we better watch ourselves.

*Charlie thinks for a while*

Charlie – I think I made a mistake about SoF. Let’s contact them and see if we can get reps. I bet we can get BILLIONS of dollars out of them. That country had like 60 spy ops done on it. Let’s charge them 65M per spy op.

Psycho – that is a great idea! You are very smart. That makes the total for the grabs and spy ops about 5B. How about we both take 2.5B each? This will make our countries very strong!

Charlie – I will take 3B and you can have 2B. I am the leader here and I have the expertise with dealing with head accessories.

Psycho – Ok, sir. Shall I contact SoF now?

Charlie – Yes, but do not talk to that pig humper Helmet. Talk to loki. She just had a baby so she might be hard to get a hold of, but she’s really nice. She will fear THE LEAGUE and pay our hefty demands.

Psycho – I contacted Loki and I’m waiting for a reply.

Charlie – I have to get my braces tightened. I will see you later.

Psycho – bye!

August 5th 2001

Psycho – sir, are you there? Loki told us that our demands are ridiculous.

Charlie – Does she not realize you’re from THE LEAGUE?

Psycho – yes, sir. I told her I am from THE LEAGUE and I report directly to Charlie!

Charlie – I need to talk to Tarquin. Can you get him in here please?

*Tarquin enters the chat*

Charlie – Tarquin, THE LEAGUE calls upon you for a special mission. Do you accept?

Tarquin – yes sir, I am loyal to THE LEAGUE!

Charlie – Good, I need you to suicide on SoF. Get as many of their top rankers as you can. We must teach them not to mess with THE LEAGUE!

Tarquin – yes, sir.

*Tarquin leaves*

Psycho – sir, are you sure it is smart to suicide on SoF?

Charlie – Yes, haven’t you seen the news? SoF is so scared that they have stopped using turns. They fear that anyone they grab will teach them a lesson just like THE LEAGUE has done. We have complete control over them and after Tarquin suicides they will be forced to pay us 5 BILLION DOLLARS.

Charlie – I have to go. I have a roller skating party tonight.

August 6th 2001

Psycho – Sir, SoF is very mad. They said they’re not paying us any money now and we owe them 6B for Tarquin suiciding.

Charlie – This is impossible! Do they not realize that THE LEAGUE means business?

Psycho – I don’t think they’re afraid like you said they would be and they said what we did is an act of war.

Charlie – I think they are bluffing. Everyone fears THE LEAGUE! Let’s stall for a day, then we will declare war on them and force them to meet our terms.

Psycho – I will prepare us for a warchat sir.

Charlie – Very good! Well it’s 8pm. Far past my bedtime. I will talk to you tomorrow.

August 7th 2001

Psycho – Sir, SoF are spying on our countries.

Charlie – They are probably just wanted to see how a real alliance plays its countries. Tell them they will have to pay an additional 65M for each of those spy ops and let Loki know. We are getting rich from these suckers.

Psycho – Sir, now they are attacking us.

Charlie – What do you mean? Have they gone mad? We are THE LEAGUE! How dare they attack us! We showed them we mean business. They are afraid!

Charlie - MY COUNTRY SAYS IT IS DESTROYED! OH #$*($# #(*$#( !

Evolution Game profile


Feb 13th 2011, 12:31:24

timestamps or didn't happen
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.



Feb 14th 2011, 11:04:27

funny. i usually don't read much text :)


New Member

Feb 14th 2011, 12:05:01

Lol.. This one actually funny.. Is it actually happen?
icq: 463812447

bore Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 13:01:03

seems like the at-archive didnt't start for another couple of months, so can't post the original:(

table Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 13:02:41

lol i don't remember the war but i remember the war Dec

Notorious Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 13:03:21

Originally posted by bore:
seems like the at-archive didnt't start for another couple of months, so can't post the original:(

*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher

hanlong Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 17:03:48

i remember this war dec when it was posted back in the days.. it is definitely legit =)

its just one of those things were when you read something the second time even if its 10 years later, you just know you've seen these exact words before =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

braden Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 17:11:13

"SoF is so scared that they have stopped using turns."

fluffing hysterical. it gets me every time

joe2 Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 17:15:42

I agree with this threads title, Join Sanct!

Ivan Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:03:14


Ivan Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:03:36 for those of you wondering!

BobbyATA Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:09:31

that was pretty funny!

Evolution Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:12:33

I know this might be an odd question, but do you really want to recruit people from AT? I am just saying
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.



Feb 15th 2011, 0:49:39

do you have room for the legendary seamonster krakken?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2011, 1:00:12

Shame SoF's witty wardecs stopped after you took over Ivan.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

CrazyMatt Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 2:52:03

ivan took over sof? im soo confusedddd

Sifos Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 7:50:23

I love that one! :D
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Ivan Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 15:29:02