


Feb 11th 2011, 5:05:25

Or does tag Practise seem to be multies. Both strings of countries are completely sequential.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

mrford Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 5:31:56

given their relatively high number i would say no, they probably are not. It could very well be 2 players that decided to give FFA a try and created together. It could be 2 members of a clan at war deciding how to restart and hiding in a spam tag.

with such a late start in the set, it is not uncommon for this to happen.

also, with knowledge that i have as to the actual identity and purpose of these countries, you are 100% wrong. Your assumptions are just embarrassing yourself and you should probably stop now.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Feb 11th 2011, 5:53:58

Whoa... I am not trying to start anything here. As far as my assumptions are concerned... I have been embarrased by far worse than this. I made a mistake, my apologies.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

Punkus Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:00:53

Hey MrFord - countries in a sequence normally indicate the possibilities for multi

and Multis have been started midset before too -

You have knowledge then share it or say its not what she thinks - but dont be an ass


*Insert witty comment here*

mrford Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:04:02

possibility, yes.

But the only thing you have that points to them as being multies is their number sequence? And the accusation is being done by a KNOWN milti runner that just got called out in another thread, so it appears that this one was made in his feeble attempt to divert attention? Please. It is not even worth trying to be diplomatic when a statement that idiotic is made. if you don't like it then kill my countries. Wait, i don't have any. Looks like you are fluff out of luck.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Feb 11th 2011, 6:33:52

For Christs sakes. I'll give you mine and Purgatori's numbers if you want. She might be upset, but considering she had to wait for days after I started my countries to get an OK from Martian to play, the gap between numbers and the apparent networth gap should be enough for anyone.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:35:57


Hate to break it too you, but someone already tried running a bot this set in FFA. And how did we know about the 30+ strings tied to the account? Number Sequences and Country Names created in the same format/style. Just like the tag Practise. So bringing this up is not in bad style or bad taste.

Also I might add, NightShade was not the Multi Runner. It was her girlfriend Purgatori that tried to play as both her and NightShade.

Now please go troll a forum in which you are actually playing in.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

mrford Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:40:46

I know exactly what happened with the deletions. More than you probably do.

But since i clearly have no countries on this server, i CLEARLY have no say. Im just a wittle old troll.

You have hurt my feelings to a degree i can not even begin to describe to you. I can no longer be your friend. You will have to forum ass-battle NOW3P on your own from now on.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Feb 11th 2011, 6:46:23

No... it wasn't her trying to play as both herself and me.

Two sets ago, she applied to the SOTA site from the county library under the alias 'Frost' and used her own account on the Boxcar site to accept the app. After getting the tag & pass she tagged a whole set of countries from the library and tried to pass herself off as Frost. When I found out, I kicked her and her alias from the site and tried detagging the countries, only to have mine deleted along with hers.

All because at the time we had no internet connection, as we were in the process of moving into a new house, we were both visiting the local library to play our countries. And considering that at the computer lab at the library the computer monitors are at best two feet apart. She could have easily got my password from there. And as I had the habit of using the same password for everything, it wasn't hard for her to post under my username or any of the other fluff she may have done.

So, again. I did mention that I did have to change my passwords because of her bullfluff two sets ago.

I hope this clears this mess up.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:48:57

I am sure you know more about the deletions than I did.

But you were not around when they were hitting, You didn't report them. I contacted qzjul and slagpit, I made a list of over 450 countrys, all in sequence, all with similarly made names. It turns out, every one of those 450+ countrys were part of the bot runners.

So when you start flaming one of my Swords members over bringing something like this up, you get my devoted attention. She has as much right as anyone else to post something like this.

That is all I am going to say on the subject.

Now as for ass-battling NOW3P, you can't live with out your daily ass-battle with NOW3P. Its like breathing to you. You cant pull the wool over my eyes on that ;)
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

mrford Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 6:49:45

You have dated someone for 15 years who would steal your password for a online game and use it to tarnish your reputation?

Dude, you might want to re-think that relationship! For your own sake.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Desperado Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 11:02:24

so... they've been dating since purgatori was 13?


Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Juusto Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 11:38:59

report them if you think they are multies.

Ozzite Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 11:45:00

Originally posted by Juusto:
report them if you think they are multies.

That is difficult when they are on the safe list because they "live together"
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.



Feb 11th 2011, 12:46:59

Originally posted by Desperado:
so... they've been dating since purgatori was 13?


Jesus... she's 33. I'm 38.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks