


Jan 22nd 2011, 4:48:03

Pang/Slagpit this censorship has really got to stop.

I note you've already permanently banned dagga for his 'rebellion' (granted he mixed in some 'enthusiastic' comments along the way) and now that I have asked you some questions about this game's future and also am an ex-SOLer I assume I am next on the list.

My question stands: You are slowly moving this game towards a business model by offering up a paid service for some perks - are we going to see a more professional approach from the main Alliance Server admins?

This is not random bashing/flaming/trolling against admins - qzjul is an extremely good administrator who seems to keep an even keel. The hysterical nature and bias of some of the comments made by you guys is not encouraging. You should welcome these types of threads because if there is no merit to them your influence is strengthened. Keep deleting these on-topic, game-related, legitimate threads and people will continue to talk. I received several private messages after my last thread was deleted and the one after that, closed.
SOLs Resident Pest
ICQ: 62258728
<Makinso> from behind works the best

Detmer Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 4:53:59

I pay to a website where the forums are one of the features that makes the payment worthwhile as the other information on the forum is largely available for free. The administrators there regularly ban the few people that piss everyone else off so as to make the majority of their paying customers happy. I suppose it is similar to here - will banning dagga lose more people than letting dagga roam freely would have run off? Up to the admins to decide.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 4:56:00

Who was dagga pissing off besides slagpit?

Foobooy Evolution Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 4:58:34

Meh, don't like paying for perks, stops being a game quick

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 5:29:26

I didn't see the other threads, so I can't comment on whether or not they should have been deleted.

However, I see nothing objectionable or inappropriate in this thread. I feel that the issues raised here are valid and that the inquiry is being made in a respectful enough manner that there's no reason to either ignore it or to not permit it.

I shall watch this thread with interest.

Guy with no clue.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 22nd 2011, 6:09:10


I didn't close this thread, but I'm opening it up to post something quick as I'm not content to allow trolls to take pot shots at our admin'ing when we've done an absolutely stellar job of admining this game for ALL players -- not just ourselves, as idiots want to claim.

Here are several things, "BiffBuff".
1) Citing me for things I did while being a player and trying to equate that to admin things is just absolutely dumb. Anyone whose known me as an admin has seen that I'm absolutely fair and balanced. Topics don't disappear if they don't align with my politics, no countries have been deleted when they fight my alliance, anyone who has dealt with me in an admin capacity has gotten a great response. I can't think of a single person, other than LAE'ers, who came out with a non-satisfactory conclusion to admin issues. Nothing has been done with admin power at all, other than to moderate the game fairly and in a balanced manner. To state otherwise is just a complete fabrication. The same applies to all the admins -- we take that very seriously. Making the argument that the admins abuse your tags is a trash argument and everyone should know it. thats why trolls need to hit up the whiney "ohhh... you play plus admin and have opinions!" arugment.

2) You say that there were others who made contact after your topic was deleted? Alright... everytime someone posts this kind of trash you continually bring forward, a bunch of folks bring that to my attention as well. Along with that, there are hundreds or even thousands of other players who don't do ANYTHING because it's not even on their radar. We make 99% of the people happy. I'm sorry if you're not one of them, but flaming us every chance you get doesn't make you special...

3) If you can't break apart what I do as an admin and what I do as a player, then that's YOUR problem. If you can't see all the good that all the admins have done for the game, regardless of their alliance server politics, then that's not a problem we can change.

4) If you cared an ounce about this game and not just about flaming for the sake of trying to tear down people you don't like, you would approach qz privately to talk about issues, rather than trying to flame us every chance you get. I say that because qz is cited as the "fair and balanced" admin by your backwards logic. The silent admin = fair and balanced? I feel qz is fair and balanced, but no more than the other admins -- we're smart folks who make good decisions and generally TALK TO EACHOTHER before doing anything. ANYONE who has dealt with the admins in private has been treated in a completely professional manner by anyone who answers the emails. Go read my posts on announcements, go read my posts on B&S, read slag's too, and nuk's and qz's... they all fall in the same vein. We are a joint admin group, but we folks who also played the game for a long time. If we hadn't been players, this game wouldn't exist. To flame us for being players is just so dumb I don't even know how to respond to it. It's like flaming us for being human beings you happen to not like.

In closing, I've completely stopped being involved in anything LaF focused (which is the problem any folks have with me, eh?) in favour of school, work & forcing LaF to move forward with a new group of leaders. Just come out and admit it -- you don't like me. Stop trying to hide behind the veil of "admin bias" and "admin abuse" and admit that your problem is that you don't like certain admins. If you actually cared at all about the game, you'd work to make things better WITH the admins (or even those that you like) rather than coming to the public forums and trying to deny us revenue by flaming us for trying to institute a patron system. I have never once received a private message from any SoL'ers about their issues. The first place I read it is AT.

Hiding behind that fluffty, fluffty argument doesn't fool me and it shouldn't fool anyone else.
The admin staff has a iron clad track record of doing things that are in the best interest of the game, even when they are hard decisions that impact our historical alliances negatively.

So in closing... take your own advice and grow the fluff up.

also, "BiffBuff" i noticed you're not even playing the game, just a forum account through a proxy.

if anyone has an issue, bring it to the admins privately. that's what we've said all along, and it's the best way to work to make positive changes happen.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

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