
Politics Observer

New Member

Feb 19th 2019, 2:34:04

You guys are just scary. I can't waste more time on you people. Enjoy living in your horrible little warped world. In the next 6 months your party will be disbanded, and your kind will be labeled as traitors.

If you want to break out of your Fox News and infowars cocoon, try to research some stuff on your own without media involvement. Read some of the acts for yourself, research what they really mean. Look at the science behind why a majority of the country, and even in your own party, are against most of these things happening right now. You know, educate yourselves.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 2:34:07

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Ok. This guy has got to be a troll.

I've said it before and will again, Trife.

By his account it must be a miracle to have so many people together, that don't blindly follow the left, that know how to read.

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 2:36:16

Originally posted by Politics Observer:
You guys are just scary. I can't waste more time on you people. Enjoy living in your horrible little warped world. In the next 6 months your party will be disbanded, and your kind will be labeled as traitors.

If you want to break out of your Fox News and infowars cocoon, try to research some stuff on your own without media involvement. Read some of the acts for yourself, research what they really mean. Look at the science behind why a majority of the country, and even in your own party, are against most of these things happening right now. You know, educate yourselves.

Why bother when you can educate us, keep it coming, I want to learn from you!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 2:37:39

Wait..... Infowars still around?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Feb 19th 2019, 2:48:42

Beats me. I get all my info from facebook.
Dev encouraging it

sinistril Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 2:50:32

Originally posted by Politics Observer:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Politics Observer:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:

When did Texas say they did not need a wall?

So by your account the wall in China did work to deter attacks once it was finished. So you are basically saying that a wall works.

Do you even google bro? Every news has talked about huge resistance from Texas, and especially from the landowners involved.

No that doesn't mean the wall worked. The whole point of the wall was to reduce the large military requirements at the northern border. Deterring attacks at one point and moving them to the next unprotected place isn't really working is it? What about the walls and fences we have? They don't work either. Stop listening to the demented mind of your god king and engage common sense. They don't even bother going around the walls and fences we have now, they go through, under, over, or enter straight through gates.

Originally posted by sinistril:

Ohh, your wife is Chinese! That makes you an expert! Obviously!

The wall was not meant to change human nature. A general betraying the Ming dynasty does not = the wall failing. Did the 'actual Chinese historians' fail to mention that?

No, but the Chinese History majors she went to Beijing University with probably are, but I am sure a drunken, MAGA hat wearing, retard like yourself is surely more of an expert than them right? I guess 6-8 years in school in the field don't count for much to the idiocracy group. I am sure your leaders by way of their Russian handlers will tell you everything you need to know.

Do explain how the fall of the Ming Dynasty isn't a failure for the Great Wall? So you don't think the security of gates matter to the integrity of a wall? If you have a wall, it has to have gates, those gates need guards, and those guards have to be able to open the gates. So you pay $50B that can be bypassed by a cool million in the proper bank accounts or a few threatened families?

Or here is an idea, how about we spend a few billion on an electronic barrier and properly staff the border guards and in the end have better security.

So are you saying those 'expert historians' that your so called wife talked to refute that it was a corrupt general in a failing dynasty that let an army through the wall? Or did you not get that information because you're using a third hand account of something you apparently don't know fluff about and are trapped in a web of confirmation bias that doesn't allow you to realise that you are wrong? Changing your tune to the wall will fail because border security agents will be given million dollar bribes from people that are apparently coming into the country to work for $6 an hour is possibly the dumbest defense I have ever heard.

PS: Spending money on an electronic barrier is not mutually exclusive to spending money on a physical barrier.

I talked to them myself, I am quite interested in Chinese history. Seen all the sites, actually read up on it. I know reading isn't something Trump and his supporters like. Also the General wasn't corrupt. Just put in a no win position and chose what would benefit himself the most. You seem to think that isn't a possibility now.

Those workers aren't just hiking across the line, they pay services (Coyotes) to move them. These Coyotes piggyback off of tunnel systems and infrastructure built by drug cartels. In fact random workers crossing the border is likely such an insignificant issue it's pointless to combat let alone spending $50B to do it. The wall will fail because we have ladders, tunnels, quad-copters, catapults, dirty agents or easy to bypass ports of entry, and an ocean on either side. It will do next to nothing for a huge sum of money.

If you talked to them yourself, seen all the sites, read up on it, then why did you make something up? Your story changed drastically when I called you out on it. You're now trying to fit the facts into your bullfluff narrative. And yes, he was corrupt.

You basically think the wall will fail because those trying to get in are highly organized groups of people including drug runners that will try to circumvent it? You just made a pretty strong argument for a national emergency, to be honest. Stronger than the one Trump made, that's for sure.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Karnage XZ


Feb 19th 2019, 2:54:50

I agree the wall would be little more than a symbolism that the people south of the border are simply not wanted here anymore. But otherwise, the wall would be ineffective to keep out anyone with a determination to get in. I have been to China and I visited the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. I had a guide while I was there and she told me the wall did not keep the Mongols out, it was merely a system where they could send fire signals down the wall to alert everyone that an enemy was attacking and in which direction they were coming from. Not only this, but each leader built his own section of the wall so it took a long time to complete and was basically more like a tradition. I would also like to point out that the majority of this money the cartels are making to build the tunnel systems are coming from American citizens, America has a huge drug problem and if they didn't it wouldn't pay for cartels to continue coming in. The most important rule to owning a large successful business is having repeat customers.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Pangs Lost Soul Game profile

New Member

Feb 19th 2019, 9:41:56

I've been talking with the walls in my room, and they simply do not appreciate nor agree with the statement that "Walls Don't Work". They also share my opinion that IP Bans are not an effective tool for moderators to use.

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 12:35:44

I just re read the thread and PO has to be trolling. His agenda and fact source has literally changed to suit his narrative of the current post.

For example: us wall won’t work, China wall did not work (until finished), us wall won’t work because determined people will just get around or under it. States that sit on the border should have a say / pay for it but they don’t want it (source: he spoke to them).

I get tired reading the one sided rationale. It’s so cringe worthy now that one side cannot assertain the thought of a good idea simply because the other side came up with it.

Scary times

Karnage XZ


Feb 19th 2019, 13:34:47

Originally posted by Pangs Lost Soul:
I've been talking with the walls in my room, and they simply do not appreciate nor agree with the statement that "Walls Don't Work". They also share my opinion that IP Bans are not an effective tool for moderators to use.
perhaps you should get out more. Going out all the time is exhausting anyways. The prison is in your mind, if you wanted to get out of your room simply open the door and walk outside.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 18:38:34

Originally posted by mrcuban:
I just re read the thread and PO has to be trolling. His agenda and fact source has literally changed to suit his narrative of the current post.

For example: us wall won’t work, China wall did not work (until finished), us wall won’t work because determined people will just get around or under it. States that sit on the border should have a say / pay for it but they don’t want it (source: he spoke to them).

I get tired reading the one sided rationale. It’s so cringe worthy now that one side cannot assertain the thought of a good idea simply because the other side came up with it.

Scary times

That's just a common thing. The median time an illegal has been in this country is like 15 years. The reason they live here outside of the system is due to inaction on reforms for dozens of years. Our system for pathway to citizenship is garbage and whether you like it or not, if you are something as basic as a homeowner you've more than likely contributed to the immigrant culture living outside the system. Most westernized nations have made reforms in the past 3 decades to address things like the global economy and a rise in global population, in addition to the amount of worldwide wealth and consumerism based in the US. Syko is right that the wall is more of reverse symbolism to juxtapose against the statue of liberty which reads "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Maybe a giant ass wall will more properly articulate actual American sentiment and not old Christian and land of the free values. And that's all well and good. We don't represent that sentiment at all anymore. It's probably time we had some symbolism thats based on a factual basis about our attitudes, which are predominantly isolationist, nationalist, populist, wealth hoarding and corporate.

The point here is that if you really want to stop/slow illegal immigration, a wall will only mitigate only the least common way to cross the border illegally. If you're going to keep talking about the wall rather than real credible immigration reform, whether you oppose or support it, you're ignoring what would actually make the goals of slowing or stopping it, and therefore are just a political sheep and cronie for your party.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 19th 2019, 18:50:24
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 19:07:59

To be honest, in my head, the main reason I would be for a wall is that it could serve as a catalyst for future immigration reform and the main negative aspect is probably environmental (dividing the Rio grande and increased flooding etc). I see virtually none of these arguements made here. It's just a bunch of partisan bullfluff you all got off your partisan news networks. Have fun sheeps. As usual, I think all the Democrats and Republicans in the conversation sound like uneducated partisan idiots. Let me know when you guys start thinking independently. Equating this to the great wall of China is hilarious. While there is some data suggesting that a wall will decrease illegal immigration, there's also a very credible theory that it will be more difficult for migrant and seasonal workers to return home and the wall will actually thereby increase illegal immigration.

Fact of the matter is, no data can be wholly accurate unless its built and we all find out. Maybe the drug tunnels will make it the same. Idk. I do believe seasonal workers will get stuck here if the wall isnt supplemented with actual immigration reform. Perhaps building the wall and having the complete opposite effect on immigration will cause the immigration reform issue to reach a head. In that way maybe I can say, hey build the fluffer. I wanna see who's wrong.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 19th 2019, 19:17:29
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 19:26:18

Of the close to 550k illegal immigrants we took on last year, like 360,000 were by overstaying visas and stuff while only like 190k were illegal entry. Making it more difficult for the 1.5m work permit migrants to return home could absolutely outweigh the 150k border crossings. Would be funny. Migrant workers who travel with their entire family probably wont be able to foot the $1000 for plane tix home. fluffs gonna be hilllllarious if reforms don't follow the wall quickly. Refuting this opinion is impossible without building the wall first to find out tho. Still makes me lol that people are so sure.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 19th 2019, 19:45:09
See Original Post

sinistril Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 21:54:59

The GW is not relevant, that's exactly right, but before people have a nuanced debate on the subject you have to eliminate the drooling retards that want to say 'duuuuurrrrr walls have never worked'. That's not true. Walls are also going up all over around the globe, especially Europe. Trump is actually behind his time. The thing is that you need to balance out many things; whether you want to take in many migrants, security, etc. Creating a wall won't eliminate extreme cases, but it will help to serve the function of funnelling people towards ports of entry, so you can make a decision on whether to let people in there, and even if you want more immigration, that's the way to do it. You want to know who people are, both for security and if they are immigrating so you can help them.

You also want to know where they go. There are gigantic implications that follow from low income immigration for those who are already low income. Suddenly, they are competing for the same jobs against people willing to work for less. Actually, it's not even the willingness to work for less part, it's the much cheaper overhead as most people assume that if an employee is paid 10$ an hour, they cost the employer 10$ an hour. That's not true at all.

You need many different strategies including electronic and physical barriers, immigration reform, some degree of amnesty, etc. It needs to be a good mix, but having one without the other is ridiculous. For example, you give amnesty without any barriers to entry and you've just incentivized illegal immigration. That's where Reagan's amnesty bill failed. And immigration reform alone could also incentivize illegal immigration because any immigration reform in the states has to get on board with almost every other country in the world and actually place an emphasis on bringing in immigrants that are going to be beneficial to the country.

What other countries have a visa lottery? It's like they couldn't figure out how to handle immigration so they decided to play Russian Roulette with it. All these people from European countries who are talking about how crazy Republicans seem to them aren't considering that the US system is far more open to randomized immigration than them, so the immigrants coming in are not self-selected (except from Asian countries as you generally need a certain level of wealth and education to even leave those countres). Self-selection is generally the reason why immigrants kick ass relative to the rest of the population. Self-selected immigrants are usually more educated, have lower crime rates, and often times have better ideals than people who were born in America. Randomized immigrants? You get the bad with the good there.

Both Reps and Dems seem to fail to understand what a nuanced system of immigration looks like, and those that do understand are handcufed by people like Political Observer who own half a brain and have lent it out.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 22:28:38

I dont think it's just the lunacy of the left handcuffing them tho. I think it's not nearly as localized. It's quite widespread on both sides of the aisle and everyone sounds nuts. It's like you said, you cant have one without the other. I'll point out again that over 2/3 of illegal immigration is the product of us issuing 1.5 million work permits for migrants. Nearly a quarter overstay their Visa citing hardship with getting home and we're legitimately making it harder for them to return home by building a physical barrier between us and their home. If even 10 additional percent of those migrants face hardship getting home and choose to remain in the US illegally, while illegal border crossings are completely eliminated (a cute thought but not a realistic one) illegal immigration into the US will RISE. We are not at a point in this country with immigration policy that a wall will have a positive effect and actually stands to cause more illegal immigration unless we modify the way we give out work permits and temporary visas.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 22:34:39

In that way, I can actually support the idea of a wall as a catalyst for starting the conversation for immigration reform. I believe if the wall makes illegal immigration worse, we'll be forced to have the discussion. You know your immigration policy is fluffed when a 'uge wall can actually stand to make the problem worse.

The physical barrier without true reform will exacerbate the problem much in the same way that amnesty without a physical barrier does. Starting with reforming the pathway to citizenship or amnesty is probably the only way to not make it worse while only doing one part.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 19th 2019, 22:39:25
See Original Post

sinistril Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 22:55:29

I also think immigration reform should have preceeded the wall and amnesty should come after the wall. It definitely is on both sides which is what I was stabbing at. You have some on the right that want 0 immigration, even in Canada which has a much better immigration policy and literally needs immigrants because the baby boomer generation sold everyone out with an unfunded pension and health care plan, and you have some on the left that want 0 immigration enforcement, which you see in sanctuary cities that have literally been caught letting criminals get off the hook in order to avoid their deportation. Both extremes are untenable and narrow-minded. The problem is the question has been reframed to appease these two extreme camps, which aren't the norm. Suddenly, everyone is placed in these two camps so they can be called either a globalist or a racist by retards like PO.

America takes in the most immigrants, legal and otherwise, in the world, and has for a long time. If taking less immigrants makes you a racist, then is there any other country in the world that is not? And taking less does not mean taking any immigrants, either. As I said, self-selected immigrants are usually exactly the type of people you want as your neighbours. If you really want to make America great, then they are the type of people that can get you there. There's a reason that China is incredibly afraid of Brain Drain. They want their citizens educated in America, but they want them to come back. IMO if you get a degree in America without a criminal record, you should be granted citizenship upon graduation if you so choose.


Edited By: sinistril on Feb 19th 2019, 22:57:50
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 23:12:47

Only white Americans can be racist, you bigot!

/end sarcasm
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 23:28:53

Lol. I was perusing a right wing Facebook status among people from my childhood earlier. Some uber liberal was freaking out about the environmental problems with the wall and some Republican said "it wont affect the environment, fish swim and birds fly." A whole bunch of other conservatives started chiming in and agreeing with her. I was laughing so hard. Like the wall is just going to stop on either side of the Rio grande and people won't canoe here or swim lol.

You're more conservative than me, sin, however neither of our political ideologies can circumvent our ability to ignore facts in favor of things that support our party's political agenda. PO sounds as crazy as cerebus on this thread to me. Splitting hairs but both sides sound nuts and you guys are kinda gang banging the leftist because cerebus is more in line with your political agenda. They're equally as crazy though. Lol

To be honest, you can read those last few comments we made sin and see that rational human beings who have any real even self education on immigration policy more or less agree on how to fix the system. That's really why theres some solace in hopefully seeing the wall get built and illegal immigration by seasonal workers to increase percipitously. Then both sides will be unable to ignore the fact that reform is the only way to fix the problem, and a wall can only help if points of entry have a real way to deal with crossings.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 19th 2019, 23:31:28

I feel like the only person in America who believes a wall will make illegal immigration worse and unfortunately it's based purely on statistics regarding how illegal immigration is currently happening. I think a wall could help tho if we reform some things first. With current policy it stands to make it harder for a significantly larger volume of migrant workers to get home than it will for the low number of illegals who come in by walking across the open sections of the border.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 19th 2019, 23:49:51
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 20th 2019, 0:22:55

Sweden took about as many imigrants per capita in 2015 as the US took in this decade and we were above the US in that stat from the early 90s to 2016. I'm not saying that is a good idea, I'm just opposing this "take most immigrants in the world". Made me smile tho, lol. :)

While I hate the way they frame this New Green Deal and their total lack of respect for basic engineering and physical truths as well as their almost principal backwards-striving approach I know half the stated purpose is legitimate.
I would be 100% on board with the New Green Deal if they changed the name and every idea contained within it was removed.

This idea tho of a 10 year time frame to change into a carbon neutral economy may not be so farfetched as you might think. With roads being electrified all you need is to find an affordable and scaleable source of electricity for base power supply, and that technology already exists = Nuclear power. In fact several countries managed to in 10-15 years in the 70s and early 80s go from coal/oil/gas powered electricity production to nuclear power. Doing it with solar and wind tho is unbelievably stupid.
Solar works quite well in very warm countries where air conditioning drives a mid-day peak in power utilization and the summer is when most power is used.
In more northern areas heat pumps work overtime at night and the peak in power utilization is in the early morning, which is the case in the vast majority of Europe, the majority of the US and half of China, and as such solar works very badly to meet those demands. It's expensive and not very scaleable.
Wind is obviously not scaleable to that degree as we need either.

Moving to Nuclear as base power with gas and hydro as peaker plants and some not insignificant but small parts wind and/or solar mixed in where its fitting would be doable in a rather short time frame as would electrifying the vast majority of groundbourne transportation. We are not going to do it tho, as one side keeps using the GH effect as a means to drive a socialist agenda and the other side is busy denying it instead of creating sensible solutions.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 20th 2019, 0:25:14

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Then both sides will be unable to ignore the fact that reform is the only way to fix the problem

Always the optimist! I am not of the opinion that they will see reason. The only things Americans agree on is military spending because "defense companies" are smart enough to build their products in all 50 states -- meaning, any politician that goes against it will be telling their constituents that they deserve to be laid off. Ironically, this is about the least efficient way to do things one can think of, so it raises the cost of the process (by a metric fluff ton), and thus the defense budget must increase even more. The problem is not the people making this equipment, it's the fact that politicians are naturally self-serving and force these companies to act in a rational manner. There is a very clear problem with defense spending, and a clear way to cut it, everyone in politics knows it, and it's a problem that they theoretically cannot ignore -- yet, they ignore it. Why? Because 95% of the politicians are partisan hacks that care more about re-election than they do about solving problems that they are theoretically unable to ignore.

I'm more 'conservative' than you but I don't think either of us really agrees that the labels conservative or liberal actually capture our political opinions. I'm actually conservative on almost nothing. People would not have put me anywhere near that label even a couple years ago, but the Overton window is shifting and I personally am more critical of the left for that due to their wider influence in the media. I'm just an iconoclast that would prefer extreme pragmatism in politics (hence why I want people taken out of politics and the entire thing run by an AI). If Trump was well-received, I'd probably hate him too. As it stands, I'm less skeptical of him primarily because he has had a light shining on him for 3 years now and aside from being obnoxious (no one would ever accuse Trump of being magnanimous) he's unlikely to do anything overly terrible. Whereas, the media has just completely ignored the terrible things done by presidents in the past, and I think they will continue to do so in the future.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 20th 2019, 0:31:25

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Sweden took about as many imigrants per capita in 2015 as the US took in this decade and we were above the US in that stat from the early 90s to 2016. I'm not saying that is a good idea, I'm just opposing this "take most immigrants in the world". Made me smile tho, lol. :)

While I hate the way they frame this New Green Deal and their total lack of respect for basic engineering and physical truths as well as their almost principal backwards-striving approach I know half the stated purpose is legitimate.
I would be 100% on board with the New Green Deal if they changed the name and every idea contained within it was removed.

This idea tho of a 10 year time frame to change into a carbon neutral economy may not be so farfetched as you might think. With roads being electrified all you need is to find an affordable and scaleable source of electricity for base power supply, and that technology already exists = Nuclear power. In fact several countries managed to in 10-15 years in the 70s and early 80s go from coal/oil/gas powered electricity production to nuclear power. Doing it with solar and wind tho is unbelievably stupid.
Solar works quite well in very warm countries where air conditioning drives a mid-day peak in power utilization and the summer is when most power is used.
In more northern areas heat pumps work overtime at night and the peak in power utilization is in the early morning, which is the case in the vast majority of Europe, the majority of the US and half of China, and as such solar works very badly to meet those demands. It's expensive and not very scaleable.
Wind is obviously not scaleable to that degree as we need either.

Moving to Nuclear as base power with gas and hydro as peaker plants and some not insignificant but small parts wind and/or solar mixed in where its fitting would be doable in a rather short time frame as would electrifying the vast majority of groundbourne transportation. We are not going to do it tho, as one side keeps using the GH effect as a means to drive a socialist agenda and the other side is busy denying it instead of creating sensible solutions.

If I said per capita, then I did not mean to. I meant raw immigration numbers.

Anyways, I completely, 100% agree with you on energy use and have been saying it for a while now. I think France has created a decent model with around 70%? nuclear. The problem is most other western countries are against nuclear because insane groups like Greenpeace have successfully ran a disinformation campaign for decades.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2019, 0:39:58

Lots of good ideas on here all of a sudden. I'm obviously not talking to Americans anymore lol. Gerdler, that's extremely pragmatic including the analysis of Green New Deal.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2019, 4:59:08

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Then both sides will be unable to ignore the fact that reform is the only way to fix the problem

Always the optimist! I am not of the opinion that they will see reason. The only things Americans agree on is military spending because "defense companies" are smart enough to build their products in all 50 states -- meaning, any politician that goes against it will be telling their constituents that they deserve to be laid off. Ironically, this is about the least efficient way to do things one can think of, so it raises the cost of the process (by a metric fluff ton), and thus the defense budget must increase even more. The problem is not the people making this equipment, it's the fact that politicians are naturally self-serving and force these companies to act in a rational manner. There is a very clear problem with defense spending, and a clear way to cut it, everyone in politics knows it, and it's a problem that they theoretically cannot ignore -- yet, they ignore it. Why? Because 95% of the politicians are partisan hacks that care more about re-election than they do about solving problems that they are theoretically unable to ignore.

I'm more 'conservative' than you but I don't think either of us really agrees that the labels conservative or liberal actually capture our political opinions. I'm actually conservative on almost nothing. People would not have put me anywhere near that label even a couple years ago, but the Overton window is shifting and I personally am more critical of the left for that due to their wider influence in the media. I'm just an iconoclast that would prefer extreme pragmatism in politics (hence why I want people taken out of politics and the entire thing run by an AI). If Trump was well-received, I'd probably hate him too. As it stands, I'm less skeptical of him primarily because he has had a light shining on him for 3 years now and aside from being obnoxious (no one would ever accuse Trump of being magnanimous) he's unlikely to do anything overly terrible. Whereas, the media has just completely ignored the terrible things done by presidents in the past, and I think they will continue to do so in the future.

The liberal in me does have to cringe because I do actually believe we could have easily gone thru with the goals of the Paris climate accord whether or not we withdrew. That in combination with the destruction of the EPA by executive order was kind of like enough for me to give up my optimism. Corporations are allowed to pollute more in America than they have in my lifetime and frankly it seems like an odd time for that. If I didnt believe that climate change was a very real threat, I'd definitely feel like you 100% though. I was even heard at the end of the first trump year saying that I didnt think trump was that big of a deal because his party hates him enough that he can't pass any real big sweeping bills on anything. It would basically be 4 years of status quo that it's most toxic effect seemingly was only furthering the divide between left and right and sort of erasing the middle and pushing people further in either direction.

For more than one reason I was completely wrong (also feel like the only guy in America who reflects on their incorrect opinions); as popularity for issues like circumventing Congress for the wall and cozying with n kor dwindle to a pretty predictable value driven party, people on the streets have started coming back to the centre. It's certainly not as divided as it was at the height of trumps popularity. People are occasionally having rational discourse again with only a few Cerebus or PO types sprinkled in. Nazi group protests have slowed etc. The voice only lasted as long as the popularity seemingly and for that I am both surprised and thankful. The fringes on both ends have gotten weirder but thats at least to be expected. When people feel their fringee views losing steam, you see more of the sort of outbursts that there has been a handful of on this thread. Like the cerb message to start it or like the PO post about how he cant handle your kind. Lol.

That's the really funny thing tho. Most democrats feel validated because the media is encouraging them so much. It's very easy to identify the dem's psychotic fringe by watching who does and who does not have outbursts of insane ramblings. It's also very easy to identify the left's/right's psychotic fringe on this thread as well. As a social experiment I give everyone 5 gold stars.

I'll be sitting on my own island hoping the wall gets built, so I can laugh at the fact that building a wall increased illegal immigration. If you cant find the irony in that, you have no sense of humor.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 20th 2019, 5:01:31
See Original Post

Suicidal Game profile


Feb 20th 2019, 9:23:19

^^friggin' snowflake^^

iTarl Game profile


Feb 20th 2019, 14:08:00


Karnage XZ


Feb 20th 2019, 16:38:07

One thing that I sometimes lose sight of is that we are all one race and that is the human race. We are all in this together and in times of crisis, we need to help each other as often as possible. I've been to over 20 countries now and I have seen so much poverty and suffering. I truly don't blame these people for trying to find a better life for themselves or their families. While we argue over spending money on a wall that will not have the desired effect, there are people out there who are going without a meal, water and shelter. I mean I don't know if anybody knows what it feels like to go hungry before in their lives, it's physically painful and emotionally as well. I haven't lived in America for a year now but I sure know what it feels like to be a foreigner alone in a country surrounded by people who do not speak my language. Although I am often seen as a walking ATM machine, I am objectified and not even seen as a fellow human being in most cases. I can only imagine what it feels like to have this thing called hope and when you get to a border you are met with force instead of welcome. I suppose in some way I can put myself in the illegal immigrant's shoes and understand where they come from. The border wall cannot save America from its problems, because America suffers from internal issues... not external. It's like when you have a disease on the inside because you eat unhealthy food but instead of changing your eating habits, you use a bar of soap and scrub the surface of your skin.
Do as I say, not as I do.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 20th 2019, 19:08:21

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
One thing that I sometimes lose sight of is that we are all one race and that is the human race. We are all in this together and in times of crisis, we need to help each other as often as possible. I've been to over 20 countries now and I have seen so much poverty and suffering. I truly don't blame these people for trying to find a better life for themselves or their families. While we argue over spending money on a wall that will not have the desired effect, there are people out there who are going without a meal, water and shelter. I mean I don't know if anybody knows what it feels like to go hungry before in their lives, it's physically painful and emotionally as well. I haven't lived in America for a year now but I sure know what it feels like to be a foreigner alone in a country surrounded by people who do not speak my language. Although I am often seen as a walking ATM machine, I am objectified and not even seen as a fellow human being in most cases. I can only imagine what it feels like to have this thing called hope and when you get to a border you are met with force instead of welcome. I suppose in some way I can put myself in the illegal immigrant's shoes and understand where they come from. The border wall cannot save America from its problems, because America suffers from internal issues... not external. It's like when you have a disease on the inside because you eat unhealthy food but instead of changing your eating habits, you use a bar of soap and scrub the surface of your skin.

Desease also comes from outside bro, MS13 is from El Salvador, coke from Colombia, fentanyl from China, sex trade from almost every country south of the border, yes we do have an open border issue. just saying.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Karnage XZ


Feb 21st 2019, 4:02:06

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
One thing that I sometimes lose sight of is that we are all one race and that is the human race. We are all in this together and in times of crisis, we need to help each other as often as possible. I've been to over 20 countries now and I have seen so much poverty and suffering. I truly don't blame these people for trying to find a better life for themselves or their families. While we argue over spending money on a wall that will not have the desired effect, there are people out there who are going without a meal, water and shelter. I mean I don't know if anybody knows what it feels like to go hungry before in their lives, it's physically painful and emotionally as well. I haven't lived in America for a year now but I sure know what it feels like to be a foreigner alone in a country surrounded by people who do not speak my language. Although I am often seen as a walking ATM machine, I am objectified and not even seen as a fellow human being in most cases. I can only imagine what it feels like to have this thing called hope and when you get to a border you are met with force instead of welcome. I suppose in some way I can put myself in the illegal immigrant's shoes and understand where they come from. The border wall cannot save America from its problems, because America suffers from internal issues... not external. It's like when you have a disease on the inside because you eat unhealthy food but instead of changing your eating habits, you use a bar of soap and scrub the surface of your skin.

Desease also comes from outside bro, MS13 is from El Salvador, coke from Colombia, fentanyl from China, sex trade from almost every country south of the border, yes we do have an open border issue. just saying.
Supply and Demand is a universal law that if people have a need(in this case a desire) it will continue to show up because isn't that how the law of attraction works? I've been through Mexico, Central America, and South America. Those people are much too poor to afford drugs, not much of it is produced for the local people. They may grow it and make it, but it's made to be shipped to the USA because those people know that Americans are willing to destroy their lives and families for drugs just so they can try to escape their reality. If you form the problem in your mind it will find you. If you see the problem is there already imagine in your mind a country where the people have no desire for the drugs and the gang members and drugs will stop showing up at the doorstep.
Do as I say, not as I do.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2019, 21:04:06

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
One thing that I sometimes lose sight of is that we are all one race and that is the human race. We are all in this together and in times of crisis, we need to help each other as often as possible. I've been to over 20 countries now and I have seen so much poverty and suffering. I truly don't blame these people for trying to find a better life for themselves or their families. While we argue over spending money on a wall that will not have the desired effect, there are people out there who are going without a meal, water and shelter. I mean I don't know if anybody knows what it feels like to go hungry before in their lives, it's physically painful and emotionally as well. I haven't lived in America for a year now but I sure know what it feels like to be a foreigner alone in a country surrounded by people who do not speak my language. Although I am often seen as a walking ATM machine, I am objectified and not even seen as a fellow human being in most cases. I can only imagine what it feels like to have this thing called hope and when you get to a border you are met with force instead of welcome. I suppose in some way I can put myself in the illegal immigrant's shoes and understand where they come from. The border wall cannot save America from its problems, because America suffers from internal issues... not external. It's like when you have a disease on the inside because you eat unhealthy food but instead of changing your eating habits, you use a bar of soap and scrub the surface of your skin.

Desease also comes from outside bro, MS13 is from El Salvador, coke from Colombia, fentanyl from China, sex trade from almost every country south of the border, yes we do have an open border issue. just saying.
Supply and Demand is a universal law that if people have a need(in this case a desire) it will continue to show up because isn't that how the law of attraction works? I've been through Mexico, Central America, and South America. Those people are much too poor to afford drugs, not much of it is produced for the local people. They may grow it and make it, but it's made to be shipped to the USA because those people know that Americans are willing to destroy their lives and families for drugs just so they can try to escape their reality. If you form the problem in your mind it will find you. If you see the problem is there already imagine in your mind a country where the people have no desire for the drugs and the gang members and drugs will stop showing up at the doorstep.

Drugs are a problem even in the most poor countries, cuz there's always a product for a market and a market for a product...check this out
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2019, 21:11:00

Speaking of race, people have some apologizing to do...

Him and everyone else who jumped on the media "racist MAGA supporters" bandwagon are further evidence of race baiting get rid of Trump no matter what movement, disgusting.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

sinistril Game profile


Feb 21st 2019, 21:33:01

Poor people can't afford drugs? Because supply and demand? 🤦🏿‍♂️That's what happens when you learn economics from a self-help book

Edited By: sinistril on Feb 21st 2019, 21:35:52
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2019, 21:44:15

Right? LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

sinistril Game profile


Feb 21st 2019, 21:48:03

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Speaking of race, people have some apologizing to do...

Him and everyone else who jumped on the media "racist MAGA supporters" bandwagon are further evidence of race baiting get rid of Trump no matter what movement, disgusting.

Ironically Al Sharpton is not race-baiting... it's bad when the media has started race-baiting harder than him for ratings
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 21st 2019, 22:14:03

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Speaking of race, people have some apologizing to do...

Him and everyone else who jumped on the media "racist MAGA supporters" bandwagon are further evidence of race baiting get rid of Trump no matter what movement, disgusting.

Ironically Al Sharpton is not race-baiting... it's bad when the media has started race-baiting harder than him for ratings

Ya, he's had his share of scandals and I doubt he wants to reopen those wounds.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Karnage XZ


Feb 22nd 2019, 1:10:37

Originally posted by sinistril:
Poor people can't afford drugs? Because supply and demand? 🤦🏿‍♂️That's what happens when you learn economics from a self-help book
You're missing the point I made when I told you I've traveled to these countries. Sure drug dealers show up to tourist hotspots and tout. If I read a self help book and I see that it is true, was it a good book?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Feb 22nd 2019, 1:11:13

Where's Heston when you need him?
Do as I say, not as I do.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 22nd 2019, 2:05:03

How am I missing the point? You completely bastardized the meaning of supply and demand. I don't really care if you think you can declare America 80% black because you've been to Detroit.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 2:29:39

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Poor people can't afford drugs? Because supply and demand? 🤦🏿‍♂️That's what happens when you learn economics from a self-help book
You're missing the point I made when I told you I've traveled to these countries. Sure drug dealers show up to tourist hotspots and tout. If I read a self help book and I see that it is true, was it a good book?

You clearly didn't watch that video I posted, no?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Karnage XZ


Feb 22nd 2019, 4:50:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Poor people can't afford drugs? Because supply and demand? 🤦🏿‍♂️That's what happens when you learn economics from a self-help book
You're missing the point I made when I told you I've traveled to these countries. Sure drug dealers show up to tourist hotspots and tout. If I read a self help book and I see that it is true, was it a good book?

You clearly didn't watch that video I posted, no?
Not yet, in between flights going to India. I'll watch them later when I get settled in.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Feb 22nd 2019, 4:51:52

Originally posted by sinistril:
How am I missing the point? You completely bastardized the meaning of supply and demand. I don't really care if you think you can declare America 80% black because you've been to Detroit.
Im right, your wrong. I'm BIG, your small😂
Do as I say, not as I do.

sinistril Game profile


Feb 22nd 2019, 4:54:06

I don't think you've ever been right about anything in your life :/
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Karnage XZ


Feb 22nd 2019, 5:39:03

Originally posted by sinistril:
I don't think you've ever been right about anything in your life :/
😤 Don't be ridiculous.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Oceana Game profile


Feb 22nd 2019, 12:10:07

Are there enough? I Never NOT Voted in an Election have voted everyone since 1978, and be honest At all Levels of Government from FED down to Township, I think i have only voted for 3 democrats and 1 of them actually for that election was a Dem. as County Prosecutor and was on the Liberal, Democrat, Republican, and Conservative Party Line.

With that said , I always claimed our Forefathers wrote a constitution well enough that we could Elect any idiot as President and we would survive OK, for over 2 years I now been saying and the Country is testing my theory. He isn't just an Idiot he is a Completely disconnected Moron , with no grasp of reality, how did he make it on "Reality TV"?had to be for the Comical Value. Don't worry world I'll be right, we will survive, and in less than 2 years we will do a "Like Brexit undue", brits you only have a little more than 30 days to do that better hurry. I know you know the music so how about a round Of my country tis of thee.

Well not sure if one of these dems will get my vote or the Pot smoking Independent will get it again. But I know just as last election I wouldn't vote for this idiot even in a N.Korean style election.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 22:43:29

Originally posted by Oceana:
Are there enough? I Never NOT Voted in an Election have voted everyone since 1978, and be honest At all Levels of Government from FED down to Township, I think i have only voted for 3 democrats and 1 of them actually for that election was a Dem. as County Prosecutor and was on the Liberal, Democrat, Republican, and Conservative Party Line.

With that said , I always claimed our Forefathers wrote a constitution well enough that we could Elect any idiot as President and we would survive OK, for over 2 years I now been saying and the Country is testing my theory. He isn't just an Idiot he is a Completely disconnected Moron , with no grasp of reality, how did he make it on "Reality TV"?had to be for the Comical Value. Don't worry world I'll be right, we will survive, and in less than 2 years we will do a "Like Brexit undue", brits you only have a little more than 30 days to do that better hurry. I know you know the music so how about a round Of my country tis of thee.

Well not sure if one of these dems will get my vote or the Pot smoking Independent will get it again. But I know just as last election I wouldn't vote for this idiot even in a N.Korean style election.

Your Trump derangement syndrome is so bad that you can't articulate whatever the hell it is you are attempting to say :-(
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 23:01:02

Translation: "I'll vote for Biden if he's the Democrat and Trump the Republican. Otherwise I'll probably vote Jill Stein (again) because the system is doing a poor job of offering a candidate without a criminal past and policies that are good for America. I'd prefer Trump to get primaried and get someone in there I have respect for. While I've been a Republican all my life, I can not endorse the criminal behavior of the current administration. Couple with that that I'll never be in favor of democrat policies so I'll probably throw a protest vote to the third party most likely to say weed is cool."

That's how I read it.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 22nd 2019, 23:07:20
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 23:18:59

Makes sense now, thanks Derrick :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 23:28:20

I'm curious how that moderate rationale will feel about a Beto O'Rourke. He's certainly not going to be a Sanders guy. Tbh I think Klobuchar is probably the Democrats best chance at winning people like that over.

She's uniquely qualified, asks tough questions, and has authored more legislation that got made into law than any other currently sitting senator. That's because she's from the rust belt and prefers Republican legislation as much as democratic. In Minnesota, the Democrats recently merged with the farmer/labor party so it has a completely different, middle American farmer rural vibe. She's never been married to her party and has a whole career of working across party lines to make government work for the people. If you look at the bills she has authored, shes certainly as much of a Republican as she is a democrat, and even thru these times in toxic politics, she still works with Republicans to do what's best for the country, regardless of party. And she's gotten more done than anyone else in Senate at like 94 bills made into law and counting. She's by far most qualified to get Americans working together again.

And tbh. If she gets more than 5% of the vote in any state aside from Minnesota I'd be shocked. She's going to get creamed by some asshole screaming nonsense like Trump does. If John McCain (who I nearly voted for against Obama but ended up going for McKinney protest vote. I didn't want Palin running the senate) were still around he'd never win against a fire and brimstone spitting wack job republican because both parties are electing their cretins that are most wacky. It's like 90% of people believe conspiracy theories and like a soap opera government and 10% of people look at facts and judge character. Nobody wants a sane rational respectable person right now and it's disenfranchising as fluff to the minority of us that do.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 22nd 2019, 23:36:39
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2019, 23:34:47

You do realize that McCain was involved in the Benghazi murder? Also a deep stater piece of fluff, good riddance!

I'll just leave this here for the lulz
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!