
NukEvil Game profile


Nov 22nd 2018, 17:50:35

Originally posted by mrford:
Someone do the work to find macdaddys player profile. He has used many nicks, including deano, but it is likely unlinked and has a lot of purples.

macdaddy (privacy options enabled)

Could not find one for deano.

Edited By: NukEvil on Nov 22nd 2018, 18:24:05
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Nov 19th 2018, 1:30:18

Nah, you gotta do something so awesome, someone else starts a thread about it.

Sure, I'll toot my own horn every now and again, but there's just something empowering about having someone else call attention to my superiority so everyone else can bask in my glory.
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NukEvil Game profile


Nov 13th 2018, 13:08:28

Two things I am seeing wrong with the game Wiki:

1. has an invalid security certificate.

2. Gives an error upon attempting to log in:

"[dd1d03a10b27de248dff8d5c] 2018-11-13 13:08:14: Fatal exception of type "TypeError""
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NukEvil Game profile


Nov 9th 2018, 19:03:05

What makes it even more interesting is if the universe smiles upon you and just lines everything up perfectly for you.

For example, I last played Express about a month ago. Was running a nice fasc/oiler and putting cheap oil on the market. I made sure to retal every hit that came my way. Wasn't really looking for a win; just bored, mainly because I forgot to join GDI before retalling. Anyways, I did a retal on someone, and he RoR'd me. Douche #1. I sent a few bioterror ops in his direction because he was a casher, and he's like 'stop, you're not affecting me at all, call a truce', so I did. His playing style pretty much guaranteed that someone else would be dealing with him shortly.

Soon after, I made a comment in the forum about an earlier retal I made on someone else that netted me way more than the original hit--noob vs pro, that sort of thing. My comment attracted yet another player to randomly AB me for no reason, other than my comment, and HE posted so. Douche #2. So I sent a few token missiles his way, making him think I was through with him. Then I searched the news history, and realized he was at war with Douche #1. Interesting.

Then Douche #1 IMs me ingame, saying we should team up and hit Douche #2. If you've been playing here long enough, you'd know that messaging for collusion is against the rules in Express. So I reported his message to the mods, and got Douche #1 deleted. Then, once my turns were replenished, I leveled Douche #2.

Sometimes, if you wait, they screw themselves over.
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NukEvil Game profile


Nov 9th 2018, 13:17:24

I love finding interesting ways to retaliate against those who step to me. Sometimes, it's so subtle that the other person doesn't understand how or who or why. Usually, however, I just drop a cinderblock on their fragile country and make them scream my name in suicidal sun worship.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 29th 2018, 13:10:33

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Just throwing this out there for a bit of stupidity and fun. Farm war challenge.

Participants netgain/run a country as normal. At the nominated time it is open season on each other for all involved - no hitting outside the participant list (unless it is to retal) SS and PS only.

2 winners
- Most land at the end of the reset
- Highest NW

Thinking Open Season time woukd start around Midday Saturday gametime which gives plenty of time to grow and stock fpr farming fun.

You mean, like a normal Express reset?
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 19th 2018, 16:57:15

I just got power back last night lol. We were down to our last bottle of propane, last can of diesel, and last approximation of a shower before the water ran out. So I'd gone on a supply run and bought a couple hundred dollars' worth of diesel and propane, and filled up a water tank from a destroyed RV before coming home, only to find the power had come on like 2 minutes before I got there.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 15th 2018, 1:50:12

Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes. Things are very slowly getting back to normal here. Still no power, of course. Went on a wild goose chase for propane today and had to replace all our propane cylinders because they had expired. We need propane to run the generator on our truck camper to keep our freezer and refrigerator cold.

Originally posted by Requiem:
I have a question for you. With a hurricane you have a lot of warning time, why choose to stay in the path? I live where we get tornadoes a lot and the bad thing about them is little to no warning time its heading for you.

This storm was first predicted on Sunday, showed up on Monday, and hit us on Wednesday. Also, they had been predicting a weak category 2 to make landfall, not an almost-category 5. Our bus needs new tires and we weren't sure how long the current tires would last us. We had been planning on replacing them before next year's vacation. So we decided to ride it out, and by the time the hurricane became the monster it was, it was too late to evacuate. We put the bus in a field, where one of the A/C units got damaged, and spent the storm in a closet in the house. The RV I was remodeling got flattened, so we cannabilized whatever we could from it and are using the parts to repair some of the damage done to the bus. We are using its 30 gallon water tank as a water storage tank while we use the water stored in the tanks on the bus and our truck camper. So that's where we are at now. I'll be showing up to work tomorrow, and will see how that goes.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 14th 2018, 1:20:33

Just letting everyone know I survived. I live in Gadsden County, FL, and rode out the storm in a closet.

I believe my house suffered the least amount of damage, with only our shed losing half its roof, and my grandparents' trailer losing two porch roofs. Not everyone was as fortunate as us, with trees down everywhere, on houses, across roads, over powerlines, etc. We probably won't get power back for a week or two. We haven't been able to watch any news coverage of the situation; the only internet in our neighborhood between Wednesday and Friday was my satellite connection, running off an inverter connected to a car battery. We got cell service back last night, but it's been a bit spotty today. Tallahassee has gotten most of its power back online, and we've made a run to replenish the diesel in our RV for its generator to keep our freezers and refrigerators going. Our water well is still out, so we have no water supply. We've filled all the RVs water tanks and have cases of bottled water, so we're hoping we can outlast this power outage.

The small towns about 20 miles west of us Bristol, Blountstown, Grand Ridge, etc. suffered far worse--roads are nearly impassable due to downed trees, even after the first responding crews opened up a single lane on all roads with trees on them. These towns probably won't get power back for months. To say nothing of the utter destruction suffered by Panama City, Mexico Beach, any of the towns in that ares along the coast.

So, yeah, me and my family survived, a lot of people were as fortunate or less fortunate. Just letting everyone here know. I'll need to sign off to conserve battery power, so I may read any responses tomorrow or something.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 8th 2018, 2:32:00

Ok. I stand corrected. Ratski, sorry for accusing you...this time :)
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 8th 2018, 1:23:59

You missed lots of things over the years, but what's most important here is that you missed the part where you weren't supposed to run multis.

2018-10-05 19:13:51 PS Bobby The Brain Heenan (#6) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) 266A (369A)
2018-10-05 19:13:48 PS Bobby The Brain Heenan (#6) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) 325A (485A)
2018-10-05 19:13:45 PS Bobby The Brain Heenan (#6) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) 393A (633A)
2018-10-05 19:13:41 PS Bobby The Brain Heenan (#6) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) 472A (826A)
2018-10-05 19:12:07 SS Ratskis Rainbow (#20) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) DH
2018-10-05 19:11:35 SS Ratskis Rainbow (#20) Lane Kiffin is a Fat Slob (#12) DH

I mean, seriously? You made it so obvious.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 8th 2018, 0:30:17

'Twas a typical reset for me. Put $100 oil on the market, retalled pretty much everything, and everyone who screwed me over either ended up deleted or substantially downsized. 10/10, would play again.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 7th 2018, 23:26:16

Yeah, changing country names doesn't do anything for me. That's the problem with having a signature style.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 7th 2018, 14:39:27

Originally posted by Bullseye:
Yep, moving on :) let's see who strikes my fancy

Now we're even.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 7th 2018, 2:53:22

Originally posted by Bullseye:
Yep. Thanks for the assist in knocking down my buildings! Good retal, lol. Now back to #41, lol

Nope, sorry, got him deleted for sending messages to me for collusion against you. Guess you'll just have to find another target, huh?
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 7th 2018, 1:07:18

Ahh, yes. He RoR'd me and I sent a few BioTerror ops in his direction. He was like "dude, stop that, you're done, call a truce" and I called it because I just knew someone like you was going to come looking for him.

So I guess we can all wallow in our destroyed countries together.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 7th 2018, 0:57:11

Darn. Looks like I won't be putting any more cheap oil on the market. BTW, how's that ABing working out for you? You may want to get some defense yourself lol
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 5th 2018, 19:53:39

I'm sorry. I really am. But it's just too obvious, and I've resisted temptation long enough:

n00b: 2018-10-04 22:42:44 PS Calling All Freaks (#8) scrub brush (#119) 200A (426A)

pro: 2018-10-05 17:39:42 PS scrub brush (#119) Calling All Freaks (#8) 1150A (1639A)
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 5th 2018, 17:45:08

Oil is pretty cheap as well :P
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 14:46:59

Originally posted by Namineff:
You don't have a good enough imagination.

Says the suicider who isn't doing anything new. You do realize the only reason you're getting the reaction you're getting is because just about every other suicide run has received this same reaction, right? When I started killing those landthin countries, it was something that had never been done before on that scale. One single country murdering dozens, singlehandedly, with no support. People worshiped me. It was glorious. It was something to behold. Sure, some alliances were perturbed, but understood the fact that it was ridiculous to have 300-acre countries sitting out of protection that could be killed with less than 15 turns.

But when I did it again for the next couple resets or so, it was mundane. The reaction was much less supportive. The flash in the pan had died.

Your flash in the pan died decades ago. We've all seen it before, and thousands of times at that. It's annoying. It's not going to change anything. Sure, some netters here think it's fun to kill suiciders after they've been netting for the better part of a year. And it's fun to be reminded of the distant possibility of danger from suiciders. But soon, it just becomes business as usual. The trash talk on AT becomes dull. Soon, the damage you bring will be minimized, and the topic of the day will become the topic of last week. You're nothing.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 14:10:14

Originally posted by galleri:
Nuk doesn't even play. If he is, it is untagged too. The thing about Nuk, he has tried what you have done. Take his advice. It doesn't work.

Haven't played a country on Alliance in years. Haven't logged into an alliance site in about half a decade or so. When I left my last alliance, I changed my account password to random characters so I wouldn't be able to log into the alliance's site. I doubt my account even exists there anymore.

But yes, I tried the suiciding thing a couple times. Even suicided my own alliance for the lulz once (while still playing with them). It gets boring. While it is fun to see the reactions, it gets boring doing the same thing repeatedly. Start a country, explore land, ignore landgrabs, get stock, buy jets, grab land and stock, buy more jets, grab more land and stock, buy more jets, run out of turns, wait to be killed, restart, get stock, be killed again, rinse and repeat until end of reset. Maybe join an alliance and use their protection while gearing up to change it up every now and then. Boring.

Even landkilling dozens of landthin countries in a reset got boring. That was dozens of resets ago.

And guess what? Alliances are still playing like they did before I went on my runs. Sure, they may have tightened land requirements before jumping out of protection, but I doubt those lasted long after I was gone. What I did had no effect on how alliances treat other countries at all. Do you honestly believe that you having more countries at your disposal is going to end any differently? Not going to happen.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:45:52

Originally posted by Namineff:

It's cute that you think it was only oil

Hey, look! You moved the goal posts!
"Durr, we control the oil market at the beginning of a reset!"
"Yeah, lol, not hard at all."
"It's not just oil lolo0lolol!"

It's even cuter that you think you or your actions matter here. Nothing you do is going to change the way alliances have been playing for the past couple of decades. Alliances have had kill teams before. Alliances have had suiciders in their ranks before. Alliances have won triple crowns despite suiciders targeting them, AND having to pay out reps for having them attack from their tag before. It's nothing new; it's all happened before already. You're not coming up with some new, exciting strategy or some cool way of playing the game. You're not better than all the suiciders that came before you. You're just another flash in the pan that's going to get bored with dying and restarting. I give you 3, maybe 4 resets before barely anyone remembers your name.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:23:16

Originally posted by trumpoz:

#381 controlled the oil market for the first 5 weeks of the reset.

Controlling the oil market at the beginning of a reset is like taking a dump and aiming for the toilet.

If you're the only one doing it, it's not hard.
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NukEvil Game profile


Oct 3rd 2018, 12:07:59

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by ironxxx:
Your tactics are crap

Get used to restarting

Time will tell.

21 years isn't enough time for you scrubs to learn that suiciding as untaggeds isn't going to change anything?
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 28th 2018, 18:02:36

So what you're telling us is that we all should come up with a specific naming convention next set?
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 24th 2018, 14:57:57

Wait, isn't that the WeeZy that used to be in Evo? I can't seem to remember very well.

But ppl are calling him a suicider, which brings up a faint memory of (possibly) him...

Waayyy long time ago, Me and (possibly) Weezy were both in Evo, and a new member was causing some trouble...possibly hitting countries in other alliances or whatever. Weezy was a new IA officer, at this time, and for some reason leadership decided to give the new member another chance or something. Well, this new member then went full-blown suicider on us and other alliances, causing some damage and causing us to have to pay reps and stuff.

Anyways, the leadership was then discussing this issue on a lower-leader board, and I believe Weezy said something to the effect of "I had no idea he would do this". Unbeknownst to him (and to pretty much everyone else), I had access to everyone's private messages, so I went rooting around in Weezy's PMs and found a recent conversation he had had with this new member, before he had gone suicider. This conversation ended with Weezy telling this new member something like "We can just pretend this never happened". I copied and pasted the conversation to the discussion in the leader board, Weezy fell on his sword so-to-speak, everyone else got mad at me for having that extra capability and using it, and I more or less gave everyone who hated me afterwards the finger and continued doing my job.

Is this the Weezy I'm referring to? Is it jogging anyone else's memory?
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 10th 2018, 0:36:45

11 excuse me i have an itch (#72) Game profile 12,418 $18,133,980 TG

Not too bad for my first time in a year or so.
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NukEvil Game profile


Sep 4th 2018, 13:00:40


Just letting everyone know I'll be playing a country this round. No idea how things will turn out since I haven't played a country in like half a year or whatever.
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 30th 2018, 14:10:29

No, 1k ends up being landkilled in less than 50 turns.
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 29th 2018, 19:45:03

The answer to that, of course, is 10.
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 15th 2018, 12:42:17

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Ratski is a cool guy...Not hurting anyone or going fullout griefer like a lot of guys do when they get butthurt.

He's been deleted multiple times (about a dozen or so, I believe) for collusion/running multis, and I fought him and his friend/multi for about half a year and got him deleted several times before I quit this game. He and his friend/multi would, and probably still do, target people at the same time. He is NOT a good person.
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NukEvil Game profile


Aug 14th 2018, 13:36:40

Originally posted by Player Z:
12). "Battlebots". Last man standing, no going over 300 acres.

I would like (for others) to do this one.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 30th 2018, 17:14:32

Your lives are a lie.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 27th 2018, 12:51:10

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
You simply cannot make this kind of drama up!, that's why I despise arranged wars...

IIRC, the last arranged war I took part in, the alliance I fought against got mad that we won and hit us 3 or 4 resets later lol.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jul 23rd 2018, 13:11:25

Hi, Yank. Why are you still dealing with this poofestation?

I'm talking about this server, not the alliance.

Join me in the afterlife. We all float down here.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jul 3rd 2018, 13:19:43

They got me doing the fireworks at my Church's Patriot's Day celebration. :)
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jul 2nd 2018, 14:44:31

I have ascended to my own plane of existence, and meddle with your own at my whim.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 29th 2018, 23:54:49

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Its OK Heston, every one dies sooner or later. We can only hope that you die first.

It's truly sad when multiple types of mental illness are celebrated and encouraged rather than diagnosed and treated.

Edited By: NukEvil on Jun 30th 2018, 0:03:34
See Original Post
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 29th 2018, 15:05:04

Originally posted by Leto:
We at Paradigm were top 5 clan for close to a decade, during the peak of the game. We had numbers, stability and longevity. We warred the bots

No, you got STOMPED by the bots for multiple resets until your alliance resorted to some of the same tactics as those you were fighting were using. And then earthstats took a dump and PDM immediately ceased to be relevant.
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 25th 2018, 12:00:46

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 23rd 2018, 18:35:51

Then why are you here?
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NukEvil Game profile


Jun 18th 2018, 13:57:25

Originally posted by archaic:
IX, lol everybody on the server mopped the floor with IX set after set but they get ranked above UCN and TIE?

I remember that very differently--I was in Rage until about 2004 or 2005. Sure, IX and its coalitions may have lost a couple wars here and there, but otherwise they were able to put together a political powerhouse that lasted a long time and probably would never be matched. IIRC, they left when or soon after the old Gamerstown site got hacked and taken down.

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
A few points to reinforce including Rage on the list...
-- It was well over 500 members at the peak. And created the outposting system that allowed coordination of a massive size alliances. Many others copied that system in order to have effective super-large alliances
-- Largest FS in Earth history: 13.4k Hits, 111 Hits/Member

I was there for these first two. I can still remember bits and pieces of Tirol's message to Rage when the membership hit around 514. And the FS that followed was like nothing I'd ever seen. Just a lowly member sitting in a full IRC channel, hoping my dialup connection wouldn't falter.

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
-- RAGE led the anti-RD coalition that sparked the bot wars and ultimately destroyed the era of RD terrorism. And Rage survived that very brutal year and came back strong with our ninja-vanish set, disappearing completely and reappearing well out of bot range and in top 5 of server for ANW

Yeah, but with like 30 or 40 members, IIRC. RD pretty much wiped the floor with everyone that stepped to them, mostly because they had infiltrated every major alliance and some minor alliances in the game. Only reason RD faded away was due to RL issues and boredom.
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NukEvil Game profile


May 25th 2018, 12:00:33

What's up with this PoundMeToo movement?
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 9th 2018, 2:58:55

Good lord, is this still happening? Is Ratski still being an obnoxious buttmunch? Why is he still here? Has his tactics and gameplay ever landed him anywhere near the top 10? Is it possible to count the number of purples he has on his record? Will his "friend" ever show up on the boards, or is he/she/it just another account being run from a cell phone? Is this yet another repeat of the same old history? Let's find out:
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NukEvil Game profile


Apr 3rd 2018, 2:43:42

Originally posted by Requiem:
NukEvil, I havent saw your name around in a while.

Ehh, I come around every now and again to grace this dark hole with my luminous presence. And then I'm gone again.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2018, 18:22:23

You restarted your country and gave me better gains than for your original lol.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2018, 13:25:48

Originally posted by Vamps:
One of two things will occur... Change, or Retribution.

Or nothing, which is far more likely--especially when LaF is concerned.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 2nd 2018, 13:10:19

I killed his country in express once, when he tried to imitate mrford's landfarm strategy.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.