

Game Development

May 14th 2010, 14:06:46

I'd consider changing the target you're hitting.

You need to take responsibility for your member's actions.
Get on it.

*gets more involved in LaF again*

Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

malykii Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:09:06

lol, so speaketh the pang
fear the turtles.

wari Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:24:52


What angle of attack would you use to kill a 24 mil NW country with a 9:1 SPAL?

(perhaps the one the news isn't showing? :) )


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 14:27:02

I don't know.... he's your member who suicided... so I'd start figuring something out quicker

I was able to spy on him pretty easily, and I only have 1 spy ally

also, you should all consider dropping your pacts with him -- especially intel.
That will make it easier to spy him.

Doing nothing is completely unacceptable.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

wari Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:33:09

Not trying to be brash, but I think you're missing the point.

We were recently jumped by an alliance twice our size, we don't have a great deal of breakers left. So this is a bit of a task. We don't have turns stored or stockpiles to burn.

What we can do is aim for an SR kill, or a kill greatly aided by SRs/CDs.

We're efforting, yes.


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 14:36:40

didn't the alliance that jumped you get 15% of them deleted, then jumped by the biggest alliance in the game, along with several others? :p

like I said - I would do SOMETHING, because based on the op I took a few min ago, there are still about 6 PDM countries allied to this guy -- that is at least one way you could help out. Drop the pacts.

Like I said -- doing nothing (which is what it certainly seems like) is completely unacceptable, as this is not the first time PDM countries have suicided LaF. You guys need to control your members, take responsibility for their actions, and stop acting like it's our fault just because our countries exist.

We shouldn't have to deal with this crap.

Edited By: Pangaea on May 14th 2010, 14:37:17
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Skythe Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:41:01

Dropped my pacts with him. Just doing my bit.


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 14:42:14

thanks... it's a start... :|
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:45:41

Well to be fair it wasn't meant to be a suicide, I was meant to hold the land, jump, and ride the set out in a wave of landy glory!

I just didn't have the patience to sell my stock properly, and didn't note that I'd lose 36% not 14% when I switch to dict (seriously bad trade-off). I only dropped the land because I figured I needed to get my weaps tech %age back up in order to compensate for what I lost in the revolution. My bad!

And wari, please don't do anymore SR's, you're making my 111,000 spies look bad :/

wari Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:46:42

Yes, the alliance that jumped us had an issue with cheaters and got more than they bargained for.

There are still "about 6 countries" allied to him? We set him to kill status what....10 hours ago? At midnight or so, EST here. So 70% of our alliance probably hasn't even logged on to see what's happened yet.

For the record, our attacks, our "KR" that drew your attention? Two of those three countries were under 800k NW, unable to hit a 24m NW target. The other may or may not have had 4m troops raw.

You deal with this crap because you're the biggest. You know that, I know that. It's not because you're you. It's because it's too easy. It's happened to me, too. Dozens of times.

We're dealing with it. We've got 20 guys in humanitarian range, not half of which even know of this situation yet. But we're actively killing him, currently, yes.


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 14:56:22

looks like 15 of your 22 live countries could hit this target....

countries who were hitting included a 9m NW dict who could have most certainly helped out....

and thatguy... sad :(

sucks that we were just talking in the staff chat about making updates to the game mechanics to help curb the power of suiciders a bit, while still making them able to get revenge on the person/people who wronged them.... now any changes we make will seem tainted :(
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2010, 14:56:55

thatguy, need FA?

And need like two different handles. One as an official LaF rep and one as a EE rep. I read this and thought it is all important and maybe you found Bin Laden playing in PDM or something.

wari Game profile


May 14th 2010, 14:58:41

Any reunion reset where I can single handedly bait llaar into an alliance wide suicide and then battle my good friend guy is a good reunion reset in my book.

We'll kill you like we killed him. Slowly, methodically, hopefully though without finding any new bugs. It may not mesh with the standards of others, but we are Paradigm. We'll pretty much always be here, so deal with it :)

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:00:22

From what I've gathered you've been thinking about it for a while, I don't think anyone will find it suspect if you change it after this. I think it would be a great change to make.

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:07:28


thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:08:11

Oh, thankyou ZEN :) But I'll see if I can manage with the resources at my disposal.

Detmer Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:18:48

And need like two different handles. One as an official LaF rep and one as a EE rep. I read this and thought it is all important and maybe you found Bin Laden playing in PDM or something.


DeathRider Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:19:00

now there's an idea pang:) WOuld be nice if if you make an attack, you cannot drop land/delete your account until after 72 hours has passed, that way a clan can get back any acres lost due to a suicider who lg's and then drops the land. Like the GDI system won't let you join GDI until aftter 72 hours after making an attack;)

wari Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:21:00

I will do it as hard as I can while you're online.

warlorde Game profile


May 14th 2010, 16:14:22

Originally posted by DeathRider:
now there's an idea pang:) WOuld be nice if if you make an attack, you cannot drop land/delete your account until after 72 hours has passed, that way a clan can get back any acres lost due to a suicider who lg's and then drops the land. Like the GDI system won't let you join GDI until aftter 72 hours after making an attack;)

i dont like that idea.... what about land kills when you have to drop NW fast to finish them off. dropping the land you just stole from them so you can get the finishing blow. that would be totally lost deathrider


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 16:32:22

I'm not really looking to start a debate about anti-suicider measures on this thread.... so please make a new one if you want to discuss it :p

but our assumption is that it would be a basket of changes which would not unbalance war-based elements while curbing the ability of suiciders to become super powerful with minimal effort.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Thomas Game profile


May 14th 2010, 17:39:49

Just farm them all Pang

Sir Balin Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:06:52

i would love to farm laf but tan has me on a short leash

i'd love to farm thomas regardless!

Hellrush Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:09:11

PDM lemming when your smaller then the guy. also sending CDs helps kill him by knocking his troops down so a breaker can take over. all you need to do is send 1/6th his troops GS break to lemmer him down.

Thomas Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:24:02

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
i would love to farm laf but tan has me on a short leash

i'd love to farm thomas regardless!

If only you could lem me, let alone break me :)

joe2 Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:29:49

I could break your nub country

Sir Balin Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:30:26

pm me your country number, i will break you!

Thomas Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:30:32

Originally posted by joe2:
I could break your nub country

How does the dust taste anyways?

snawdog Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:45:19

Originally posted by Hellrush:
PDM lemming when your smaller then the guy. also sending CDs helps kill him by knocking his troops down so a breaker can take over. all you need to do is send 1/6th his troops GS break to lemmer him down.

really?..thanks Patton
ICQ 364553524

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:27:29

I've always admired your playstyle scode!

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:30:52

Wow, if only you'd started that KR 5 mins earlier huh?


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 23:44:17

if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting


Game Development

May 14th 2010, 23:45:11

mmm yes we do.... we just don't have suiciders' interests at heart, we have the players interests in there for sure

just because you are a jerk doesn't mean most of the players are, and being able to ruin 2 months of hard work with one crappy country isn't fair.... it's unbalancing, and we strive for balance.

believe whatever you want, if you're leaving after this set anyways, there is no point in even arguing.... :p

Edited By: Pangaea on May 14th 2010, 23:50:29
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:51:53

Dude your KR wasn't so great either, the only reason you were able to finish was because I'd blown all my turns grabbing.

TAN Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:54:11

Originally posted by Pangaea:
if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....

fluff off. it's stupid comments like this that makes everyone in PDM hate you.

everyone is telling me to reject paying back the reps and just let you war us over it.

i am the only one working to get you reps paid back, and it's ungrateful fluffhead comments like this that make me wonder why i bother.

snawdog Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:55:16

Originally posted by Pangaea:
if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....

Pangaea, it is a lil tuff when one of our bigger countries decides to suicide AFTER we have been warring and blown most stocks.
It is not like we haven't been at it.
We had a few within range to hit ,but most of them were low on stock & resources after warring.
Not to mention the resources the suicider gathered while he was attacking you all.
No need to poor mouth us as we were trying.

Edited By: snawdog on May 14th 2010, 23:56:35
ICQ 364553524

TGD Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:56:11

I love how people in this game want to join alliances, then they want to do their own little thing

If all of you want to suiside and be asses, do it on your own time without joining an alliance and harming their reputation.

This goes for the jerks in LaE/NA as well

Thanks thatguy for making pdm look like crap. Love how people only think about themselves in this game

thatguy Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:59:36

To a sensible person my actions don't reflect at all on PDM. Every alliance has members that go rogue and do their own thing, it doesn't suddenly turn it into the policy of the whole alliance.

Although you guys should totally rape LaF for their land and stocks now that the war's pretty much over :)

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:00:17

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Pangaea:
if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....

fluff off. it's stupid comments like this that makes everyone in PDM hate you.

everyone is telling me to reject paying back the reps and just let you war us over it.

i am the only one working to get you reps paid back, and it's ungrateful fluffhead comments like this that make me wonder why i bother.


what reps?

the magical reps that are going to come out of our asses?

Great way to keep members Pang, this is why Admins shouldn't be part of alliances, This reason RIGHT here.

You want members, but you are telling everyone in PDM to pay you back reps that they CAN'T pay you, unless we let all of your members farm what little is left of PDM for the rest of the set. Poor way to keep members Pang. You need to figure out what is more improtant, a little ruined set for your members, or your game in general

/ends rant

TAN Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:00:23

thatguy, you should shut the hell up since you are the cause of all this.

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:02:47

Originally posted by thatguy:
To a sensible person my actions don't reflect at all on PDM. Every alliance has members that go rogue and do their own thing, it doesn't suddenly turn it into the policy of the whole alliance.

Although you guys should totally rape LaF for their land and stocks now that the war's pretty much over :)

yea thatguy untill the rest of the alliance has to fix what you did, which involves the entire alliance. go and disapear thatguy, you are now in the same class as GoSo for his raping of RD, scum

Yes lets all go rape LaF when their countries are far bigger than ours, has far more members than us, and could tag kill us with ease GREAT PLAN guy

thatguy Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:04:20

Yes I well aware of that TAN..

But why should I avoid a thread on a public forum of which I'm the topic?

cypress Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:04:22

man the lifeboats!

thatguy Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:05:06

GoSu was awesome!

Skythe Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:06:52

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Pangaea:
if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....

fluff off. it's stupid comments like this that makes everyone in PDM hate you.

everyone is telling me to reject paying back the reps and just let you war us over it.

i am the only one working to get you reps paid back, and it's ungrateful fluffhead comments like this that make me wonder why i bother.

I am now glad I did not waste any of my turns or stock hitting thatguy. You guys deserve what you get.

Here is an idea Pang... howabout instead of thinking about ways to code into the game to stop landfat LaF countries from getting suicided on, they buy some fluffing defence?

LaF are one of the very few alliances in the game in a position (politically) to change things for the better, but they only give a fluff about themselves.

You guys have bullfluff policies (land:land), totally farm untags and small clans who are new to the game trying to get a foot in the door, ask for ridiculous amounts of reps (I've seen what you've asked for.. and I bet you are crying for more as I type this)

fluff off and die LaF.

thatguy Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:13:14


LaF were the obvious choice to hit, full of the most landfat countries on the server, and most of them INCREDIBLY poorly defended. I've never been too fond of LaF, and their tag protection's amazing, but it can be frustrating worrying about topfeeds all set and seeing them roll around with huge amounts of land and ludicrously little defense. Grabbing them was lulzy!

They were all legit grabs as far as I'm concerned too. We're not pacted, and you can't really complain about the amount of times I hit you, whenever you guys find a good target you farm the living fluff out of it (as is necessary, I don't want to sound hypocritical), but all I did was find the 3 best targets in the game and do the same, you're really in no position to whinge and moan about being midfed (I'm more directing that at the first two I hit, #51 had some nice defense! But nicer land..).

TGD if the clans in a position where it has to bend over and do as LaF says then maybe it is time for Paradigm to disband. If this happened a while ago PDM would have told LaF to get fluffed at the risk of maybe fighting a single relatively even (and fun) war. If you're worried that refusing to pay for something that clearly wasn't your fault will result in being bullied by a larger clan, then you should just bow out of the game gracefully, I'd suggest merging to form a new stronger alliance.

Anyway, adios a mis amigos de Paradigm!

Edited By: thatguy on May 15th 2010, 0:21:19

cypress Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:16:39

Son Goku Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:33:21

Next time at least break me without 50 spy ops ;)

Sir Balin Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:41:02

I see Pang's point because I do think it was PDM's responsibility to kill thatguy. I can even understand the anger and frustration that caused him to flame PDM, though it's unfortunate that the flaming comes from an administrator account (I don't personally care, but it does look lame).

I see thatguy's point because LaF is absolutely the worst offender when it comes to brutally raping any and all untaggeds for the entire set, then grossly underdefending their land. The LaF culture of smugness spills over from personalities to gameplay. Earlier in the set I was looking at LaF's fatty countries and their grabbing news, and I was tempted to spend some time tallying up and posting the relentless rape-farming they indulge in.

LaF will get everything owed to them and then some (it's always "and then some" when it comes to LaF), and PDMers will be left to clean up after thatguy. PDM will FA everything they have to give this set, then be landb!tches next set so that LaF can gain land advantages early in the set in the name of getting what was owed to them. If roles were reversed I'd want to be generously compensated as well, so I can't harp on that point for too long.

I came back to play a reunion set with PDM. Pang & Co. have actually made some awesome changes to the game, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that cheaters and those who support them actually get punished these days. No real interest in playing after this set, though I'll probably run a landfarm for LaF next set to help PDM. After that, I would definitely join any clan that was dedicated to ruining LaF's netting sets in perpetuity.

So yeah, viva thatguy! Here's a lovely golden turnip for your troubles, guy.

thatguy Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:44:47

Yeahhhhh, that actually turned out to be a bad decision.

I'm sorry about grabbing you dude, the others I didn't care so much because they hadn't bothered defending at all, but I couldn't pass up a 60k acre country, I hope it doesn't have too much of an impact on your finish.