Hello! This is the help page for the market feed. If you would like access to the feed, request an api key from qzjul or Pangaea, in #earthempires or on the Earth Empires forums Parameters: apicode OPTIONAL serverid -- a comma separated list of the serverids you want the market info for (8=Express, 9=Alliance, 10=Team) eg serverid=9,10 valid serverids: 8,9,10,11,12 new -- (default 0) if you specify new=1, then only changes on the markets will be sent, instead of the whole market list every time. This is the perferred option! If no server is specified, a comma separated list is provided for all servers, but items with 0 price / quantity / soprice are not included 1,6,44,12223334,40 1,6,44,12223334, serverid,typeid,cost,amount,standing order price standing order is left null if standing orders are not integrated into the server or there is no standing order