
farmer Game profile


Jul 9th 2023, 3:07:23

France knows how to throw a party.

farmer Game profile


Jul 4th 2023, 22:01:52

used to watch it before they started requiring all the cars to be the same. it now sucks or at least for me it does.

farmer Game profile


Jun 28th 2023, 4:34:03


farmer Game profile


Jun 25th 2023, 2:58:59

My wife did the punch cards I was dating her when she was in programing classes any mistake and you had to run the whole thing again.

farmer Game profile


Jun 25th 2023, 2:57:37

Originally posted by llaar:
I did my college applications on a typewriter o.O

I remember asking a fellow middle schooler, what is this thing you call "downloading" we were on prodigy at the time and that was its own little portal not really including a browser to the internet that I recall

AOL chatrooms were fun though, could download a whole CD in a day if you messaged bots for emails that had song attachments and configured your settings to automatically download all files in your inbox

college had massive backend network bandwidth that allowed P2P transfers of up to 18 megs a sec from others on college networks via the now defunct i2hub. used to binge family guy and simpsons, they took like 20 seconds to download an episode. quite a jump from 56k dialup a few years earlier! was quite mindblowing how fast things changed

my 2nd job had some of their old backups on old floppy disks, the old 8 inch and 5 1/4! it was amazing to see the size of an 8 inch floppy that stored basically nothing!

i remember seeing pulp fiction on laserdisc and that was like wow quality!

i played civ1 on win3.1 i think it was, either that or win95.

i remember us getting a 386 and being super jealous when my best friend got a 486! we started with a ti99 and then an apple2c though. feeding in a floppy to play a game!

had to plug in an adapter to my first car's tape deck so that it could connect to a portable cd player, but man that would skip like crazy on bumpy roads

at least I never had to learn programming feeding punch cards in a stack through a machine to see what the output would be!

farmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2023, 2:09:49

3.1 and ICQ that brings back memories.

farmer Game profile


Jun 20th 2023, 0:33:48

another nail in the coffin . I never play express because of the crazy rules now it seem as i will be ran out of Alliance

farmer Game profile


Jun 15th 2023, 2:46:59

hey i did make top 50, rank #39 not my best net worth but one of the better rankings

farmer Game profile


Jun 14th 2023, 2:26:03

If a few more people quit i might be able to make top 100

farmer Game profile


Jun 7th 2023, 0:14:38


farmer Game profile


Jun 1st 2023, 1:16:36

ncxg h

farmer Game profile


May 9th 2023, 2:44:08

hate to hear this. as one that has had cancer it sucks. even if you survive it takes a little bit with it when it goes RIP Dan.

farmer Game profile


Dec 20th 2022, 3:27:42

give them beer

farmer Game profile


Aug 23rd 2022, 1:09:45

SuperFly --Needs two thumbs up.

farmer Game profile


Aug 22nd 2022, 2:27:02

this is my count of tagged countries. less every set . we have lost two in the last couple of sets Ratski and Bru.

farmer Game profile


Aug 20th 2022, 2:02:05

They left Hunter out, the flies look about right not sure if it is because he is a piece of fluff or because he looks like a cadaver.

farmer Game profile


Aug 19th 2022, 1:58:11

vnbd f

farmer Game profile


Aug 15th 2022, 0:57:19

should send in all the old farts first and save the youth till last

farmer Game profile


Aug 9th 2022, 2:59:47

Just Brandon acting like he is a tough leader and will not be pushed around.

farmer Game profile


Aug 2nd 2022, 3:23:55


Edit Post 7/28/2022 9:01:09 PM
Here is my story:

I attacked a country "grievous". 1 PL only... no follow up attack. Turns out that he was previously attacked by another player before I attack him. It was the #1 rank MawofEarth (idunno spelling or country number). I am #5. The moderator accused me of collaborating with him.... or I owned that account as alternative. I dont know him. He is not a member of STONES in alliance server (where I stay for a period of time).

There is no rule that you are not allowed to attack a player because he is recently attacked by another.

My playing style is attack the jets immediately whenever it is ready (from a 20 hour rest) disregarding and not caring whoever attack the target previously. It was a coincidence that the strike hits at the same day. Who attack him previously is non of my business or not within my control. Other players have their own decision and I have mine too.

PS: The fact that I don't memorize his country name spelling or country number is an evidence that the accusation is false and that is not my alternative account.

PS: I am a clean player from stones and I maintain that reputation.

PS: Best players of other alliance (LAF, MERC, PDM) who knows me for a long time and they can attest that I am a clean player. We may have been fighting in previous sets but become friends in new sets.

If I am not allowed to attack a certain player because he is being attacked (by another player) is very recent..... Then everything that I planned for 3 days is ruined. I saved all my jets for 3 days to raise high amount to reach his defense... but m,y 3 day plan is all fluffed up because of the recent attack by another player.

Edited By: galleri on Aug 3rd 2022, 1:57:40. Reason: edited to remove IP address

farmer Game profile


Jul 27th 2022, 2:54:47

farmer Game profile


Jul 27th 2022, 2:38:41


Jul 27th 2022, 2:22:10

got this message from ratski, he is totally broken up, he cherished his wife. I asked him for a link so we could leave condolences.

Ronald MillerAuthor
. Well since 5/8/2022, my life got turned up side down when Kathy Jo nearly let go, I thought I was going to loser her before our 30th wedding anniversary. I took her to the ER, at the Forks community hospital were she collapsed in the ER. And the next day she was moved to Crescent lake loge by ambulance, and then was transferred to a Life flight helicopter to University Washington, Mont Lake. Kathy was then put in ICU bed, for 21 days, on a ventilator. I have yet to see the bills so far, I am not going to worry about that yet. I checked Kathy out of the hospital on 6/28/2022. I drove 272 miles round trip, to get her home; I thanked God for helping me bring her home, that day. Now taking care of Kathy full time and its no easy task, I talk about that later.
7/14/2022. Kathy came home from Forks community hospital, I got her in the house and sat her up in her lounge chair, and hooked up her oxygen lines, and I worked on removing pantry shelves, and then I grilled a chuck steak and mash potato’s and spinach. I made a small portions of chopped meat and 3 tbsp of mashed taters, she hardly touched it. I clean the dishes, and later helped Kathy to bed around 9:00PM and I returned about 10:30 PM and I found Kathy with out her mask on, She was unresponsive to my voice, I checked for a pulse, and found none, I called 911, and the rescue squad came and took her to the ER at Forks hospital, were the on duty doctor pronounced her dead @11:53 PM 7/14/22. I fallowed Kathy to the ER, and said a prayer over her and kissed her one last time, and said good bye to her. I went back this morning to get Kathy’s wedding ring, and I said good bye one more time.😥😨😰🙏.

farmer Game profile


Jul 27th 2022, 2:31:30

Wow so sad I know the last time i was able to talk to him, he thought she was getting better. RIP Kathy.

farmer Game profile


Jul 7th 2022, 22:52:35

Originally posted by SuperFly:
No protection sounds like a smooth good time!

or itchy burning time

farmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2022, 1:23:59

hey TheORKINMan I think Zack is orkinman because clearly #51 is not zack, pick again. If Zack wants to play what is it to you.

farmer Game profile


Jun 26th 2022, 0:26:03

guess i do not see the rule he broke as that big of a deal. Him and another guy hit the same country after maybe talking about it. We have 113 players tagged up in alliance and a hand full running untagged so maybe 120-125 total playing alliance so lets kick a few more out. Express looks to have less i have not counted them. this game works better with more players.

farmer Game profile


Jun 25th 2022, 0:28:24

I fail to see how anyone can do much damage in express if you are in GDI you can not hit or be hit.

farmer Game profile


Jun 16th 2022, 1:43:27

The government does not have a clue what they are doing. I know two people who got a stimulus check and had been dead over 2 years.

farmer Game profile


Jun 12th 2022, 13:04:31

This is not right, if he broke a server rule keep it in that server, Earthers for Ratski !

farmer Game profile


Jun 8th 2022, 23:35:00

Not hard to understand why membership in this game is at an all time low. Step on the wrong toes and out you go. I am not sure where it is written you have to be a top player to play this game or you have to hit the road.

farmer Game profile


Jun 8th 2022, 1:46:06

that is right and i would call it treason

farmer Game profile


May 25th 2022, 22:50:52

I find the post refreshing ,do not ban him

farmer Game profile


May 22nd 2022, 2:54:22

There is a defference if you are under oath or being asked the questions while conducting an investigation. Doug has a law background maybe he could answer this better

farmer Game profile


May 22nd 2022, 0:37:20

covering up and lying while under oath or to the FBI yes a crime.

farmer Game profile


May 21st 2022, 22:19:03

Hillary Clinton personally authorized her campaign to share since-debunked computer data linking Donald Trump with a Russian bank,
Robby Mook, testifying as a witness in defense of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, told jurors that he discussed the matter with the Democratic nominee shortly before Election Day.

Mook described his end of the conversation with Clinton as him telling her, “Hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter.”

“She agreed to that,” he said.

farmer Game profile


May 17th 2022, 0:24:39

18 and so full of hate, prayers to all affected

farmer Game profile


May 16th 2022, 2:09:30

Hey Ratski sorry to hear about your wife, Hope she is doing better

farmer Game profile


May 16th 2022, 2:04:28

15 days later has it rotted out yet?

farmer Game profile


May 16th 2022, 2:01:23

i am with Bru on this one from what see he is on his own.

farmer Game profile


May 16th 2022, 1:57:43

Amish porn? does the bishop approve?

farmer Game profile


May 5th 2022, 18:23:57

Where are the farmers there is no food

farmer Game profile


May 1st 2022, 1:09:23

When are the bots going to be allowed to post so there is more activity on the boards?

farmer Game profile


May 1st 2022, 0:51:33

staged or he is a fluff never see a man slap

farmer Game profile


May 1st 2022, 0:42:31

Stormy Daniels

farmer Game profile


May 1st 2022, 0:39:48

for a person that has not played in over a decade and remembers what it was like this is an adjustment

farmer Game profile


Apr 28th 2022, 13:22:40

yes it would make great compost. Set up a drying unit and you could bag it as sell it at Wall-mart all you would have to do is mark it made in China.

farmer Game profile


Apr 26th 2022, 2:27:25

had not ate at McDonalds in a coons age. It was a bargain now not so much had a large fry and it cost me 3.49 taters are cheap. That road kill big mac value meal will cost ya 7.79 plus tax, everyone enjoy Ronald's fun house

farmer Game profile


Apr 26th 2022, 2:18:31

A methane digester system sounds better all the time

farmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2022, 1:46:10

Hi Major! Is all good in tornado alley