
SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 4th 2010, 0:50:36

if alliances a, b, c and d war for 10 resets, leaving the only other remaining alliance, alliance e, to win tnw/anw every reset, does that make alliance e good?

answer, no.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 1:33:18

Either you have no idea who laffers are, or i really doubt you played in those alliances with your eyes open.

ska and theclub hardly had a top tier netgainer between them, raheel was the closest thing for the club, and ska... loopy? if you call him top tier you dont know how to netgain.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 22:15:17

ska/theclub, only ever had alot of t10's when they had laffers taking those t10's, once laffers played in laf again, they were just small alliances that could take anw due to their size, while being completely incapable of warring.

monks was the same except they never had alot of players in the t10 to begin with.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 22:10:56

Originally posted by Marshal:
solid: yes we had, #455 hit against us 6 times inside 72 hrs and #169 did quadtap inside 24 hrs and #326 had 8 retals on his neck.

how long have you played this game not to know the meaning of 5 tap?

do retals escalate if i hit once, and then hit again 24 hours later? no. under escalating retals its always been 5:kill, you never had 5 in 24 hours, you just moan because you couldnt retal me.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:32:09

i only rate un-aided, anything aided may as well be dead, is carries the same weight to me...

and grim isnt particularly good bobby...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 16:30:31

omega deserve a mention imo

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 1:28:42

omega if you call them a netgaining alliance (which they tend to be nowadays) would be the closest i guess

All im saying is, laf is being rated on war performance during that period, when laf never entered into a reset war prep'ing. So naturally they come off badly.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 0:55:26

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
Hence why LaF is only #2. Because during that golden age, they really were on the periphery and 2nd tier, even though both before and after that period, they were top tier and often #1 in the server.

For the tier system, it has always related to war performance, which i think most can agree laf was far from the greatest during the "golden ages". However during the golden age, laf was more overly dedicated to netgaining than it has been recently. Really the start of laf being able to war was the LCN and pdm wars in 1a, which probably explains why if you made a tier system based on netgaining, laf would be the only top tier alliance since no one ever came close during the period.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 0:53:21

Originally posted by llaar:

NA holds the TNW record in EC (beating laf by like 15m nw with 50 more members)
NA has more top 1's than any other clan in EC (id be suprised if you have more than 3 legit (meaning unaided) rank 1's after the 1a alliances moved over)
NA holds the record for most top 100's in a single set in EC (news to me? how many t100's meh)

the only thing we never excelled at was ANW, which is because i let people join all set long, and never drop people from tag to raise ANW end of set. (a: so do alot of alliances, and b: you never had a chance at anw so it never made sense to try to drop members, since you'd be looking at droping 70 odd members)

ANW of our top 20 members is higher than the ANW of the top 20 members in any other clan (really shouldnt say any other clan when laf regularly put up 10-15 of the top 25 in a reset), the majority of sets we have netted. and that includes even if you take the top country off of both tags to not count an aided top country (as far as i know only na and tie ever really practiced aiding a top country... and nbk once i guess

In all honesty, i cant think of one netgainer that regularly played in na that is even t10 average, and t10 average is embarisingly easy...

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jul 1st 2010, 0:54:48
See Original Post

SolidSnake Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 0:38:29

rage/ely had no justification to kill any of laf's members, since none of them 5 tapped you.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jul 1st 2010, 0:38:49
See Original Post

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 1:51:09[]=LCN&badside[]=SOL

omega is outhitting sol... an alliance over 50% larger than itself... thats pretty good going...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 1:36:48

Originally posted by rpottage:
Welcome to the alliance server.

If you're not in a big clan, you get farmed.

i farm big clans and small clans indiscriminately...

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 30th 2010, 1:37:10
See Original Post

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 2:32:28

i would suspect it would be more along the lines of, 6 tap = kill, do you want to save your member, type of conversation, judging from the news.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 2:44:34

it would likely end in a draw

edit: bah fluff you locket!

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 28th 2010, 2:45:01
See Original Post

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 1:34:06

Originally posted by dagga:
Cool, more crappy alliances to rain down on.

omega = crappy? thats a pretty stupid mistake to make if you really believe that...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 1:32:08

why is it that alliances that have no hope of winning with or without the fs always claim the alliance that hit them to be affraid of them...

sol blindsiding collab a smaller while they netgain shows fear
collab fs'ing a larger sol while they war prep'd, does not
and collab fs'ing pdm over general grabbing crap, really does not show fear

collab arnt crap enough to be affraid of what a fully war prep'd 15 man tag is capable of, atleast, i dont think they are.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 1:28:11

anyone that is looking to be tag killed?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 2:05:19

dude ghana were good, australia did really well to beat serbia, although i think the serbs already thought they were through tbh, for england i wasnt really sure who i would rather face, germany, ghana or serbia, and after the germany ghana game, im still not sure.

we end up playing germany, but germany are pretty crappy, not that england are any good, but when they play well, they are better than germany playing well, but knowing england they'll dominate germany, draw and go out on penalties.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 11:48:18

probably something about australia losing to england at rugby...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 13:26:09

Originally posted by Spaced:
your allreadlly really gay! I had enough cash on hand to buy up to 8 mil jets on 144% weapons, i come home to take these retals. AND fluffING DEATH was very upset unhappy face

*also would have been dictator. fluff YOU LAF. Thats what i get for not suiciding you...

and still wouldnt of broken me lol

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 14:19:56

Originally posted by Vinag:
based upon laf's lack of skill and the requirement for overwhelming numbers.


SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 14:18:34

Originally posted by ZIP:
for the record - we were not hitting other laf members because we could not retal your ttr ( ss ) nice btw i play this strat in tounry all the time and never thought to go full set with it - anyway we were hitting other members because why should we be chasing you for the retals? why should you (laf) get to pick and choose the fat return ones and we get stuck retaling a fluff country back. if we had a pact then yes we would have retaled back. but we just hit our own countries we wanted just as you were doing. a two way street. how come as many times i got hit back i only got 1 retail message? because we are not pacted.
we have been talking about this for a few days and pacts have come up every time to stop this.
now if i were in leadership of laf i would have gotten a pact, but regardless of that i would have done the same thing so i am not suprised by this, just wish we all didn't have to die, just keep grabbing, now all 75 members of your clan gets to chop thier trees.

your tried retaling me 4.5 days after my last hit on rage and still failed, you guys couldnt retal me so you took out your fustration on someone else heh.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 1:42:16

there are like 3 tags that want to war every set bobby...
sof, sol, imag....

collab would be the next closest to a warmonger alliance and they call themselves netgainers meh

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 1:27:02

Snawdog, its every alliance leaders responsibility to look after its members, failure to do so, results in the failure of an alliance. You cant give fluff to warmonger alliances for warring every reset even when they war for no reason to the detriment of who they are warring. Because if they didnt, they would lose membership. LaF provides an environment condusive to netgaining, because its what our members want most of the time, although recently they are more war hungry but thats just because they are getting old heh.

The failure of alliances has to do with the downturn in quality leadership and time spent on alliances. Blaming laf for the down turn in the game is just stupid, without laf the game would only have died quicker.

I've said it before, but i guess i have to say it again, you cry when laf hits untaggeds, you cry when laf hits tags and you cant retal, there are no new arguements being posted here, just contradictory ones depending on which side of the fence you now sit. If you cant retal, thats your own damn fault, if you want to start a war over it, that's your right, but dont complain about it afterwards.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 1:03:40

DL, you retaled our retals, and then said you dont accept L:L from unpacted alliances. You thought because you couldnt retal me, you'd hit other laffers in the hope we'd bend over, instead you're getting bent over meh.

And LaF doesnt pact small alliances, because pacts arnt made to stop landgrabs. Pacts are based on some form of relationship between the alliances. LaF doesnt need relationships with 5 member tags, we have nothing to gain from them, so why would he have them. It is just that simple.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 22:53:54

just thought id put this out there,

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 20th 2010, 22:54:31

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 22:45:22

Are you serious? dude i challenged ix to 1v1 wars when they had 50% more members than laf, numbers mean nothing to laf, laf will win whether you have 20 or 200 members, thats just how it is. Rage picked a fight, now they die, do you want me to appologise for rage being small?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 22:37:34

This is alliance server, team server sounds like it might be more for you...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 22:27:28

3.2 hours ago
ragely (#157) declared war on your country!

rage declared war i'm affriad...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 19:25:37

oh no they did try and retal, 4 and half days after the last grab on rage, they attempted a retal and failed... the guy was only about 4-5m jets short of breaking, nothing huge though...

embarising much?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 22:45:29

does that logic not apply to suiciders?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 2:54:52

really? i havnt hit you in 48 hours, am i really trying to prevoke a war?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 2:10:23

Good to see i have such a huge influence on rage policy, if pointing out false statements on AT gets me a war i should do it more often.

Incidently, my attitude is a responce to yours, your brought this discussion to at, you made threats against laf, and this while you all whine about bottomfeeding untaggeds out of the game, but then you cant take it when you're grabbed a few times either. Talk about the good old days when not everyone was pacted, and yet at the first sign of inconvenience you cry about laf not giving you a pact. Its pathetic.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 18th 2010, 2:20:31

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 1:59:15

Yes, escalating retal policies have always been 24 hour periods, DL is just being deliberately ignorant.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 1:35:18

thats interesting DL, because what your saying is, that laf should kill #208, correct?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 20:45:15

techer isnt better this set, its worse...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 18:14:38

normally people respond to grabing issues with contacting an fr rather than complaining on forums and retaling retals...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 17:45:55

dude if i played, id be 40k by now... and you would of had 40 grabs on you by one country.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 12:52:41

Originally posted by ZIP:
Defends: (24/72/All) 7/9/9 - all from laf

Attacks: (24/72/All) 2/3/3 all to laf

so who is really doing the grabbing here

had more defends then i thought

all hits on that country are retals, and all hits made by that country are topfeeds... so you are doing the grabbing here...

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 12:50:26

Originally posted by ZIP:
bottomfeed, top feed, midfeed, whatever, why should we retail you, we are not pacted this set, so you grab who you want, we will grab who we want, LAF will not dictate who we hit, when we hit, we will choose who we hit as much as laf is choosing to hit.

why should you choose the fat ones and we are stuck having to retail them, WE will pick our own targets just as you do with us.

no pact works both ways.

RAGEnELy is not refusing to accept retails, we are just hitting our own targets as you are. I have been doing the grabbing and not once did i send a retail message as it isn't a retail, a fresh hit. i have gotten hit 5 times in 2 days, only 1 retail message was sent from your side. so you hit who you want , we will do the same.

Not that i have any say on it, but that sounds like the attitude of an alliance looking to be tag killed.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 11:47:04

Actually i think you'll find #455 didnt make a single topfeed, and didnt refuse to accept retals. So rage "started it", the And pang has nothing to do with LaF policy decisions, so trying to hold an admin accountable for an alliances retal policy is pretty stupid.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 17th 2010, 12:03:54

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 2:49:18

heh 6 grabs in 72 hours and you complain about farming....

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 15:18:41

this isnt a job for the mods its a job for ingame politics, if alliances want to act, as many have before, against internal farming, then do so.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 0:33:01

i still see three off ally spots?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 13th 2010, 20:03:32

only people have become so accustomed to not getting grabbed, people need to man up and start grabbing

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 1:23:59

i cheated... on parallax.