
QiXiongMao Game profile


Aug 1st 2011, 3:23:00

Where exactly are you doing this? Please let me know your tag name.
I wish to offer free security penetration testing.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Aug 1st 2011, 2:54:37

Yes, those are the modern features I was talking about. That however does not do anything to change the basic way the forums looked or were named.

You are at least being civil but I do not see what the difference is to what either synoder or I are saying that is at odds with what you are thinking. If you feel I am insulting the boards, I am not. If anything I would say it's a compliment to integrate a modern forum system with out drastically changing the look or functions of the original boards.

mdevol said that "and on top that off he claims to be new but knows his way around the forums pretty well". I am saying there is no difference from the old boards that would cause myself or anyone that used the old boards to be unable to navigate around.
I would go as far to state because they are well named and well laid out that even someone that had never used a forum before could figure out how to get around these boards.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Aug 1st 2011, 2:39:33

Originally posted by mrford:
these boards are nearly identical to the ones 8 years ago?

lol, wow

Do enlighten me as to the difference from here and when they were on Almost identical forum names. Almost identical layout. Almost identical in nearly every way. Sure these have more features like quotes, user pages, editing of posts, and all of these nice modern forum features. Even the color scheme is the same. I really fail to see anything here that would stop me or anyone from getting around the forums whether a new player or even new to the internet in general.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Aug 1st 2011, 2:21:05

Originally posted by mdevol:
well its quite funny that you are all whining about how this "new player" was treated

he surely came in throwing insults around, instead of making an intro post.

and on top that off he claims to be new but knows his way around the forums pretty well, and knows more history on ford and donny than 1 would accumulate in a weeks time.

also if he was accepted into NBK and had the easy-in he was flaunting he wouldn't have had to make this thread as he already knew where he was going. He was seeking the attention and he got it.

Actually pick most any thread on the board, and you too can learn all you want and more about either player. The insult here is the behavior of CC members in this community and some of the very questionable actions CC has decided to take. These are things you can witness in just 1 days time. If you take my post as an insult than perhaps you need to get rid of those 2 members and not do shady things without provocation.

I had no idea Dizology was in NBK when I made the post.

So you find the boards hard to navigate? I did play this game for nearly 8 years before my long break... the boards are almost identical to the old ones.

I didn't know where I was going. I thought NBK might be a decent place to go and they seemed to fit what I was looking for so I mentioned them by name. Get rid of people like those 2 and perhaps those that read boards and research some on alliances before joining, might wish to join CC.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 31st 2011, 16:43:00

Why is a head of INTERNAL affairs stating or having anything to do with a retal policy.

That alone has nullified your policy and as such no retals will be accepted from MKR.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 31st 2011, 16:14:01

I have decided to make myself the official policy tester of the team server, and I have issued a test to MKR.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 11:45:50

Calculate it as part of the hit. Have a pool of bonus points. So each hit on a country that is closer to the top of networth in that alliance gives bonus points. I would suggest you do the same for countries based on activity.

So performing hits on the largest and most active countries gives you bonus points depending how much networth they have compared to the rest of the alliance or how active they are compared to the rest of the alliance. So hitting the country with least networth and least activity gives you no bonus points.

Once you bring quality into it we step beyond the ability to have indisputable numbers via programming.

To focus on choosing high networth targets over active targets to be the only means of judging quality is also something that I think is unacceptable.

None of this stops a big alliance from flattening an alliance of restarts or a small alliance. It would be upto the ones hit if they want to fight back and give the big alliance points.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 6:02:13

These all are way too complicated.

It's quite simple. Take number of hits done by an alliance and average it by the high point number of members. Take number of defends and average it by the high point number of members.

Get kills, get deaths at the end of the set.

This takes into account restarting, stonewalling, activity, killing efficiency. What else matters?

To ensure that stats padding by way of hitting netgaining or overly small alliances can't take place track who said alliance is killing and stop tracking if their opponent doesn't fight back to some degree.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 3:58:21

So he's a yellow, white, and black Japanese Rastafarian pirate that lives in Boston?

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 1:15:17

It is wrong to make assumptions on your real life, but given your viewable online behavior it is the thought I am left with.

Maybe in private you are a very nice person. When I came to the board to see which alliance I wanted to join all I see is what you post and what your alliance does.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 0:56:17

I would guess llaar is asian, likely from HK?

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 0:45:16

"we" You are in CC.
Donnybaby6969 likely an adult that uses an internet handle that a middle school child would use. He is in CC.
Bsnake an overly arrogant (albeit quite skilled player it sounds) and sometimes rude, but at least has some redeeming qualities.

This is going to sound bad, but really it's just you and Donny.
Do either of you ever make positive non-instigating posts? Do you always have to be venomous?

I will assume you are both very weak and shy in real life. Completely unable to stand up for yourselves, so when you get online you both try to knock everyone down.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 30th 2011, 0:15:19

Did anyone notice that NBK head of war and I are both in Monsters?

Did anyone notice that NBK appears to be the best war clan in FFA?

Did anyone notice that NBK is an alliance that has a high probability of warring CC.

Did anyone notice that NBK is not annoying tards on FFAT like CC?

Did anyone notice that NBK is one of the largest alliances on FFA?

Did anyone notice that NBK accepted me with out issue?

Did anyone notice that NBK didn't give me access to their leader boards? You know because every alliance just lets people join and gives them full access to everything right?

I try to be nice but it's like brain damaged children escaped and are now wandering all over this place.

You don't know me, you aren't going to know me. I think only 1 player knows me. Maybe a few LaF or Rival might remember a player that likes pandas. I played my role and never spoke besides an occasional post on AT or random threads.

Now kindly shut up or I will put on my war paint in alliance and join LaF, LCN, or MD in killing you next set. Then die and not restart, because war in alliance is so slow and boring.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 3:25:55

Well Ride a Panda but yes.
My troops all ride pandas. My turrets have pandas operating them, because who would want to hurt a panda.

My jets and tanks don't have any pandas, because pandas lack thumbs so would have a hard time operating them.

If I attack with troops I lose more, because pandas die if they drink oil.

My pandas also ride the missiles to the target, there by bypassing SDI but killing the panda. :/

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 3:04:17


QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 2:44:10

Well the dildonics on this thread is now OVER 9000!! Great.

I never said I was new, just new to FFA. I posted this message because I thought it would return results favorable to what I was looking for in a clan. It did. The very first response.

Do you think Dizology knows pinyin?

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 16:38:19

What light? I never played this server. Not played on this site period until a few weeks back.

It's been years since I played Earth.

I just read FFAT to get some grip on what alliances would do what. Then the flood of CC annoyance started to effect my mood and I was no longer interested in hugging tress.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 16:11:11

I think you proved my point about CC members.
Thank you.
Nothing to hide.

QiXiongMao Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 9:58:51

Now I want to find an alliance that has a high probability of killing CC.

NBK, perhaps?

Sorry CC members are just too annoying. I grew to detest them to the point of wishing their disbandment in only an hour of reading FFAT.

Edited By: QiXiongMao on Jul 28th 2011, 10:01:57
See Original Post