
Psi Game profile


Oct 19th 2016, 1:19:31

Lol not even. I was happy to try to net until I got this opportunity. You think you can kill me. Go ahead. I learn for next time. If you're good at it, i will learn and mimiic what you do for next time. This is the best way to learn.

The knly disrespect i have is because you are a multi. So i doubt i am going to learn much in how to kill fairly...

Psi Game profile


Oct 19th 2016, 0:59:56

Guess im in a race until you're banned again. I have been waiting for this. I want to practise fighting. So I dont care if I lose. Glad to fluff with your set now. If only because you are a cheater. The bottom of the scum on the filthy pond.

Psi Game profile


Oct 19th 2016, 0:56:54

Hes the guy with only himself in his tags right? So I should expect retribution from his multi... lol

Psi Game profile


Oct 19th 2016, 0:51:54

Hi. #19 declared war, double tapped me. I responded with a big grab and 2cm's. His reply its to be a child and throw wildly ineffective attacks at me. Now. We can go to war as a tag but i would like to keep my peers out of this.

Just a heads up. I am not going to kill him but I am going to keep fluffing with him.

Psi Game profile


Oct 10th 2016, 4:48:53

I self deleted halfway through... guy hit me once then 2 dh. I said i would retal him twice. Then he grabbed me again and got stupid with spies. I have no idea on how to fight properly yet so just tested some attacks to see what they do. Next set

Psi Game profile


Oct 3rd 2016, 23:40:25

19th. I stepped away from the casher strats I have used since I came back. Tried a commie indie. I think I know where I went wrong. Also i missed the last hour due to training in my new job. (Sets end at 8am where I am)

More lessons learned. I can smell a top 10! ;)

Psi Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 0:13:23

18th. Couldn't get it together this set. Oh well. Was harder!

Psi Game profile


Sep 25th 2016, 22:41:13

Lol. People think you can't just check the news. Learn the lesson I did when I came back mate. GDI up. It doesn't stop you lging but helps you be more aware of double grabbing etc.

Psi Game profile


Sep 19th 2016, 9:08:39

Originally posted by drkprinc:
lol sorry psi my lazy all-x jump at end pushed you out.

All good. I looked at the scores last set and knowing this was a tough set price wise thought I might scrape in. Figured out a few more things. (Learnt a hard lesson about corruption when holding 2.4b). Aiming for 20m next set ;)

Psi Game profile


Sep 19th 2016, 0:07:05

Gah! So close. 11th. Next set!

Psi Game profile


Sep 16th 2016, 23:52:32

KoH you're just helping all the rooks in express ;)

Psi Game profile


Sep 12th 2016, 2:36:39

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Psi:
In my 3rd set of express i came 13th! Thabks for the tips on GDI et al. I appreciate it. Hopefully 20mil nw next set! Just have to learn how you all do these crazy jumps!

Good job!, I was LooseCannon guy chatting up with you :-)

Awesome. Thanks mate. For the life of me I can't figure out how you guys still put on so much size while getting in blues with everyone! Haha. Seemed like everyday after we talked you were in the wars!

Psi Game profile


Sep 12th 2016, 0:09:49

In my 3rd set of express i came 13th! Thabks for the tips on GDI et al. I appreciate it. Hopefully 20mil nw next set! Just have to learn how you all do these crazy jumps!

Psi Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 3:16:01

It's only sexist if you verbalize it ;)

Psi Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 0:21:12

Man.. was on track for easy top 20. We live and learn.

Psi Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 0:04:15

Thanks guys. That makes a lot of sense. Will see how I go next set.

Psi Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 23:56:12

Thanks Trump. I appreciate that. Joining right off the bat would severely cripple your establishing phasem so best after protection?

Psi Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 23:52:11

I tried to join it with the 16 bonus turns. It wont let me though. Do i have to join GDI before I farm the bots? This is the only thing I can think of that is preventimg me joining.

Psi Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 23:46:30

Originally posted by Trump:
Originally posted by Psi:
This server is all single player bot farming. If you tap one person one time they retal in stupid manners 2 days later and decide they need to "ruin your set." After multiple others have already decided thats what they just have to do. What happened to this game?

Addit: why was I single tapping humans? Because if your gonna put bots in and turn it into a single player game then you need to get off your ass and make sure they work.
Why do you care if a human hits you bck as a retal. They probably get good land from your ass and you attacked them first so they deserve it. Everyone liked to retal before bots ever came around too

I don't mind the retal. Throwing nukes at me after being suicided on twice though has me over it. I'm not even that botheted by what's happening atm. He can do what he wants and continue to send abusive messages. My set was fluffed with no coming back anyway.

This game has many hidden rules. And they have changed in the decade plus since I have played. I need to learn the new ettiquette For sure, but jesus.

To clarify... when I used to play a retal for a land grab was an attempt at a landgrab. So throwing a nuke as retal is in now. Cause fluff me 2 sets i've been nice enough to not fling them around. That will change though.

Edited By: Psi on Sep 4th 2016, 23:49:31
See Original Post

Psi Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 23:27:34

This server is all single player bot farming. If you tap one person one time they retal in stupid manners 2 days later and decide they need to "ruin your set." After multiple others have already decided thats what they just have to do. What happened to this game?

Addit: why was I single tapping humans? Because if your gonna put bots in and turn it into a single player game then you need to get off your ass and make sure they work.

Edited By: Psi on Sep 4th 2016, 23:30:49
See Original Post

Psi Game profile


Sep 2nd 2016, 6:20:02

Lol. I have been watching this play out in the news. Gs and br for dayyys haha

Psi Game profile


Aug 24th 2016, 0:34:57
