
Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:34:03

DGB = Degenerate grubby bastard?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:32:08

I threatened individual members of notRD last set with agressive messages last set (on THE RD boxcar site!!)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:28:04

I'm #61 in team. AB me to the ground.

I see what's going on here KoH, I'm on to you

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:18:27

That being said, I have never played in NotRD, but the guys in that tag are a bunch of pansies :)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:17:51

NotRD = godmode.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:16:47

I'm pretty sure I have every record I wanted to set in express and they're all legit.

I only stopped playing because trying to beat my own records gets boring.

But if anyone ever does break my CI RC or DF/D anything record, ill come back for a set or two until I set the bar too high for it to ever happen again.

But my RC record on team, there's one that no one will ever come close to touching.

If you ask me, I think metylg is using HGH.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 5:12:03

I could use some RAs also, PM me. Im teching 11 TPT cuz I haven't bulldozed since my last grab.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 4:34:54

Thanks Pang, that's what I'm talking about. Instead of salmon could we use a Titaniumish color?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 4:32:50

Titties approves.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 3:39:18

Originally posted by h2orich:

Thats where you should be... 'Separated' from the rest of us.

Exactly my point.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 2:16:18

Maybe a rank #-1?

I just want something to separate me from the rest of the 1a players that are not worthy of being on the same ranking system as me.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 1:55:36


Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 1:52:09

I'm getting tired of finishing #1 and I'm pretty sure its impossible for me to get worse than 2nd :(

Qz, Pang, can ye make this happen?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 23:53:52

Originally posted by highrock:
Oh please. You've never even played a set without taking free land. Good players don't need to do that.

If you gave me the same free land, I'd hand your ass on a platter. I could outnet you blindfolded.

There are a few great netters who play/played the game. Me, hanlong, bakku, diez, etc. Until you prove you can do it without hitting your own clanmates, you don't belong in that category.

The sad thing is you probably could have won this set without the free land and established yourself as an elite netter, but you chose not to go down that route.

This is what a top netter's profile looks like: no free land, no FA, no tech leeches

highrock, you couldn't beat me any set regardless of how you played.

Kepp crying baby :)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:26:20

I do say things like this to get a rise out of people, but they are all completely true.

Archaic, 2-3 bil is more like 8-13 mil NW not 20. And I left the cash in my country by choice. I had the private market available if I wanted to spend the cash.

Can I please get some competition? I jumped early this set because I thought I needed to thinking I was behind, not so I would win by a good 60-80mil.

Seriously, next set maybe 2-3 people put up 250mil? Pretty much everyone netted this set, or maybe I should say tried to net this set.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 6:14:06

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
I don't know a greatdeal about the game, but i am pretty sure I play with a fair few players who if they wanted to landtrade could have you on a plate set in set out, so try not to get bigheaded.

First off, you're wrong. I can beat anyone without landtrading and I can beat anyone with landtrading because I run a better strat with or without it.

But, you're right when you say you don't know a great deal about the game. There was no landtrading going on this set. The only alliances that RD was grabbing or were grabbing RD had no pacts, no communication between members, and no relations.

Locket, 2 sets ago i finish about 285 mil, aided out 20-30mil NW, and still finished with $2-3 bil at home. If I wanted the 1st-4th highest score or whatever I could have had it.

This is only my 4th set playing on earthempires. Any record I want I will take with little effort.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 5:29:52

I am easily the best netter in the game.

But here is what makes the other country not even close... He "fluffed up"

Good netters don't fluff up, they are able to make good decisions every time, or when they do "fluff up" they are able to do other things well and compensate for their mistakes.

It's laughable that people use the "fluff up" excuse.

If we were to rank players on a scale of 1 to 10 and I'm the 10, the next best player would be about a 7.5. I'm heads and shoulders(and knees and toes) above the second best player on this server.

Bring the hate, haters.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 3:19:51

I took a hit on 40mil oil barrels too :/

Was hoping someone would try a buyout for like 2 weeks but it turns out I let them go about 3 days early

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 2:34:48

The idea that RD once upon a time ran bots is just silly :)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 2:32:53

It's all good, soon enough someone will be able to compete with me.

I really thought there were be a couple LaF countries 250mil+ but it's not looking like it yet. I heard a rumor someone had 330mil calcled but it's not looking to be true.

500 mil oil has sold in the last 6 hrs during a buyout, maybe that will shake things up a bit ;)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 2:11:20

Hit by a suicider 4 times.... and lost significantly more "free land" than received from a clan mate that was bulldozed by a suicider.

I agree, anything #385 does is not impressive.

Cutoff will hopefully be 190mil. People ought to learn how to net ;)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 0:37:20

Originally posted by highrock:
haha #385 is not impressive...unless you count getting free stuff impressive

Getting Free stuff?

Tell me more about that highrock

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 3rd 2012, 0:26:29

Oh hi, I'm in RD. What can I do you for?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 2nd 2012, 1:41:36

This isn't communism, however, if you would like to run a communism country I will not oppose.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 2:24:46

Turns out the set ended right as we were about to hit our first target. Oh well :(

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 2:23:02

Maybe instead of Nuclear Missiles, Chemical Missiles, and Cruise Missiles we should have:

Rainbows - Send to a neighboring country to make them smile
Puppys - Send to another country to cheer them up on a bad day
Pizza - Send to a staving neighbor to fill their tummies with deliciousness

Any thoughts?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 30th 2012, 15:06:04

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Ikkaku:
FAing countries to top ten is a good start ;)

I forgot to mention, the FA. The FA is going to be the best part. I think if one country on aids another, we ought to make sure that every country in the game gets some FA due to their love and sharing factors as well :) Fewer turrets, the more aid received!!

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 29th 2012, 20:41:15

Exactly smlandau84, you see my point!! :) I couldn't agree with you more.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 29th 2012, 20:32:04

I think this game has gotten too violent. Don't we want the children to play too?

I think moving forward, the only military we should have is turrets.

No more jets
No more troops
No more tanks
No more spies

Instead of land grabbing or missles or violent attacks, how about we do land "sharing" instead?

For example. Country A can "share" land with country B and together they can both grow bushels on the land in harmony.

And since we won't need offensive or defensive or intelligence allies anymore, we can have "love", "sharing", and "harmony" pacts.

What does everyone think about this? Pang? Qz? Can we recode the game to incorporate these changes?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 21st 2012, 2:57:47

I am pretty sure I am #1 on galleri's list :)

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 1:46:38

Mr. Iris will be here shortly to confirm.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 1:45:48

On notRD

For not being RD.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 31st 2012, 2:56:33

Im going to be HIA if its cool with bonesaw1.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 4:47:25

I predict I suicide on boltar and self delete.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 4:46:22

Originally posted by SMz:
oh well I have no profe but iv been around along time and my gut telling me you got help SOME HOW.

Ill take our TNW/AVG nw just with 3 countries though and 2 inactives =] Team was actually fun! glad I tried it out.

SMz, I had a bad set. Food and tech were expensive. You did well, but if conditions weren't in your favor I would double what you could do on 17k. Your guy is pissed off that someone else outside of your tag won.

Why make accusations with 0 reasons behind them? I was a top 5 rep casher that was maxed in tech since 10 days in and 1-3 in land throughout the entire reset. Last time I had 30k acres as a rep casher on this server I broke 110mil with 0 help, and now you think 90mil needs help? Play a better strat or learn how to get land, don't cry.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 4:42:47

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by SMz:
oh well I have no profe but iv been around along time and my gut telling me you got help SOME HOW.

Ill take our TNW/AVG nw just with 3 countries though and 2 inactives =] Team was actually fun! glad I tried it out.
he's like the second most deleted player in the game right now

Who's the first most deleted player? I guess no one else ever gets deleted considering I'm second and I was deleted a few times in express months ago and never have been deleted elsewhere or since.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 14:06:20

I'm in.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 14:00:52

SMz, I don't get FAed anywhere ever. I'm just better than everyone else. As I've said before, I never accept aid packages on any server. If anything I'm the one sending them out. But congrats on 85mil, not many can do that especially with the new grabbing/ghost aces rules.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 0:59:32

P.S., I am Mr. Emerald on Tuesdays.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 0:58:49

I outnetted you because I had 31k acres and you had 17k :P

I wasn't FAed, and I had nothing to do with any oil buyouts if there were any. The only oil buyouts I've ever heard of TSO doing are buyouts to make sure their enemies can't get oil while at war, not to profit from it.

Pretty impressive showing by Autobots, congrats on your team's finishes.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 10th 2012, 3:33:31

Im down for a random 5 man team as long as I end up with braden boltar superfly and KOH on my team.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 10th 2012, 3:31:59

Hey smlandau84, can I join your express clan? PMing you all the requirements now!

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 10th 2012, 3:30:43

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
I mean given Mr Titanium's relationship with JJ23 (fellow cheater from express, invited onto his Team clan) I'm surprised that he's "highly insulted"

The guy that's friends with someone who (I think) is serving a ban for repeated death threats

PP, if you don't want to be deleted don't break the rules. It's obviously you, you're always the first and last to suicide on RD. And you're the only one dumb enough to try to make it personal in a game you play to only ruin other peoples.

As you continue to post more and more you probably lose whatever credibility you have left in whoever listens to you. The crap you spew on here is 99% BS. It has nothing to do with 1a, the only place I've ever broken the rules is express. And it has absolutely nothing to do with JJ or death threats.

Did you ever get started with seeing that shrink I recommended? I can definitely help you out and try to help find you a good one if you haven't started your treatment yet.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 14:13:39

I prefer magenta

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 6:10:04

All new players should be allowed to click on my country name and see my status, so they can learn how to play the game.

But we should use my countries only for this experiment... anyone elses and you run the risk of allowing these newbies to see imperfections.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 6:06:20

Arrogance is bliss :)

Time for bed on that note...

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 6:05:07

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Oh hey there Mr Cheater! Yes, everybody respects your 1 1 2 finishes. As you can see, you're listed as the best netter in the game by lots of people outside RD! And hey, yeah, let's pretend like repeatedly cheating on Team server and being one of the most deleted players in the game is just a minor offense like cheating in monopoly against your brother! ha-ha, whiners!!!

PP, this is why no one respects your opinion or really listens to the BS you spew. You call me a cheater in team/1a or whatever? The idea of cheating in team or 1a has never crossed my mind, and I've never been deleted there or even accused of cheating as far as I know, well besides from you of course. Get your facts straight, I "cheated" in express, it was fun and well worth it, and then i stopped breaking the rules put up records that no one will ever break, besides myself of course.

And just for the record, I am the best netter in the game on any server I choose to play. I could run circles around whoever the second best is. Oldman, Afiak, Viva to name a few, they're all great netters but a couple levels below me :) Why don't you just ask them... no one can compete with me.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 14:24:28

I think i should stop, making fun of Pontious Pirate is like beating up a blind kid in high school

But I do have one more question for you PP, how are the new restart rules going to affect your quest of suicing RD from start to finish of every set?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 14:17:32

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by hawkeyee:
Will you people stop fluffing already? There is absolutely nothing wrong with anything that any alliance does to gain any type of competitive advantage as long as it doesn't break the game rules. Internal farming. Taking advantage of DR. Dropping countries. None of it is wrong. None of it is against the rules. The beauty of this game is that it is what we make of it. Don't like what RD is doing? Force them to stop either with force or diplomacy. Can't do it or choose not to? Then too bad. That's your loss. They achieved the goal of the game, which is to win without breaking the rules. Don't like the methods they use to win ANW? Stop recognizing their ANW victories. There's no prize for winning ANW aside from recognition from the community. Don't like how they achieved it? Don't recognize them. But please will you all stop fluffing about the same fluffing thing over and over and over and over again? Shut the fluff up or do something about it. This is becoming tiring.
The problem is, the ANWs and top 10s would be recognized if people didn't come on here and point out the things RD has done. Not everyone has the time to check whether RD's played badly in a set.

But since there have been threads about their internal farming, Mr Titanium's cheating, landtrading etc. most people awarded avg net this set to Neo

Hey PP, since you speak for most people, please tell me the following answers. How do most people feel about my last three finishes? (1st 1st 2nd)

And how do most people feel about how I cheated in monopoly against my brother 20 years ago?

What else about this game is there that I need to disregard because you (with absolutely no friends/contacts/alliances) decided that most people feel?

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 5:00:52

Im going to start recruting in 1a for my express clan.