
Marines Suck


Dec 15th 2015, 4:43:51


Marines Suck


Nov 29th 2015, 7:14:43


Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 6:20:22

I don't need your validation, I will state my argument whether you like it or not.

This is a matter of a long time standing policy which is hypocritical, you focusing on my nick shows how you can not defend the policy, because there is no defense, cross country retals should be allowed, I guarantee it would give people more thought to who they keep in their alliance.

Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 6:13:41

Originally posted by mrford:
but my country hadnt grabbed anything other than bots, and that was only after someone else had topfed me befoe this.

that shouldnt happen to peaceful netting countries. it is unacceptable.

again, blame your alliance mate for making a hostile grab and putting your country in a position where it could get hit.

Just because cross retal's have not been accepted by a majority does not make it right or a fair policy, it is after all an alliance game.

If you don't like the situation you are in, then I suggest you complain to your alliance about your alliance mate or find an alliance that won't put you in that situation, again start taking some personal responsibility for the choices you make, e.g choosing which alliance you play in...

Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 5:34:21

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:
Originally posted by mrford:
you literally arnt smart enough to know what it feels like for a flufftard to take 5K acres from something you spent 50 days on through no fault of your own.

i wouldnt expect you to understand.

Its your fault because you choose to be in an alliance with a fluffhead, take some personal responsibility man!

so, by your own logic, it is all of imags fault because they chose to be in a clan with an asshole, right?

No because they did not make the initial grab. It was your alliance mate that started hostilities, for what else are landgrabs between unpacted alliances but a hostile act?

Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 5:26:48

Originally posted by mrford:
you literally arnt smart enough to know what it feels like for a flufftard to take 5K acres from something you spent 50 days on through no fault of your own.

i wouldnt expect you to understand.

Its your fault because you choose to be in an alliance with a fluffhead, take some personal responsibility man!

Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 5:22:58

So when you farm an untag under the pretense that 'its an alliance game they should be tagged' that same policy does not apply to retaling.

You don't see how hypocritical that is do you?

Ether its an alliance game or not, you can't sit there on your high horse claiming one thing for one situation and a completely hypocritical argument for another situation. Well you can but then I have the right to call you retarded...

Marines Suck


Sep 27th 2015, 1:36:12

errr this is a war game, otherwise you wouldn't be able to go to war?

lmao what sort of retard wouldn't think this is a war game?

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 4:37:56

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by breeze:

I call it you being a cry baby. As for netting we could care less about netting. Do you ever stop fluffing and whinning? You got land grabbed. You got your land back. Wipe your eyes and move on. Suck it up be a man and stop acting like a spoiled brat child.

Or you could just not retal like assholes. Or do the other constant douchebag fluff you do every set. Who is the child. The person tho threw a tantrum and fluffed over a random player because he didn't get his way, or the dude that complains about that asshole?

I got my land back at a cost of probably 10mill NW. Maybe more. I had already made my destock calcs and I fluffin hate that fluff. That is an asshole thing to do this close to the end of the set and trust me I have had a talk with the LCN member who started the whole thing.

To tell someone to just shake off a fluff move made after 50 days spent on a netting country that hasn't grabbed a single player is pretty stupid. Just because you don't care about your country or finish doesn't mean I lose the right to care about mine. That is idiotic, that is selfish, and that is why players leave.

you dont see the hypocrisy in your statement do you?

It's an alliance game, get over it... (or find an alliance that doesnt have stupid members?)

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 3:59:53

Originally posted by mrford:
You call it being a fluff; I call it expecting people not being an asshole to a virtually all-x country for little reason other than they are too lazy to retal or go through FA channels. Grabbing the largest country you can out of spite is being an asshole. On what planet is a random 6K acre retal okay? How is it a comparable responce? You know it isn’t, stop acting like you would be okay with it if the roles were reversed. Then again the roles never would be reversed because you can't net your way out of a paper bag so what do you care if you fluff on some netters?

Your clan does nothing but asshole moves, it is why you get fluff on every set.

Its an alliance game, get over it...

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:44:33

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:
LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!! but dont really look at me so ill use an alias instead!

its an alliance game, get over it...

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:41:51

Originally posted by mrford:
lol, some pathetic untag just farmed marshal and PMed me saying he farmed marshal because he doesnt like me

joke is on you, i dont like marshal! thanks for your efforts lol. imag sure does have quality people on their side.

It's an alliance game get over it...

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:25:57

Originally posted by mrford:
if the same happened to you, and you were capable of making a good netting country, you would more than likely fluff louder than i am.

you know how i know? you post from aliases.....

Its an alliance game, get over it...

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:17:13

Originally posted by mrford:
dont blame imag for cross retaling, a practice that isnt accepted by any clan on the server?

lol, ok.

Its an alliance game, deal with it.

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:16:40

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:
I thought this was an alliance game, dont blame imag blame your allaince mate.

fluff netters are pathetic, want everything there own way.

"accept responsibility and quit blaming others for reacting to your stupidity."

Hypocrite, your alliance should accept responsibility and quit blaming others for reacting to their stupidity.

I bet you're one of them loser in imag who can't net for fluffs

Nope, not in imag.

Marines Suck


Sep 26th 2015, 1:00:52

I thought this was an alliance game, dont blame imag blame your allaince mate.

fluff netters are pathetic, want everything there own way.

"accept responsibility and quit blaming others for reacting to your stupidity."

Hypocrite, your alliance should accept responsibility and quit blaming others for reacting to their stupidity.

Marines Suck


Aug 31st 2015, 7:01:26

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
So breeze, how does it feel to run a spam tag?

So Untagged Hunter, how does it feel to be an non influential entity in this game?

Marines Suck


Aug 24th 2015, 1:15:44


Marines Suck


Aug 23rd 2015, 0:54:46


Marines Suck


Aug 13th 2015, 3:43:28

Originally posted by justtaint:
I don't think Suncrusher is going to like how you're running his clan.

Suncrusher has probably now been in MD longer than he was in imag, imag is by no means, in anyway, Suncrushers.

The length of time he spent in imag is miniscual compared to people like Tarl and iMe who you hardly see on these boards.

Marines Suck


Aug 10th 2015, 4:26:57

I am sure the name will be changed soon, I reported the country cause well, marines suck...

Marines Suck


Aug 8th 2015, 8:25:20

Originally posted by justtaint:
Originally posted by mrford:
imag has more than a decade old tradition of FSing netting clans or starting stupid wars they have no chance of winning.

some people require more than a "but we have changed!" in order to shift their negative view of a clan. it is that simple.

I agree 100%.

Didn't monsters FS imag oop once? ohhh thats right, as long as its people you like its ok to fs unprepared alliances.

Marines Suck


Aug 7th 2015, 9:28:10

you can create multiple countries, its called FFA...

Marines Suck


Jul 31st 2015, 8:23:55

Originally posted by lostmonk:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
I'm only saying a woman who is determined will do it no matter what. Personally I'm in favor of giving them a safe place and making them wait a couple weeks, making sure it's not an on the spot decision, to get the procedure done. Although anything third trimester shouldn't be done unless it is absolutely necessary for the health of the mother. 20 weeks is more than enough time to make the decision. I'd rather they take the morning after pill (preventing fertilization or womb attachment) if they don't want a kid and forgot the glove.

That being said this subject is along the lines of things like gay marriage in my mind. Mostly religion based and therefor shouldn't be allowed or denied based on that.

Heston: My opinion on that is if a clinic sells the fetus the procedure should be free

And if the woman is determined to do it no matter what, that is on her, and she should pay the consequences. The slaughter of the pre-born in this country as a form of birth control is abhorrent. Pro-Choice people love to scream about it's her body she can do as she wishes...well, I bet that unborn baby wouldn't choose to be crushed and sold for parts. But I mean hey, how dare we make people be responsible for their choices.

Who cares, there is far too many people in the world as it is, the more people dead the better...

Marines Suck


Jul 29th 2015, 12:00:23

"27 people have been shot and I think they said 6+ have been killed"

You are worse than fox...

Marines Suck


Jul 29th 2015, 7:16:11

Originally posted by Heston:

Its lame cheaters get deleted?

Marines Suck


Jul 29th 2015, 4:46:45

how many bugs you people all killed this month?

Hypocrites much?

Marines Suck


Jul 28th 2015, 19:33:29

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:


Most spam tags got above 50 actually.

The tag and pass were spammed via ingame messages...

that too but also if tag had under 10 members it was seen as spamtag.

that too but since that jackass leader breeze took over, imag IS definitely on alliance's spam list.

Both of you are wrong.

My definition is the only one, and is the correct one. Stop trying to rewrite history for your own purposes...

Marines Suck


Jul 28th 2015, 1:59:13

Originally posted by Marshal:
in old game alliances below 10 members (countries) were usually considered as spamtags but today no clear definition.


Most spam tags got above 50 actually.

The tag and pass were spammed via ingame messages...

Marines Suck


Jul 28th 2015, 0:25:45

You are all idiots.

A spam tag, by its very definition is defined by one simple rule.

You give out your tag and pass freely, infact you spam it to every country in the game. Hence the term 'spam' tag...

That is the only definition of a spam tag retards.

They were common in the old game, they are not around at all anymore.