
Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 23:13:21

Also this conversation was not brought up because of double and triple taps, its the outright farming side that caused this.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 23:04:49

Lapdog, thanks nuk. Droid autotype strikes again.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 23:03:53

Also I do appreciate the dnhs to allow us to get back in the swing of things

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 23:01:47

We need new grudges to hold, if you want to be on the receiving end that's fine, continue. Or have some decency allow us to open up and get things going, and we might give you the privilege of being our laptops in a few sets.

We do hold grudges, we can net and/or war with the best of you, we can also set up a robin hood endeavor the likes of which most of you have never seen with exception to laf.

I'm not asking for friends, not asking for enemies. I'm asking for you to decide as an alliance if you'd like to be on our receiving end. Some players just want to come back to cause mayhem or sir a ruckus, itll be easy to oblige them as some don't want to play a couple peaceful sets , even more would come back.
Hopefully this clears everything up.
P.s.- laf is our new best friends, for the week anyway.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 22:52:58

Again I don't think some of you are realizing, I'm not looking for pacts, if you want to hit, fine. Just remember you reap what you sow. There will be many more tagged next set, we will be starting with everyone else

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 22:48:16

Was like 700 $ when I bought it, why did I but that model? I wanted to male my router wouldn't lag my online games. Only to lag constantly because psn sucks

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 22:46:09

qz I have
1 gateway media pc
1 vaio
1 -those fluffty laptops that dr dre advertised with built in sub?
1-sony my dash alarm clock
1-bluray player
Ps3, 360, wii
Mine and brothers phones and my iTouch all hitting wifi or hardwired, and basically everything is set up as media servers. Lots of back and forth between all the systems all through a cisco e3000? Been a few years since I bought it, whatever the top end series is. Most user friendly router I've ever seen. Still don't think I'm coming close to half potential.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 21:05:00

rockman, naive? I played in rival long enough to know I could real just about any country in 300 turns or less. Lets not go that route, we are more then capable to retal if need be. I'm not pushing anything this set, just a friendly reminder to all to not play with snakes.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 17:09:35

my gb router is worthless to me, I don't use it to its potential and my cable certainly doesn't keep up.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 17:05:32

I've always been under the impression foods capable is not the same as offered limits, meaning I don't believe a fiber potential is even offered as a plan. I'll ask big momma, fios is all she did for the last few years. She was one of the first few in nj trained for fios.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 17:01:41

Could be wrong, just what I was told.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 17:00:29

Obsolete wasn't a good word to use, as far as I was told verizon was abandoning the complete fiber network, and going fiber to wireless to save on costs involved in laying and splicing underground cables.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 16:54:38

Its actually fiber to the premise, your home would still be wired but think of the fios network as one giant router. Your home connects to the wireless fios box then that connects to the fios network. Fiber has been run in buildings long before "fios" was around. Fios was the idea of making a completley fiber network, much cheaper to just run the fiber in your home home then have it connect restlessly, similar idea as wimax if you're familiar with that.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 16:30:45

Actually fios fiber is already kind of obsolete, new installs are getting wireless fios, fiber in its current form is too expensive to install and maintain. At least as of my mother retiring from verizon fios a few months ago.

Marco Game profile


May 27th 2011, 16:18:20

And by farmers I don't mean fascists.

Wonder when some of you are gonna realize that your farming is gonna lead to your tag being raped.

Don't let 5 countries fool you, there will be more, many more. We've only been back for what? A week or 2? Lots thought it foolish to start a country this late, keep it up.

Ty to those who have offered dnhs and/or reps on or opening set. To the rest, I am keeping score.

Marco Game profile


May 23rd 2011, 1:59:29

Join rival, the more that join the more will join


Marco Game profile


May 19th 2011, 3:07:18

You guys must of missed the part where I said it needs potential to survive. I'm just trying to encourage the flow of ideas.

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 13:27:31

Cocaine will clear them sinuses right up!

Am I allowed to say that? :)

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 4:20:49

I do, I hope you realize all those hits on a 3 person tag are effecting our stance on friendships in the coming sets.

The point of that comment was to give an idea of the most outrageous policy there could be.
There would never be a lasting potential with that policy. All in context.

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 2:44:31

Wog/rival is going to make a second coming in alliance. I heard there's a rival/wog team over here

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 1:10:38

Sorry to hear.
Atm about 95% of players asked are excited to come back. The ones who tagged this set were ones wii couldnt wait.

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 1:05:00

I'm also looking for internal policies, should have made that clear.

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 1:03:45

Ty all for the advice.

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 0:58:34

Howdy cally!

Marco Game profile


May 18th 2011, 0:56:12

Honestly I'm not looking to follow the herd. I think aaggressive policies will keep mt members interested, I also would like to try and set a benchmark for others to follow. As the server grows, which it will as soon as it his fb, I want to be the trendsetter to bring new members into the family.
I know few where to find known policies, I'm looking for the policies people talk about and never put in place, aggressive but not crazy to where theta no potential.jiMi

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 22:02:00

Its time consuming finding, contacting then trying to talk people into coming back so I'm trying to get the alliance set in all other aspects while the members appear

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 21:59:47

I'm not worried about this set. Next set we will have at least 15 tagged. I'm just trying to get things in place so we aren't running blind early next set.

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 21:53:51

Sorry shini, not everyone can take the same experience and have the same feelings. However, nice to see you still around.

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 21:50:58

Ps sorry for misspelling posting from my droid

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 21:50:11

I need ideas on accepted policies for the server. I've been trying to handle incidences via insane messaging however with only 3 tagged atm I can see we are going to have to step it up a bit. Obviously the whole untagged have no rights also applies to new tags, that concept is going to quickly disappear, I'm trying to restart and I'm already getting fed up. 700 plus players in such a tightly knit community, im sure word has spread if who glory is and will be, yet not 1 break. I asked via alliance forums to be given a break to allow for our return, and the same crap that made us leave has already reared its ugly head. So for glories new fr policies give us some ideas. 1 hit defends = death. I don't care how outrageous they sound, all ideas will be considered.

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 2:02:41

You're always welcome scode.

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 1:27:13

any former players looking to comeback home, youre welcome to.
Find us on Boxcar
EEs irc #Glory
or message me ingame.

You can also find us on zigs old Rival server, not posting it here, pm me for it
We have a number looking to comeback next set :)

Edited By: Marco on May 17th 2011, 2:06:49
See Original Post

Marco Game profile


May 17th 2011, 0:08:19

You're gonna see a good one if I keep getting quad tapped

Marco Game profile


May 15th 2011, 15:30:53

how do I get em, how do I use em?

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 10:09:01

wasn't expecting to start up till next set, some people cant wait :)

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 4:01:40


President until further notice
msn -
icq - 315330318

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:58:15

Sure but look at how long it took for me to get you guys to stop killing my Oop, then even got as far as actually gaining your trust to let me in. I was one of the biggest LaF suiciders there was, no ill will meant. It was all in good fun. Old history

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:49:17

and H4, to you and Dave, like you gave me and Zig the trust and the chance to play in Laf, hopefully you can extend as much to our new tag.

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:47:42

Nah, most of the people I have so far, have completely left the Wog/Rival community. AE wasn't the game we were looking for and its not very community oriented either. It had the potential to be, but it didn't rely as heavily. Se we up and left. Plus the Wog tag was banned as far as I know for being a racial/ethnic slur.

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:27:02

That would be it, thanks Junky!

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:23:38

and I forgot what word I was aiming for so I can't fix it either.

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 3:21:18

Rockman don't let the current membership fool you, I have quite a few ready to start a country as soon as we're open. BTW I didn't mean to say truth, my cell autocorrected to the wrong word.

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 2:59:11

Yes rockman. I'm hoping that the idea of growth and truth in the community will help prevent hits. Also the realization that next set "Glory" could potentially be in the top 5. Everyone needs friends, lets start off on the right foot.

Edited By: Marco on May 14th 2011, 3:06:10
See Original Post

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 1:56:10

The clan "Glory" is now ranked within the top 20 clans.

Just a note, as of the moment there is no current pacts, no grudges no anything with any other clans. The name Glory may be changing next set, don't know if any want to tag up this set but as of next set, Glory, will be a full fledged clan. I'd recommend all to avoid hitting the Glory tag just to prevent any issues next set. We could be your best friends, your lapdog, or even the tag that tagkills you. As I said, as a favor to an old vet and a team of even older vets, avoid us. Next set we shall be fair game. We , the former members of Wog/Rival, are going to try and play again. Everyone here can agree that the game needs more activity. Here's the shot at a decent jump in membership. Give us a break until we're settled.

Edited By: Marco on May 14th 2011, 3:27:48. Reason: Removed signature
See Original Post

Marco Game profile


May 14th 2011, 0:38:20

ttt in hopes that clay or someone else with an old list will find this post

Marco Game profile


May 13th 2011, 20:00:14

martian sucks wind. He does it by first deciding he's going to suck wind. He then opens his mouth to suck the wind. A fairly complex process then takes place where his lungs esophagus mouth and nose work in unison to suck satis wind. Martian also blows sheep.