
Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 12:08:37

Originally posted by Requiem:
Helmet, you've got it wrong. Maybe when I have more time I can give you a lesson. Your 10 years means nothing in this game.

Hard to argue with such a well thought out position. Great points! I declare you the winner of this debate.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 12:01:44

Originally posted by dagga:
I like this Helmet.

Much better than Helmet circa 2002.

PS. Everything he says is right, and I've said it on other threads. MONSTERS netgain because they suck it up and know how to appease war alliances. I say 'appease' but they have the last laugh because they do what they want to do EVERY SET - NETGAIN. If your alliance doesn't have the stomach for war, then suck it up and make some concessions.

Monsters is a perfect example. I wish I had thought of that. :)

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 2:04:27

5 years at some capacity. Whoopty do. lol

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 1:55:49

My post would support itself just fine without the first paragraph. You can pretend it's not even there. I couldn't care less if there are more netters or more fighters. It doesn't matter and has no bearing on the rest of my points. Congrats on picking the most trivial part of my post to argue about. lol

Secondly, I know more about running an alliance than 95% of the people here. You may think things have changed a lot, but they haven't. They haven't changed at all from what I've seen.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 1:39:19

Ponderer: Being capable and wanting to do it are two totally different things. hehe

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 1:37:19

Noone can control this server, they can only control their behaviors. You totally missed my point.

Showing me the end of a set I didn't even play in means nothing to me. I'm speaking from my years of experience leading an alliance.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 0:54:36

I just have to laugh as I read these forums. Two of the biggest alliances in the game are war alliances. Why do you think that is? Do you think maybe that's because a large majority of the server likes to fight? That sure seems logical to me.

I don't know what you guys are crying about. You finally have a game without cheaters and now you're crying about wars in the ALLIANCE server? You've got to be kidding me.

I see this game way more black and white than a lot of you.I think there are a lot of leaders and FA's that need to pull their heads out of their asses and get a grip on reality.

If you want to netgain you usually can, but that means you're going to have to swallow your pride sometimes and for some reason that seems awfully hard for a lot of people to do. Sometimes a player or two in your alliance is going to get their round screwed or sometimes you'll have to agree to something you don't see as fair, but if want to netgain you have to pick your battles.

Whoever wants to netgain next set make me your interim FA and I'll show you how to do it. Of course you're going to have to compensate me for my services. I'll accept FA packages. :)

All wars start for one of two reasons:

1) The netgaining alliance has a prideful FA
2) Somebody is holding a grudge (which could be solved by a good FA)

BTW: You can't netgain every set in the ALLIANCE SERVER or noone will respect you. When you come to grips with that you'll enjoy the game more. You also need to quit being selfish cry babies when it's time to war and actually fight, then maybe your alliance won't look like a joke after it attacks someone (which brings me back to "you need to earn some respect sometimes")

Better yet let's all be adults and start next round with a clean slate (no grudges) for the "betterment" of the game and see what happens.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 0:27:35

I don't remember if I liked you or not. :)

Helmet Game profile


Nov 5th 2010, 10:57:34

Ah, that makes sense. I wondered why someone went in to vacation mode.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 4th 2010, 1:38:26


Helmet Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 20:28:55

Every time we ever tried to netgain we just ended up changing our mind. If you prep for war you always get what you want. :)

Helmet Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 14:14:37

I can't imagine we were fun to FS, because 90% of us had very war prepared countries.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 2:33:16


Helmet Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 20:41:19

SOF is clearly winning.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 15th 2010, 1:52:22

Hi chump, martian, Akula! I made a country. Not sure if I'm going to play it. haha we'll see how long it lasts.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 15th 2010, 1:51:52

Henrik: Hey, good to see you. It's going better than ever . I finally got my gym at home set up the way i wanted. I was hit and miss for the last few years and got out of shape. One day I just reached a point that I couldn't stand so I finally bit the bullet and bought a powertec rack, ironmaster bench, powerblocks, etc.

Besides doing some weird muscle pull in my back, I'm in the best shape of my life. I shot up about 20lbs in the last 4 months so now I'm cutting. What's new with you? How is your training going?

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 10:48:14

haha. I forgot all about them. That brings back memories.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 10:47:05

You can all go )#*$#) yourselves! ;)

I was polite sometimes. I think some people went in to conversations with me ready to battle and they got what they came looking for. I don't think I was unreasonable.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 1:53:17

Thanks for all of the info.

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 1:44:12

I'm surprised to see so many familiar names and delighted to see SOF on a top 5 list. :)

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 1:41:47

Oh, cool. Why did earth2025 shut down? Mehul Patel start losing money?

Helmet Game profile


Oct 14th 2010, 1:33:55

or something totally different? I remember when it changed to swirve, was this another change? Took me 10 minutes to even find this site.