
Dizology Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 13:43:01

All I'm going to say on this note is, If you have a GeForce 8800GT, Blizzard HATES you. Many cases of fried video cards due to limitless frame rate on the menus.

This game has proven to be extremely buggy and disappointing with an awesome single player.

No LAN makes the baby jesus cry

Dizology Game profile


Aug 8th 2010, 0:00:09

Lol popcom, I'd have to agree with that. There's more gays hiding under the woodwork than you think. One day they're all going to come out in force and take over.

Dizology Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 10:39:02

that got my girlfriend's waterworks going lol ^-^

Dizology Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 3:26:25

hmm, I don't see any objections lol

Dizology Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 12:55:24

Donny, no matter what you say. You're still funny.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 8:20:39

No matter how many times I read it, it's still funny because Donny said it

Dizology Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 14:37:34

Originally posted by Dizology:
Makes my stomach a little uneasy :)

Lol, having De Ja Vu

Dizology Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 14:35:42

.... I would have to say they look better dry and shrivelled instead of used...

Dizology Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 14:05:03

I guess this was what NBK was talking about at the end of last set. AoDT not being in the same warring condition as when the war started.

Within 12 hours of the war continuing the next set AoDT disbands.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 9:04:36

It varies from person to person and movement to movement, so to speak. We've all had ones that sink without trace, wondering if we imagined doing one. Alternatively there are those that float and won't be removed regardless of number of flushes. (These ones are known as 'Mr Bond's: "We meet again, Mr Bond.")

On average, close to the density of water, I'd say.

The actual density of water is one gram per millilitre at 4 degrees C. (not from approved source)

I don't care if you use that in your equation, the runnier the better the splatter.

I'd also like to think I would have prepared for the moment and could muster a good half kilogram at least.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 4:14:32

as insightful as this was, I still liked the idea 'if you put a turd on a treadmill'

Say we put a new motor on the treadmill so it can reach speeds of 100 km/h. There is a wall 3 metres behind the treadmill.
If I back out a log onto the treadmill while it was on, how big would the splatter be on the wall?


Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 12:16:26

That's a fair statement O.o

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 12:03:59

Originally posted by Popcom:
i dont understand cheaters...i play all games to be better then everyone else. you can hardly say you're better if you had to cheat to just keep up lol
in fact, thats the total opposite

I used to cheat but it took the fun away- straight to the point popcom

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 11:59:18

well now you mention it, there is at least 3 including myself

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 4:04:52

Oh, well if it's got sex appeal, that's a done deal right there!

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 4:03:51

Had no Idea I'd be revisiting Physics class coming here...

""With respect to what" was a question my College Physics professor always asked if you gave an answer." - I used to get that lol

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 3:55:06

Natural Born Netters.....

Makes my stomach a little uneasy :)

Dizology Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 3:50:11

Sandman, ask K4F said, it wasn't directed at you, it was the clan. Most of your clan, after such a good FS let you all down.

Popcom, my point exactly

Dizology Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 18:37:42

omg, stop complaining about how hard you reckon it would be to restart.

at one point it was 400+ vs 200. All you countries could hit our restarts at that point. We kept going.

You think your restarts don't stand a chance? Hahaha, I mean not like we were fighting an uphill battle, killing 7m net dictators with maxed weapons, medical tech SDI and high SPAL.

But killing restarts is too hard right?

Dizology Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 13:43:41

Originally posted by Donny:
we killed you over and over and over and over. until we couldn't kill anymore at all.

Yes Donny, you guys did, are you happy now?
We kept restarting, and kept the fighting... Most of your guys didn't bother restarting.

Didn't you just admit your defeat though,
"we couldn't kill anymore at all"
Isn't that the idea, denying your enemy a way of killing you? Wasn't that your strategy, as posted in this thread - you guys wanted to wall your way through the war as your tactic.

It definitely made things harder - but our strategy was better.

We were still killing 8m net countries when you couldn't kill.


Dizology Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 13:29:22

Confirmed and very successful

Edit: Typo

Dizology Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 10:31:32


just for you, I will show you just how it panned out.

Whole set

AttClan DefClan total kills
NBK aSyLuM 155867 535
aSyLuM NBK 175166 718

AoDT got 183 kills more than NBK.

NBK finished with 350
AoDT finished with 115

According to Boxcar, AoDT got 373 kills in the first 7 days.
AoDT then killed another 345 for the rest of the set.
Within the last week of the set, they killed 12 to NBK's 73 kills. (1:6 ratio)

AoDT's FS was great there is no doubt, but a war is about endurance. AoDT is claiming they win because they had NBK from the start of the war. You guys tried to call NBK dead too early and claim that you guys were netting and killing.

Well, that did you great, AoDT saved 62 of their original countries... err, netters.... because we'd already eliminated the countries that were hitting still.

If AoDT thinks they won this, they are wrong, An FS gave you the advantage all set, but I wouldn't say $1.2b net over 70 countries would beat 200m net over 350 countries. The sheer amount of turns and growing capacity would be too great.

You would all suffer the same fate as those already dead.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 11:41:54

Originally posted by mdevol:

the stats you use are laughable.

Still laughing? lol

Dizology Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 11:38:52

Yeah AoDT killed more, Yes they had a higher finish net.

What about the stats of the last 15 days

AttClan DefClan total kills
NBK aSyLuM 42959 130
aSyLuM NBK 13343 37

NBK was killing 3 to AoDT's 1 kill with the stats getting better and better.

NBK was killing countries 8, 9, 10 times their networth, buying networth just to hit, up to 12 times their original size.

AoDT had an impressive FS, but the tides of war changed. There it is, straight out for you.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 15:13:46

lol Dallas,

Seems like you got too carried away with your own point to see the point.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 14:25:48

Originally posted by Dallas:

1. nbk was already over twice the amount of kills BEHIND(w/ no way to ever catch up) and your hpk was pitiful..
2. after it was reset(as it is now numb nuts) nbk is STILL BEHIND on kills and your hpk still sucks.

You're right, there's no way we could ever catch up....

Your tag has under 100 countries out of protection.
NBK has over 300 out of protection.

If the set were another few weeks, NBK would show you how well they couldn't catch up lol

Dizology Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 14:20:10

Im sure they were above 500 on the second day into the war

Dizology Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 9:30:40

What if you looked at it from the perspective of remaining countries

NBK started with around 350,
NBK currently has around 350.
NBK has a difference of 0, with an extra 45 in protection.

AoDT started with around 550,
AoDT currently has 120.
AoDT has a difference of 430, with an extra 42 in protection.

AoDT has killed more... and killed more restarts. heck half their kills had 0 hits. However, NBK has effectively crippled to stopped AoDT's ability to restart, even with FA.

AoDT cant really hit anymore, but NBK got 18 kills today.

NBK's size doesn't limit them in their ability to keep the war going, but AoDT's does.

I think NBK are the winners

Dizology Game profile


Jul 18th 2010, 5:36:11

I'll get get on messengers when I get home :)

Dizology Game profile


Jul 18th 2010, 5:33:38

I think I still have your AIM and MSN, but I'm not at home at the moment so I don't have the programs lol.

I've been wondering where you were, Rip was telling me you were around.

Dizology Game profile


Jul 16th 2010, 14:51:17

16 is perfect.

The more countries you allow 1 player to have, as a proportion, the clans will get that much bigger. smaller clans will find it harder to compete.

Dizology Game profile


Jun 6th 2010, 16:43:54

Thank you, That is all we ask. Lets war

Dizology Game profile


Jun 6th 2010, 13:27:34


Oh well Asylum, let's see what you've got this set.

Dizology Game profile


May 31st 2010, 10:24:39


Dizology Game profile


May 29th 2010, 10:14:59

64 countries? We kill that 8 times over last set. :)

Dizology Game profile


May 21st 2010, 10:54:27

Confirmed pwnage :)