
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2017, 17:00:52

Need to rap at you about your boy, macdaddy. He just hit me and I retalled. Now I'm getting threatening messages from him. You better tighten that leash, bro.

Also, if you dont want this trash on ffat, you better actually be on irc when I go looking for you and when your members start talking me into a war. I will happily join the suiciders if this sort of in game trash needs to be dealt with.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 22nd 2017, 12:24:53


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2017, 21:12:54

WB bro. Long time

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2017, 21:11:56


I didn't know humans did either.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 18th 2017, 18:41:43

Am I allowed to say 100% jizz:jizz swap?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2017, 20:53:25

I won the race to 20k acres. Azn could not keep up. As our friendly competition is over you may all have your bots back now.

I'll be building my 12k acres at $60k for the foreseeable future. Thanks for your patience.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2017, 3:28:12

Judging by SOL's total of 0 defends this set, I'm gonna go ahead and guess this post was intended for FFAT.

Unless it is that mystical magical invisible suicider I've been hearing about...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2017, 3:22:09


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2017, 4:59:27


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 13th 2017, 2:12:09

Bropact > FDP

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2017, 7:47:41


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 8th 2017, 22:54:37


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 8th 2017, 5:38:44

I thought they only did that stuff south of windsor.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2017, 2:07:44


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2017, 16:08:46

Lol. Elders will kill you both.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2017, 15:28:03

Momma LaF said dont talk to strangers, Maki.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2017, 15:25:57

Yeah. Kind of a weird thing. Lots of people were talking about this as it happened. We all saw that his restart page double loaded and there was two countries that looked the same at the same nw with the same name. Weezy played the restart he was given.

When he died this last time, he logged in to earth expecting to restart and the identical country would just stay there. However, the game did not send him to the restart page but rather the main menu of the 2nd country.

He was not only surprised about it, but he contacted more than just me when he spoke about it. He contacted Prime, qz and about a half dozen other mods to fix the glitch, as I'm sure they can attest.

That said, can't blame the guy for playing the country the game gave him in the mean time. Weezy may be a lot of things, but he's no cheater. He went a step further than maybe I would have by contacting the game mods about it.

Could still see it getting purpled tho. Its only fair. But a mod will have to do that...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2017, 2:03:32

I vote for buch leading OMA

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2017, 2:01:21

Ironically, from a neutral perspective, I thought it was awful nice the way SoL chose not to hold too much of the mess-up by LB to LCN and say they were responsible. As selective as that may be, it's plainly out of mutual respect.

I also agree that, as with any situation, the player that got screwed a bit gets paid.

I donno. Its purely an outsiders perspective but I do feel like that situation on face value was handled proper by LB, SoL and if reps are indeed paid, by LCN and by the member who felt slighted in SoL.

Having a blanket policy does not account for intagibles such as hella respect for LB and wanting to some degree, to allow him to play the game as he chooses with respect to individual members who might feel otherwise.

I still don't understand why anyone would want anyone else to follow a blanket policy in this regard. It's better than killing a bunch of LCN netters, right?

Good job doing the right thing.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2017, 18:07:16

Dawwww.... Everyone kissed and made up.

It must have been that youve all humped sheeps with me once. Proud my humpage could bring us all together.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2017, 3:59:59

^you arent wrong.

Maybe he just meant he has proof that its weezy suiciding him?

I have proof my butthole smells like poop.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2017, 3:18:56

Proof of what? The he spy opped you? Or that he had help within our tag? (Just curious.)

But yeah. Elders doesnt condone blah blah blah. He did this on his own blah blah. Perhaps if blah blah, then blah blah. Hasnt been tagged since restarting blah blah. Hasnt been hitting for us in our blah blahs. Etc. Etc.

Just wanna know if he had halp. Lmk

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2017, 1:29:55

Gains "Wish people were up to it would gladly ab fs you retards every set."

Dissi "/me waits for Laf leaders to tell Gains to stfu before netting becomes a thing of the permanent past."

Ivan "doesnt mean that its ok to threaten people that they will never net again blah blah blah"

So Ivan. Its ok to threaten us, and thats not bullying because why? Because they suck too bad to be taken seriously or what?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2017, 5:44:56

Haha. I agree with gerdler mostly! Its a christmas miracle!

One thing i will say, you could read the entire wiki and help files and still not have a clue what we are all doing here. 20 years ago i died like a fool many sets in a row until i answered a recruitment message and another human showed me wtf was going on. It isnt a type of game that you can feel out and do alright at lol.

The only way new players get into the game is by flopping down a massive sausage and trying really hard to make a fire to cook it. Thats how RED came about afterall. But not every newb is just gonna create a country and farm bots and net well lol. Its been on us and its always been on us, as players, to create a teaching environment for the new players that actually show up every set. Because they do...

Its just hard to find those teachers. We need a tutorial mode or something....

Even war tags have a hard time finding warleaders anymore. Used to be a coveted position Most of us old fluffs just wanna run our turns and call it a day.....

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2017, 5:30:37


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2017, 14:29:09


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2017, 15:37:54

He went a long time before he started failing ops but as the servers caught up in spal, his production could meet the demands.

At the time we originally found #310, his production was such that he needed to SELL around 1100 tech points per turn taken. This was over a week ago.

Estimations for him stealing an average of 4k points thru the beginning of the set implied anywhere from 600-1000 ops at a minimum to have the money and output that he did.

If it was 600 ops at a minimum a week ago, its probably well over a thousand now. I feel like personally hes done about 6 on me based purely on nw changes when ive had tech stolen.

If he's done that many ops, he's done them to all of us a good amount of times. He had 900 spal but with the recent fails hes having and the massive builds of the warclans reaching their peak, he's got to start to feel limited.

My guess is officially around 1300-1500 commit espionage ops this set.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2017, 15:30:56

This needs updating to include SOF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 23:33:53


I blame Sigmund Freud for this vernacular discrepancy.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 19:24:55

I will farm you so bad. Lol. So bad.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 5:48:33

But yes. Laf is a fantastic place to learn when they arent in the position they are in now. Maybe even the best place to have active leaders teaching you the game and stuff. I wouldnt short sell that for a minute. But I just cant make that as a recommendation rn due to the war. Lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 17th 2017, 6:03:27
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 5:34:23

Hahaha. Nothing against LaF in terms of their ability and even willingness to teach a new player. I just don't know if its currently the best place to end up, considering the tag is mostly killed and starting there RIGHT NOW THIS SET, you likely wouldn't learn a thing and be reduced to farmland. I could see it being a wise landing zone AFTER this set, but if you were looking to join today and play this set, I'd pick somewhere else to at least get a feel for the game without being targeted by 2 of the largest clans. Which is why, for someone joining today or even within the next month, I wouldn't do LaF. Not a stab on your ability to net or teach at all. There were dozens of sets in the last set several years that it was obviously the place to learn. This is not that set.

Being versatile is clearly the way to being good. Being a great war dog comes with having some solid netting skills. Right now, laf is not netting and they are not in a position to help someone make a stong build. You'd likely be teaching the oop missiler strat which hardly has any application now that restarts are much larger but is still ideal for a midset startup in a war. I truthfully just dont want to end up farming this dude out of the game. Haha

You did your due diligence listing the other clans tho.

Gerdler is right about a number of things.

First off, i think LCN could compete with Monsters in that sort of helpful active players that net way. LB is a beast. I just couldnt be sure of the other clans listed willingness to actively help a new player.

Rage is actually also a decent choice. They brought home a few oldies but goodies and still have an active role in the politics of the game, despite their recent tree-huggary. By no means is that a bad place to end up.

But just in terms of someone giving the game their first go, I'd avoid the clans that are currently at war on a part that is getting smashed.

Current war is Elders/Sol vs Laf/stones/oma/red/imagnum.

Realistically i'd wait until next set to join any of them. If you really wanted to kill, best choice for now to enter the fray immediately would be Elders and I say that only because they arent getting hit so you could try some stuff out without having to worry about being smashed. The other 6 clans are either half dead or all dead. Just bad timing imo. I wouldnt dare say elders has the best teachers lol.

So i guess i'd pick between MONSTERS, LCN or RAGE if I were trying to be unbiased and tell him the best place to start TODAY.

Trouble is when the new set starts, my recommendations would likely change entirely. Just politics and dynamics haha.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 17th 2017, 5:45:04
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 5:16:20

I named my team country Child Molesting Robot after you. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 3:13:13

You should stop molesting children, Ivan. For obvious reasons.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 2:07:58

^he's not incorrect at all. Learning to net well will only further your ability to war. An unfortunate fact. Lol. But war clans can always help someone dive head first into the social atmosphere of the game. You just wont learn to play a great country as well. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 1:27:08

Eh, if you want it you can have it. Ill take the armpit instead

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 1:23:44

Depends on what you like to do with your gaming experience totally. Basically I think, as with any game, there are two types of players. People who play to make the best country so they can win first place, and people who kill trying to have fun at the expense of others. Personally I'm a thoroghbred killer and if you look at other posts here you'll see I troll a fair amount. In my opinion, warring and walling are the best parts of this game. Its very socially interactive wheras netting can take very little time each day depending on how committed to the 1st place finish you are.

A good war country will wake up in the middle of the night, maybe even stop tapping the old lady to wall on a moments notice and will also be available a lot to hit. Its very laborous at times but if you are active you can make a name for yourself instantly. Redneck of LaF was not particularly known to me until this set when he was super active and hard to kill. Now we all know his name.

If you are looking to war and meet a lot of people in this game, Elders is a no brainer choice. They (we) constantly stir the pot and are active enough to teach a basic war strat. Our strength is based on our ability to stonewall which is rivaled basically by no one. I could walk you thru a basic country and how to stay alive and you'd be on your feet in no time.

If you wanted to learn some more about basic strategies and try to get a stronger comprehension of the math of the game by netting for a few sets, I think MONSTERS is the obvious choice. Getafix is a very active, extremely talented netter who is more than willing to help you out. Commandos of MONSTERS is also very active and very helpful. Those dudes know their builds and market very well and could easily walk a new player into a top 50 finish. Perhaps top 20. As a bonus, they rarely stir the pot and defend themselves well, so you may be able to go whole resets without so much as a hit against you.

But, more or less, it comes down to how you want to spend your time in this game. Do you want to be a killer or a netter? Thats the main choice you have to make. Most people in this game have at least 10 years under their belt as it is an old game. So yeah, red pill or blue pill?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2017, 0:47:13

Gave birth to Ivan?

He totally shouldda just been a blowy.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2017, 23:08:21

You realize i lost to rd for like 3 years right? Statement couldnt be further from the truth

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2017, 19:40:31

Oh so theres more hits coming? How many? Like 25? I figured you guys were oot already lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2017, 19:36:21

Lol @ the 17 hit FS. Nice.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2017, 17:41:05

Yeah. I really just wanted a hug, but no one will hug me.

I love that what red can do run me landfarm without the hitting me back. More like, talky on at a lot more than we build defense and hit back.

What is supposed to be "netting" if you only are lafdog millionaires?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2017, 17:31:23




DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2017, 0:58:02

We are the angry little kids of the server.

Cept we really angry old tired men.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2017, 0:56:38

Oh yeah. Since the war started, ive been getting many failed ops on spy news from both laf and elders.

Shame guys. Shame. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2017, 18:59:07

Haha. We killed sol 2 sets ago. We just happened to want to kill the same countries this set. Sometimes you have to share.

Zygo...real response for you

The only active clans i dont have a recent memory of killing are rage and lcn. Sol was an enemy up until recently i think. Defo the first time ive warred with sol as allies. But yeah, i think it had more to do with us wanting a piece of the same action and resolving to work together rather than step on each others toes. You know, after decades of this game we all know each other. There are members of laf who literally know my girlfriend's full name. It isnt hard to contact a former ICNer about wanting to kill the same target this set for us. The dynamic of the server was pretty obvious to anyone paying attention. We didnt even have to ask who sol was targeting, we just asked when and where. The rest was too obvious.

If sol wanted to kill laf and red and oma, they could have easily by themselves. Theyre ballooned from mds absence. They didnt need us to kill but had stones in mind too so we just worked to add a couple other clans in and make numbers more even-ish. And while i understand adding small tags doesnt truly even it up, there wasnt any other big tags to add.

And elders would have happily killed laf solo. Its sort of ironic that someone would imply that sol told us to hit laf. I think everyone could at least agree that we probably dont need any convincing to hit them lol.

Maybe we are the assholes of the server, but we have killed over single hits before. Probably will again.

Gerdler died because he retalled a mistyped war hit from our side on another server.

And we do that, because its fun, and we enjoy it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2017, 18:34:27

Yeah buch is right. You think too much.

Confirmed very little thought was put in.

But i did come here to see if anyone was gonna kill #310. Pretty funny hes still alive.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2017, 17:23:28

Hahaha. You know it.