
BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 8th 2014, 13:31:28

Also, how do i change my default forum handle? :(

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 7th 2014, 19:08:34

Sorry - multiple handles.. don't know how to make this one my default.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 7th 2014, 19:07:47

I wouldn't call myself ancient.. I have played off and on since high school, which was about 15 years ago.. but never more than a year straight.

Express is a lot of fun, keeping me interested longer than I anticipated!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 0:14:37

15th.. Ill take it

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 20:23:00

Thanks for the feedback, all-x rep chaser is just too boring.. at least on this server!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 19:06:24

Yes that is a fair point! Keeping people on the site is a good thing.

I am just picturing a scenario where an attacker is either too lazy to calculate it or doesn't estimate the level correctly leading to a DH. The level being present just takes a little guesswork out, that's all.

Like I said, no biggie!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 18:59:15


I'm back playing express after a long break, and I like that every spyop I do gets saved, good feature!

My criticism would be that it reveals what your tech levels are. I don't like someone being able to spy me as a Dictator or a Republic and seeing exactly what my weapons tech % is. I know you can go to eestats and figure it out easily enough, but having the % available right there seems a little too convenient. Maybe someone is in a rush and the extra 20 seconds it takes to calc it deters them from attacking my country!

No biggie, just my opinion!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 14:55:05

This probably doesn't warrant its own thread.. i'm new to casher though and after spying other cashers that share my government type I got concerned. I have a lot more tech than the 5 or 6 people I spied. Is it not the goal to max tech as early as possible? Or is it just a risk/reward type situation where the people with lower tech levels are probably less likely to be hit because their military is bigger?

Basically I guess I am asking 2 things:

1) Does the short week have a factor in how much tech to get? Or should I always strive for max tech levels as early as possible (-side note, ill check the wiki but is it 175% for bus/res for non demo/commie?)

2) why does anyone run this boring strat in express?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 3rd 2014, 14:44:31

to clarify, please don't shoot your buddies.

I have nothing else to add, except congrats on the draw! Lottery?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:45:15


I have a lot of in-game interactions.. I message everyone I LG and everyone that LG's me.. and sometimes i message people just because of their country names. Its fun, although I message so many people and sometimes when I'm drunk, i wish there was a way to track the correspondence.

I got a good laugh out of the message from the guy who ran the Eskimo HQ country last week.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 19:18:01

It wasn't you, but I don't doubt you!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:51:06

Well, I got some good in-game advice from someone who shared their forum name with me so i figured i'd check out a few threads instead of mindlessly just posing for my bonus once per week.

I will also add that the person i'm referring to has a good attitude toward new players (which he half-mistook me for, not his fault, because although not new, i'm not very good, either!)


BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 18:38:13

Find your own fun!

For me, the fun of this game is the people who can respond with humor to my in-game messages, usually after I get land-grabbed.

That, and looking at countries on eestats and finding the exact moment when someone who's been LG'd to hell and back finally snaps and blows all their turns in a fit of rage and vengeance.. makes me legit lol.

Not that my opinion matters to many of you, I'm sure, but I couldn't care less who wins, loses, gets deleted, champions fair play, or suicides randomly.

Seems to me the game (and i'm referring to Express because that's where my limited experience lays) is kind of like Russian Roulette. If you get boned one week, make another country the following week and try again. What's the big deal? I am certain everyone has other things going on in their lives outside the game, right?

Perspective, folks!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Oct 2nd 2014, 13:05:01

This is my bonus post you nerds.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 26th 2014, 14:51:09


BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 19:13:19

Originally posted by Frybert:
Wow, thats a really...sad retal.


BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 19:12:57


BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 12th 2014, 17:28:00

So after a few years removed from a game I was never that great at to begin with, I have a question, specifically relating to this week's express:

Should I really be stocking bushels with the average price floating around $50? Or stocking cash (and risking a LG/retal) just under $2b and slowly just spend enough to run my turns so as to avoid corruption?

I don't feel right about buying food from the greedy farmers.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 18:26:16

I have no access except for the old retired bums forum and i dunno how many of you dudes have access to that so I just wanted to come here and say hello!

Carry on!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 13:07:46

either way, no hard feelings!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 13:07:35

WhatEver (#34) was that you? That guy hit me 7 times me so I ruined him.

Also, do explore rates drop at the same acreage as they always have?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 12:52:54

Cable did I retal you? I played a half-focused commie indy last week

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 12:52:14

How about turns? Last time I played it was 18hr = 6 turn bonus, 12hr = 3 turn bonus

That seems to have changed as well.. just logged in after 12 hours and got 6 turns, is this just a primary server thing?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2014, 1:30:38

Hi kingme.. assuming same kingme from years ago. I'm also back for first time in probably 2 yrs.. I used to run tyranny tech and land top 10 somewhat consistently.. but that was with good allies.. guess that got removed. I play mostly on phone.. hard to browse other new changes since I last played.. any cliff notes? Also.. please forgive typos ☺