Mar 25th 2014, 2:36:54
1. You won't need Assembly Language.
2. C++ is great, because it is a commonly used cross-platform language between iOS and Android. The difficulty is that c++ is not native to either platform, so community information from Java to C++, or Objective-C to C++ are fairly "painful" - you have to write class wrappers to pass information between 2 languages.
3. If it's just Android though, using native Java might be better.
4. Any book targeted at beginners will work.
5. Google for everything else you encounter. There are lots of "Hello World" tutorials out there, if you can get this to work, slowly adding a menu button, then performing a scene transition etc, shouldn't be too hard. But you might want to choose what engine to use first, eg, Unity, Cocos2dX or otherwise.