
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 12th 2020, 20:53:39

PhilAbundance is not a bail fund folks, nor a reeducation camp, tho I feel like Q people like yourself could use some help crawling out of the rabbit hole. We're actually raising money to feed hungry families. 10k and counting. Because honestly greater than 80% of us all vote blue and actually voted less for Biden than Hillary. We kind of have the ability to ignore y'all and troll you and make T shirts for charity should you stop by and make an ass of yourself with a convicted pedophile from Jersey. Thanks for bringing him here btw. There aren't as many pizza places as there used to be. Maybe lawn and gardening centers are the new pizza spots for pedos.

It's good the city pushes back by raising money for hungry families while we continue making dope Ts that say Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia and Lawn and Order. Hopefully we can raise over 50k, and actually help families on the verge of starvation and eviction from this pandemic, because it looks like this lame duck isn't gonna do anything to help them.

We'll be lucky if trump comes back from mar-a-lago after Christmas. He seems done governing and focusing on litigating an election he lost.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 12th 2020, 20:56:17
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