
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 27th 2019, 19:09:47

I am pretty sure I would like to play war sets as well as netting sets in the future. The difference will be that the war sets will be planned and not forced upon me.

Neither LaF, Monsters, Omega or any other netting tag has ever forced a warring tag to netgain and its beyond our power to do so. This is a great disparity between netters and warring tags which they have abused as long as I played this game. With what I can see this disparity would be harder to exploit and wars would be more matched in terms of preparation. Both the warrer and the netter in me think this is a good thing as evenly matched wars are more fun.

As for the suiciders last set on LaF its not SoFs fault but it was possibly SoF members and I say that because of the pacts several of the suiciders had with SoF countries as we spied them during the set to guage their threat level. Its rather unlikely that this comes from SoF leadership tho and more likely that its lower level members, perhaps the same SoF members that act as cheerleaders here on AT when the suicides happen.
Every alliance has idiots in it tho. We had to deal with ~six suiciders last set with only two of them having alliances with SoF that we could find, and these pact could have been there for other reasons than FAing the suiciders to deal more dmg as well.

But those ops are shared between all LaF members and also our allies, and you can believe it's the talk of our war channel and discord for a day when our members see that our suicider is allied to SoF who we just warred the set before.