
raz Game profile

EE Patron

May 1st 2019, 15:08:39

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by raz:
Originally posted by Primeval:
I'm a little surprised that someone with the level of game knowledge of SV doesn't seem to know what we're even talking about.

Here's a little help for one method:

The profile of Swedish Viper is open so we can see that he is #156 in defends at 30,646 as of this post. Let's add one more note on my legal pad here and mark that he is also #35 in attacks at 129,403. Now, hypothetically lets say you hide your profile right this minute and decide to create a solo tag to suicide someone. I don't even know if you are playing or what your countries are right now, by the way, but for the sake of this argument lets say that you are playing and nobody knows what your countries are named. Do you think you are completely hidden? Let's take it a step further - Your profile stays hidden for the remainder of this round, the round ends and restarts, and you decide to create a solo tag with the intention of suiciding on someone. Do you think you are still hidden?

Jeezus people. I don't even find this stuff out for myself over half the time. Someone else much better at watching the stats typically fills me in on what is happening with FFA's village idiots.

So I guess Hawk just guessed right on the string of "said player"? SMH...The theory makes sense but not in this case, I mean he just randomly guessed a string of numbers between 1700-2700?!? lol

Game Mods revealing information of players, now that is ethical. I wonder what else is being shared (which is far more scary then country numbers).

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Hell, this option of going all out just to ruin it for someone else seems kinda kindergartnerish, perhaps it should be a policy that anyone caught doing that should serve a one year suspension until they've matured enough to try again.

Cerb, if you only knew what Hawk has been up to the past several years. He enjoys suiciding/attacking netters then letting others take credit (i.e bomber).

Still not me though, ;)

Nowhere did Prime give out player info that isn't public knowledge.... Anyone can go find that info.

First I never said Prime did (insinuated, maybe but I never said Prime) :o)

Second, please show me where anyone can get that information.

Hey - If I am off my rocker here, I have no issues admitting I am wrong and apologizing. Everyone keeps stating its so obvious and easy to find well explain it.

Edited By: raz on May 1st 2019, 15:15:55
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Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.