
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 10th 2016, 0:00:05

Reddit is full of butthurt scrubs on a good day. :p

As a complete outsider, I thought both candidates weren't great. I was upset Bernie wasn't on the ticket with Clinton and upset that the Republicans couldn't come up with someone better than Trump to champion the populist message. The election degraded into name calling and scandal wrangling. It was disgusting to watch. I'm glad it's over.

But forget about Trump, what really worries me for your country is the impact this has on the supreme court and other judicial appointments. The US is going to do a hard turn to the right. Probably not in the fiscally conservative, small government ways that would be an improvement... but rather trying to legislate or litigate away unwholesome things like abortions, gay marriage, stem cell research, etc. That'll be good fodder for the masses while the piggy bank is raided and regulations are eroded away.

I don't think Trump himself will be the end of the world but the era of governance that his win will usher in will be exceedingly bad for the US.

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