
Taveren Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 8:27:51

I recently came in to possession of a spread sheet containing boxcar member reports for LCN, MD, Paradigm, and Rage. The user that shared the document with me claims that it originated in RD. Here's a redacted copy of the spreadsheet:

Matching members to country numbers can have tactical value but the spreadsheet I recieved also contained the personal email and phone numbers for a number of users. While most users probably accept that information posted on boxcar will be shared, I find it a little unsettling that someone is collecting and recording this information. The exsistence of this spreadsheet became a source of concern for MD's head team and it became pertinent to figure out how this information had been accessed and duplicated.

We started by looking at the most recent 'LastVisit' since the most recent time stamp is likely when the report was copied. In MD's case, the most recent 'LastVisit' on this report was made by Y-NoT on Oct 15/13 6:54 PM. MD's head team found this strange as Y-NoT has been a long time member of MD and sharing this kind of information outside the alliance seemed extremely out of character. After looking in to boxcar's logs we discovered that Y-Not had logged in from the IP address on Oct 15, 2013 5:27 PM. This IP address appeared in no other place in his login history but was also used to log in to a few other MD accounts one time.

Our concerns and the spreadsheet were shared with the other affected alliances so they could also track down their leaks. Using the same process LCN determined that Spitzy's activity was condusive of copying the report while Paradigm came to the same conclusion about Hutch. Their login activity was looked in to and both users appeared to have logged in from Similar to Y-Not, the IP wasn't found anywhere else in their activity.

MD, LCN, and Paradigm have no way to prove that this spreadsheet was put together by RD or that RD used other users' login credentials to obtain information from other alliances but the common IP address - appears on Pang's list and is also very similar to the address associated with Mr. Azure.

Deleting an entire alliance due to the actions of a few leaders is a severe punishment, especially when many members may be innocent, but those members still benefited from immorally obtained information. Those members deserve to be angry but so do the people who had their logins used and their personal information collected and stored. The collection of names, emails, phone numbers, and passwords has the potential to do real harm to real people. I ask that alliances check their logs for and I doubt LCN, MD, PDM, and Rage were the only alliances affected.

Edited By: Taveren on Nov 1st 2013, 22:33:38
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