
TAN Game profile


Feb 12th 2012, 15:30:58

Originally posted by dagga:
No TAN. You are wrong. Mehul Patel made this game for free. You are right, it is now pangaeas game because he copied it, provides a server for it and enjoys being God moreso than his desire to actually improve it.

Do you really think it would take more than 2 weeks of setting up this game on another server, with the same codes and the same look and feel? If it costs more than 2K a year to run and host I'd be mightily surprised. I'd do a nude lap around qz's lounge room.

The game is 12 years old and thats how it continues to be. It is a farce that someone as self-centered, biased and off kilter with the community continues to rate as the games highest priority a bunch of suiciders that hit his own alliance. He sits quiet while his old alliance destroys the very foundation of the games most important server.

Its a f-ing joke really.

Then go create Earth: Empirez and stfu.

He didn't copy the code - the code it was originally written in, from what I understand, was fluffing horrible, which was what made updating the game take so long and become so arduous.

From what I understand, the code was pretty much rewritten.

I may not see eye-to-eye with the Admins all the time, but goddamnit, they are keeping this game up and running from their own pockets.

Remember that although this game might be FREE FOR YOU, it's NOT for them.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 12th 2012, 15:55:43
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