
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 2nd 2011, 3:37:02

Hi all,

I want to quickly describe a new feature we've added: saving spyops within your country. These ops can be found by visiting the "Review Saved Country Spy Operation Results" link on the Spy Center page.

The most recent successful country spyop is automatically saved for each country you op. After 72hrs, it is removed from the system. If you want to keep it longer you can select to save it (clicking the disk icon) and if you want to delete it early, you can do so as well.

This change is mainly for solo servers (which don't have the option to upload ops to hosting sites) and has no impact on the auto-uploading flow for clan servers. For FFA servers, you can view ops all your countries have made from any of your countries on that server. Only the country which made the op can save or delete the op.

Other misc updates:
- Added "additional revenue generated" to Cash page
- Added max tech level to tool-tip text on Research page -- mouse over your current tech percent and it shows max tech level for your current gov
- Added current land and unbuilt acres to the Explore page
- Added the amount of spies and Spy tech percentage to the Spy Center
- Added oil on hand & number of units it can support to the Military page

Edited By: Pang on Nov 2nd 2011, 3:39:09
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