
Jiman Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 20:22:19

Thanks for the reply Derrick, here is my reply to you.

To make my point crystal clear. I don't care who wars who. I for one love war and think netting clans, us included, need to suck it up.
I have no issue with what is occurring personally at all. The effects of the constant harsh wars that does not give players a chance to recuperate and learn is what will hinder population increase. As you said, a newb dies right away they will be put off by the game. I do think Alliance is not the first server a player should play on... but the as hanlong said, what is occuring right now is making the game pretty toxic.

Netters are forced to war, but warrers are never forced to net.
It may seem like all we are trying to accomplish through this chat is idea's to protect netting alliances and yes in a sense it is. Without an strong economy that is provided by netters, how can war alliances benifit? Without the player base and politics that netters provide, how can war alliances continue to have such a deverse game?
Everything we are talking about here is for both war alliances and netting alliances. Everyone needs to realize this.

In any case, if we created a universal governing body for the server it would turn out like TIL.
Only if there is not a universal agreement. The more alliances that do not want to attempt a 'governing body' (which will likely collaspe when people get corrupted and want to do there own thing) the harder this will be to create. Its not really a governing body though, but a unified agreement... which I guess the only way it could be accomplished would be through a governing body with representives from multiple alliances as well as a few dedicated to the cause alone.

If it did come together it would nearly eliminate wars altogether creating a bad environment for the warmonger.

The point of it would not be to create peace. The point of it would be to give breathing room for netting alliances, and try to have warring alliances play with each other... but also have alliances given the ability to defend themselves.

The point of this would not be to change the packs that alliances currently have for one another, it would just change the intentions of aggressive behavior and attempt to put a halt to the constant revenge wars... to basicly control the flood before its too late.

I think of that as the exact opposite of what we have now. Perhaps you could say have those who want to sign a universal pact that reads:

-Our clan hereby invalidates any pact with any clan who wars without proper cause.

-Proper cause is not limited to, but at the very least includes one or more of the following:
More than 3 hits in 72 hours on any country/tag without agreed resolution
Disputed policy
Retribution for past indiscretions

As I type that I already imagine people abusing it. I don't know.......rock and a hard place I guess.

It wouldn't be so cut and dry like this.
You can not just force polocies that could be broken my random members.
Its about trying to adjust war intentions of warring alliances.
It would also be about netting alliances and their grabbing intentions.

BOTH are causes of war.

I could go into GREAT detail of different idea's that could follow. Maybe the governing body would be an alliance themselves, that would kind of act like a real "GDI". This GDI would only use EXPLORE to grow land, to avoid hitting mistakes.
Maybe they would act as a type of deterrent. Their actions controlled by the governing body.

Again, random ideas. I see many flaws. Many points that people could be corrupted.

The only point of this is that we at least try.

Edited By: Jiman on Jul 9th 2011, 19:48:26. Reason: spelling grammar
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