
Fooglmog Game profile


Feb 7th 2011, 18:54:03

I'll agree with most of that mrford.

I wouldn't call the Helicopter Carrier debate a mess. It's a serious political issue, and they dealt with it. One of those ships is already in service, and the second is due to be commissioned in March.

You're absolutely right about the aegis system. They have six aegis destroyers in service... and two of them are brand new. Those new ships have got some serious balls on them.

Where the Japanese Navy really excels, though, is in ASW. They have the best platforms in the world for that.

And the fact that they have no aspirations of building real carriers means that they've invested a good chunk of money in surface-to-surface capabilities too.

You're right about unrep though... and their fleet composition means that they lack the capabilities that are inherent to other similarly sized navies. But if they went toe-to-toe with the French, British or Chinese fleets, I'd be a lot happier sitting on a Japanese ship than on the other side.

*** *** ***

Japan is a close ally of the United States -- and considers China to be their largest threat. Frankly, Japan is more likely to end up at war with China than the US is.

Guy with no clue.

Edited By: Fooglmog on Feb 7th 2011, 18:56:23
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