
NukEvil Game profile


Feb 7th 2011, 17:05:59

Originally posted by iNouda:
I find it amazing how you people could think the intentional massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians was justified just to "finish off" a nearly finished army. Could the Japanese have carried the effort after their land army, airforce and naval forces were severely decimated by their continuous losses? Probably not. Japan was already in peace talks with Soviets. Given time they would have eventually extended the same offer to the US.

Nukes. Nice to see that after 60+ years American mindsets still haven't changed. Massacre of innocents = just a means to an end = good for ol' America. With such a blatant hypocritical mindset do you still wonder why a significant part of the world loathes the US?

"We can have thousands of nukes and use them whenever we want (and we have in the past and won't hesitate to use them again) but you can't have even 1 because you're far more dangerous than us" Lolwut?

9/11 is a drop in the ocean compared to the systematic genocide inflicted upon the Japanese.

You are absolutely correct. The use of those atomic bombs was way over the line for the Japanese. Even after brutally killing tens of millions of innocent civilians in the countries they conquered, raping the women before/after taking them away from their homelands, treating POWs like they weren't human (treating them worse than the civilians in the countries they destroyed, by using them for biological experiments and torture), attacking other countries' military assets without provocation (which kinda forced us to declare war on them and Germany in the first place).

And all that was before the Japanese started losing the war. You know, where the Japanese resorted to cannibalism of POWs, mass-suicides, kamikaze attacks, and mass-killings of POWs (and civilians). Ooh, remember the times they would herd hundreds of POWs into bunker chambers, douse them with airplane fuel, set them on fire, and watch as they were burnt to death? That was mostly due to an order that went out telling the Japanese soldiers to kill the POWs in any way they could before the Allies could get to them.

And yeah, there's the reason that American lives were worth more than the lives of the Japanese back then. Why waste all that time and American lives when you could just make a couple Japanese cities disappear, while achieving the same ultimate objective?

Edited By: NukEvil on Feb 7th 2011, 17:08:12
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